Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 180: When you leave, I jump off the building

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On the other side, Father Ou and Mrs. Ou arrived at the Dean's Office. Uncle Liu pointed to the sofa next to him and said, "Yazhu, Lao Ou, sit down, let's talk."

Mrs. Ou and his father sat down, and Mrs. Ou directly opened the door and said: "Lao Liu, you asked us to come, is it related to Yiyi's condition?"

Old Liu's face was a little serious, he said: "Yazhu, calling you here today is indeed related to Yiyi. The accident in Yiyi is more serious than I thought. The little nephew can be born intact, it can be said that A medical miracle, but her situation is not optimistic. She has many broken bones and many organs have been cracked. The main thing is that there is a congestion in her brain. If she ca n’t disperse, even if she wakes up, etc. The blood clot presses on the nerves and she may be blind in the future. "

Mrs. Ou instantly felt that the blood was all over her body, her hands and feet were cold.

"Old Liu, are you kidding me?" Mrs. Ou laughed worse than crying, "This joke is not funny at all."

Uncle Liu smiled helplessly: "Yazhu, I also hope that I am actually a joke, but we have known for so many years, you should know that I will not make jokes about this kind of thing."

After all, Mrs. Ou had experienced things. Although she was sad, she quickly calmed down.

"Old Liu, you honestly told me, how high is Yiyi's blindness rate? If she is really blind, is there any possibility of cure?" Mrs. Ou said.

Uncle Liu said: "If the blood clots in the brain can be dispersed, she will not be blind, otherwise she will be blind. If she wants to be cured, she can only change the cornea, but from a population of so many billions, she can find a pair of corneas that can fit. not easy."

Mrs. Ou grabbed the core of the question and said directly: "Lao Liu, our Ou family has money. No matter how much money we spend and how many contacts we use, we will find Yi Yi to find the cornea that matches her. I just want to ask her Can't the blood clot in the brain be removed by surgery? "

Uncle Liu shook his head and said: "The blood clot in her brain is pressing too much nerves. If mandatory surgery is performed, Yiyi will be very dangerous and can only wait for it to disperse or move away a little."

Mrs. Ou only felt that her hands were cold.

If Yao Yiyi is really blind, it may be a matter of a lifetime. After all, the cornea is not so easy to find. Some people are lucky and ca n’t find it in a few years, but some people are not so lucky, even if they are rich at home. , Spent countless money still can not restore the light.

She didn't dare to imagine how fatal a blow Yao Yiyi would have been to her after she was blind.

"Old Liu, you are the dean of the Municipal People's Hospital and the authority of the medical profession. You must have a way to save her, right?" Mrs. Ou looked at him expectantly.

Uncle Liu smiled bitterly and said, "Yazhu, I am not a god, nor Hua Tuo is alive. I am the authority of the medical profession. I can save people who can save lives. Yiyi is too bad. If you can wake up, you can only listen to your destiny. Do n’t blame me for speaking badly. Even if there is a way, I ca n’t let her do that. I think you are still a little bit prepared. ”

Mrs. Ou could not help crying, it was a very depressive cry, her shoulders were shaking.

Father Ou hugged people into his arms and said warmly: "Good, don't cry, this is just the worst plan that old Liu said. Isn't Yiyi not in trouble yet? The world is so big, there are a lot of clever medical skills, always Find someone to heal her. "

Although Father Ou said this, everyone knows that Yao Yiyi is running out of time. If she can't wake up within 48 hours, she may become a vegetative, and in more serious cases, her breathing will stop.

Mrs. Ou still cried, and Ou had no choice but to look at Uncle Liu and said, "Old Liu, Yiyi will please you, no matter what, we will not let her have an accident."

Lao Liu laughed suddenly, but the laughter sounded a little dry, he said: "Lao Ou, Ya Zhu, don't do this, we don't like this one, and our hospital will do its best to treat it. . "

Father Ou said very sincerely: "Old Liu, I would like to say thank you first. Wait for Yiyi to be really good. I will set up a good dinner on the table and treat you well."

Uncle Liu was amused by him, and the atmosphere was not as dignified as before.

