Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 193: Confession on the premise of marriage

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Yao Ting, who was out of the ward, was stopped by James directly. James looked at Li Haoran beside her, raised his chin, and said, "Yao Ting, is this? Would you like to introduce me?"

Before waiting for Yao Ting to answer, Li Haoran held her waist possessively and said very elegantly: "I am her boyfriend, I don't know what to call this international friend?"

James was a little unbelievable. He felt that he hadn't had a budding love relationship and strangled in the cradle.

He finally wanted to settle down, and then came across a Chinese woman he had seen, wanted to throw a large forest and try it with her, but he did n’t even start, he was directly said to be gameover .

Is this a big joke with him?

James looked at Yao Ting, his expression a little unbelievable, and said, "Yao Ting, give me a reason, why?"

Yao Ting is a little unclear, so do n’t blame her for being at a loss at this time. In her view, she and James are not even friends, no matter whether she and Li Haoran have a relationship with a boyfriend or not, it seems that he does n’t type much with him. Relationship.

"James, why?" Yao Ting waved a little irritably. "Yi Yi can be fine, I am very grateful to you, but I really don't have the mood to play word games with you today. For a meal, now, I just want to go back and get a good night ’s sleep. What will we say tomorrow, OK? "

James is not a bullshit. He said generously: "Yao Ting, don't get me wrong. My aunt is interested in bringing us together. I have a good impression of you. I also intend to settle in China. I think of you. Would you like to try it with me? You know, foreigners always dare to speak up. "

Yao Ting was really scared this time. She widened her eyes and first looked at Li Haoran, then smiled dryly: "James, do n’t joke, this joke is not funny at all, you must be the time to operate For a long time, my brain was a little blocked. Go back and get a good night's sleep. It will be fine tomorrow. Bye, if I have anything to say tomorrow, I am really sleepy. "

After finishing talking, Yao Ting no longer managed the dark tide between the two men and went straight forward.

Li Haoran looked at James with a smile, and then quickly followed.

James, who was left alone, shrugged, even if he was just rejected by Yao Ting, he didn't feel a little sad on his face.

Rather than saying that he likes Yao Ting, it is better to say that he wants to settle down, and at the age he wants to settle down, he thinks that Yao Ting is not particularly annoying, so he wants to try to communicate with each other. It is of course the best to be able to enter the marriage palace, if not, it can only be said that the two of them have no fate.

James shrugged, put his hand in the pocket of the doctor's costume, whistle, and left in the opposite direction.

On the other hand, Yao Ting just got out of the gate of the hospital, and her right wrist was grabbed. With a force, she was pulled into a very wide chest.

Yao Ting's nose directly hit the hard, iron-like chest, and she couldn't help making a painful cry. She raised her hand to cover her nose, and her tears burst out.

She looked up and stared at the culprit fiercely, saying, "Mr. Li, you deliberately hurt me."

Li Haoran hugged her by the waist and couldn't resist her and led her to the side of the car, and then he overbearingly put the person on the car.

Li Haoran almost put his body on Yao Ting's body, and his breath almost sprayed on Yao Ting's cheek.

In the dark night, looking at the close proximity of Jun Rong, the temperature on Yao Ting's face gradually rose, and his heart beat faster and faster.

Li Haoran's eyes are like two sapphires in the night, and the shining people can't move their eyes.

"Who is he?" Li Haoran approached Yao Ting even more.

Looking at the close-looking Jun Rong, Yao Ting felt that his heart was almost jumping out of his heart, and his mind was even more chaotic.

"Who?" Yao Ting said slyly.

"That foreign man."

Yao Ting blinked his eyes and said innocently, "James?"

Li Haoran nodded.

"What's up with him?"

"you like him?"

Yao Ting suddenly felt that she had become a half-brain. Li Haoran's words were interpreted word by word. She could understand them, but together, she didn't seem to understand everything.


"Do you like him?" Li Haoran almost pressed Yao Ting on the front of the car, and their lips were less than two centimeters apart.

Yao Ting was dazzled. Once she encountered Li Haoran, her mind seemed to stop moving, and she could not think of anything at all.

Seeing her long and unresponsive, Li Haoran's eyes became very dangerous. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you like him, eh?"

Yao Ting nodded his head.

Li Haoran's eyes became even more dangerous. He bowed his head and kissed Yao Ting directly. Then he overbeared her tusks, inviting her lips and tongue to dance with him.

Suddenly kissed by Li Haoran, Yao Ting was stunned for a while, and then struggled slightly, but after Li Haoran's strong invasion of her lips, she slowly sank into it.

Li Haoran was very satisfied with Yao Ting's satisfaction and kissed her harder. When the two separated, Yao Ting was paralyzed on the front of the car, his chest panted violently, his cheeks were red, and his eyes could not be found for a moment. Focus.

Li Haoran pulled the man up, then hugged him in his arms. Yao Ting leaned in his arms for a while. After the reason recovered, she pushed Li Haoran away, then raised her hand and slammed him directly.

After the fight, Li Haoran's eyes changed a little, and Yao Ting was a lot of stupid people.

Yao Ting withdrew his hand, and his face was a little scornful, but when he thought of Li Haoran's indiscriminate words, he kissed her strongly, and her anger didn't come anywhere.