He said: "Old Europe, if we still come to this set, it would be empty."

Father Ou just smiled.

Mrs. Ou came out of Father Ou's arms and suddenly asked about Yang Kexin's situation.

After listening to it, Uncle Liu said angrily: "I think the daughter of the Yang family is simply self-abuse, tossing, committing suicide, hunger strike, and the doctors and nurses in the hospital are helpless to her. If I could not drive the patient away from opening the hospital, I really wanted two doctors to throw her out. I have n’t seen such an uncooperative patient for many years after I have been a doctor. I think people are more accurate. I do n’t agree with Qingheng being with her. Sure enough, it ’s really been a long time ago. If Qingheng really wants to marry her, I ’m afraid the Ou family is a chicken dog. ”

Mrs. Ou and Ou's face are not particularly good-looking.

Their husband and wife have a bad complexion, and Ou Qingheng on the other side is also full of helplessness and irritability.

When he first arrived in the ward, Yang Kexin, who was weak on the hospital bed, was excited, struggling to get out of bed.

Her move really terrified Mrs. Yang and Yang's father.

Mrs. Yang said: "My little ancestor, you really want your mother's life, don't make trouble ... Ou Qingheng, you are not coming quickly, do you want her to toss something wrong? . "

Ou Qingheng looked at such a noisy Yang Kexin, and suddenly felt as if he was a stranger. The well-behaved, sweet-mouthed and occasionally little girl he knew before seemed to have completely ran away from his life. , Makes him feel very strange.

Mrs. Yang said angrily: "Ou Qingheng, you're not here yet, you really want Kexin to die."

Ou Qingheng still stood on the spot, he was not a stunned boy, or a donkey kid who had just come out of society. He was in charge of the economic lifeline of tens of millions of people in the Ou Group, and his work was resolute. It's easy to compromise.

Father Yang looked at this farce and suddenly sighed. He said wearily, "Qing Heng, look at Kexin, you are always affectionate to her, even if it is not love, but she and you have known each other since childhood. You can't bear to see her having trouble with the sentiments of the sweetheart. "

Ou Qingheng walked over.

Yang Kexin finally struggled.

She looked up and looked at Ou Qingheng indifferently, and said, "Heng, you are here, I know I am still the most important in your heart."

Ou Qingheng frowned, but still patiently said: "I have been busy these two days, so I didn't have time to come to the hospital to see you."

Yang Kexin raised his head and said, "Heng, I understand that you are busy at work, but I really miss you, and I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have committed suicide by cutting my wrist. I just couldn't see you and Yao Yiyi being close, I Calling you, Yao Yiyi intentionally said something mad at me over there. I took it seriously. I did stupid things when my brain was hot. I feel terrified after thinking about it. Do n’t be mad at me. , Don't ignore me, I really love you so much. "

Ou Qingheng felt irritable.

He pushed away Yang Kexin and said coldly: "Keexin, I think you are recovering well, not as badly as Aunt Yang said, I am also relieved, I have something to go first, when I am busy, I will definitely visit you. "

Yang Ke was anxious, but he still had a needle in his hand, and he embraced Ou Qingheng with one hand, and the needle on her arm also returned to blood. Mrs. Yang saw her, and held her anxiously, saying, "Ke Xin, you Don't do this, it's all blood back, calm down, Mom promises that Ou Qingheng won't leave. "

After Yang Ke calmed down, Mrs. Yang said angrily: "Zhen Guo, you don't cry to find a nurse."

Father Yang went out and followed two nurses behind him.

The two nurses may have been disheartened by Yang Ke, so they were reluctant when they came in, but when they came in front of the people, they regained their official and official expressions. After all, Yang's family is not good. They did not dare to offend people and lose their jobs because of their own likes and dislikes.

Now that the job is not easy to find, it is better not to offend the offender if you can offend the offender.

The nurse pierced the needle for Yang Kexin again and said, "Miss Yang, be careful, don't mess up anymore."

After talking, the nurse went out.

Yang Kexin leaned on the head of the bed and said, "Heng, sit down, the two of us will talk."

Ou Qingheng just stood.

Yang Kexin looked at Mrs. Yang with some pity, and Mrs. Yang's attitude softened, saying: "Qingheng, auntie begs you, talk to Kexin."

Ou Qingheng pursed his lips, the whole person didn't know what he was thinking, and finally he sat down.

Yang Kexin said palely to Mrs. Yang: "Mom, can you and Dad go out? I want to talk to Heng."

Mrs. Yang nodded and called Shang Yang out.

Yang Ke looked at Ou Qingheng obsessively and said, "Heng, can you sit closer to me?"

Ou Qingheng still sat in the original position.

Yang Kexin looked at him and said weakly: "Heng, are you blaming me? I didn't intentionally use suicide to put pressure on you. At that time, when I thought of you being intimate with other women, I felt very uncomfortable and mentally I did the wrong thing when I was hot. You forgive me this time. I wo n’t dare again in the future. If my mother embarrasses you because of my accident, I apologize to her. I promise, that is definitely not mine. meaning."

Ou Qingheng was silent, his eyes terrifying.

Yang Kexin is actually even weaker.

"Heng, don't be angry, I apologize, I promise I won't do stupid things anymore, you forgive me this time, don't stop talking to me, I'm scared." Yang Kexin said.

Ou Qingheng looked at her momentarily, her sharp eyes seemed to see through the heart.

Yang Kexin couldn't help blinking in his eyes.

"Heng, what's the matter with you? Why do you look at me so much?" Yang Kexin avoided his fascinating gaze and said a little guilty.

Ou Qingheng said: "Keep in mind, you are an adult. I think you are mature enough to have a reasonable judgment on what is right and what is wrong."

Yang Kexin blinked and looked innocent.

"Keep in mind, don't squander my tolerance for you. When it runs out, I won't be patient with you again." Ou Qingheng said deeply.

Yang Kexin's face was paler.

She rolled her throat up and down, and said with some fear: "Heng, don't you love me anymore?"

Ou Qingheng said: "You have done so many things, I don't know if I can still love you."

The panic in Yang Ke's eyes flashed by. She wanted to grab Ou Qingheng's hand, but Ou Qingheng murmured softly, "Don't move!"

Yang Kexin was scared motionless and looked at Ou Qingheng very innocently. His eyes seemed to be accusing him of why he should speak to her so loudly.

"Keep in mind, I think the two of us have very different ideas. It is necessary to separate for a while and calm down with each other." Ou Qingheng stood up and looked at Yang Kexin predominantly, without temperature.

Yang Kexin was really panicked.

She struggled, trying to remove the needle from her hand, and Ou Qingheng quickly grabbed her hand.

Yang Kexin held his hand with his backhand and hoped, "Heng, you still care about me, don't you?"

Ou Qingheng looked at her coldly and said, "Keep in mind, don't make trouble, the more you are, the farther I will be. You weren't like this before, and your current appearance makes me feel very strange."

Yang Ke anxiously said: "If you don't like me, it's too tight for you now, I can change it, I can give you enough space, as long as you don't leave me."

Ou Qingheng's head was faintly hurt. He didn't know how things would evolve into this way. Obviously, the track before was normal, only a few months, the development of things almost exceeded his imagination. Outside.

"Keep in mind, you should take good care of your illness, don't think about it, we will talk about it when you are well."

"I don't want to talk to you, as long as you marry me, as long as you love me alone, as long as you are willing to stay with me, I can change what you want me to become."

Ou Qingheng pulled out his hand and wanted to say something. The ringtone of his cell phone in his trouser pocket rang. He took it out and saw it. It was James.

He took it and said, "James."

"Heng, the surgery on my side has been arranged by others, and I will get on the plane two hours later."

Ou Qingheng finally revealed a sincere smile today.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Ou Qingheng said a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Yang Ke looked at him heartily and said, "Heng, who are you talking to on the phone?"

Ou Qingheng frowned and said, "I still have something to do. You have a good rest first. Don't think about it. I will come to see you when I am busy."

After that, Ou Qingheng was about to leave. Yang Kexin suddenly pulled out the needle in his hand and ran to the window reluctantly, saying: "Heng, if you dare to leave this ward, I will jump right away, do you believe it? "

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