She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Mr. Li, your harassment of me before can be regarded as a farce, but this time I kissed me very angry, I am not your pet, not smooth when you are happy, If you're unhappy, just give up. "

Li Haoran looked at her calmly and said quietly, "I treat you as a pet?"

Yao Ting avoided her eyes with some guilty conscience. On the surface, she had to pretend to calmly say, "Well, okay, this time I will be when you are late at night. Hormones will go up and you ca n’t control your mind, go, go. I ’m sleepy. "

Yao Ting seemed to be a thief with a guilty conscience and wanted to escape, but unexpectedly he was dragged into his arms by Li Haoran.

Yao Ting's hands subconsciously resisted his chest, resisting Li Haoran's strong charm, saying: "Li Haoran, I warn you, if you don't let me go again, I'm welcome to you."

Li Haoran thought her reaction was very cute. He ticked his lips and said confidently: "Tingting, you obviously don't hate me, why didn't you agree to my pursuit?"

Yao Ting's head was in a mess, and he blurted out directly: "Are you pursuing this? Others are pursuing flowers and wine, and treat the woman carefully, you will kiss as soon as you come up, and you want a king to bow hard regardless of the woman's will I did n’t even see your sincerity. Forget it. Forget it. I ’m too lazy to talk to you. I ’m gone.

After talking, Yao Ting went out as if he was a guilty conscience, and the wind running under his feet was like a little rabbit.

Li Haoran, who remained in place, ticked his lips, showing a certain smile.

He opened the door and sat in, reversing the car calmly, and quickly drove the car to Yao Ting's side.

He opened the door and said, "Get in the car."

Yao Ting turned a deaf ear, he didn't force him, he just drove very slowly behind Yao Ting.

Yao Ting could not help but turned his head to look at the BMW behind him, how could he feel that the painting style was very weird.

She walked for about three minutes, and finally couldn't stand coming to the car window.

Li Haoran smiled and said, "Do you want to get on the bus?"

Yao Ting stared at him fiercely, and then continued to walk forward, seeing that Li Haoran still did not give up and followed, she jumped and said: "Li Haoran, you are not allowed to follow me, otherwise I will make you look good, you be careful of me fist."

Li Haoran in the car couldn't help laughing.

He poked his head and compromised: "Get in the car, I promise I won't do anything to you."

Yao Ting still walked angrily.

Li Haoran found a place to park the car, opened the door and got off, and walked in front of Yao Ting, ignoring Yao Ting's struggle and facing him, showing weakness: "I was just wrong, I apologize, We will get in the car first. It's not too early. I will send you back. I promise you will never do anything to you until you agree. "

Yao Ting shook his hand straight away, then walked back, opened the door, and sat directly in the passenger seat.

Li Haoran shook his head, walked back to the car, and sat directly in the main driver's seat.

He drove the car and said, "I thought you were a docile kitten. I didn't expect you to be a hot chili pepper."

Yao Ting gave him a white look and said, "Why, it's very different from what you think, don't like it?"

Li Haoran's lips turned up, and his mood was surprisingly good.

"Like, why don't you like it?"

Yao Ting's cheeks couldn't help but get hot, and she squeezed hard into the car as if she wanted to reduce her sense of presence.

Li Haoran glanced at her, and suddenly became serious, he said: "Women, do you want to associate with me, the exchange on the premise of marriage, you are with me, I will spoil you, love you, I can't guarantee not You will be a little bit wronged, but I will do my best to protect you under the wings so that you will not be injured. "

In response to Li Haoran's sudden serious look, Yao Ting's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up. She unconsciously looked out the window and pretended to say carelessly: "Mr. Li, this joke isn't funny at all, please drive quickly, I so sleepy."

Li Haoran gave her a deep look, and he understood the truth that it was too late, so he did not continue to question, but said: "Tingting, I will give you time to consider, I am not in a hurry, one day, you will promise me Yes, I will also allow time to prove that marrying into a wealthy man is actually not as difficult as you think. The man who can make his wife wronged in the family is a genius. I will also prove that I am not a genius from beginning to end. . "

This sentence, until Yao Ting was sent home by Li Haoran, simply took a shower, lying in a comfortable bed still couldn't help but reverberate in his mind.

Yao Ting patted his head and shouted irritably: "Li Haoran, you bastard, you are a century bastard. It's impossible for both of us, you have to come and poke me, ah ah ... You really are my nemesis. "

Unsurprisingly, Yao Ting lost her sleep. She didn't fall asleep until six o'clock in the morning. It was only nine o'clock when she woke up.

She was awakened by a ring of cell phone ringing, and her waking up gas was already very strong, and she did not seem to be annoyed when the electric display picked up.

"Yao Ting, I want to pinch you now, and I will definitely burn you a lot of papers by the time you die." A demonic voice came from the phone.

Yao Ting's sleepy woke up at once.

"It's a beautiful editor. What's wrong with this? Early in the morning the fire was so big." Yao Ting said with a hippy smile.

"You also know that I am your editor, manuscript, manuscript, manuscript, manuscript that you promised me a week? Well said hundreds of thousands of words, I don't even see a word now, you are teasing me Do you play? I ca n’t see the manuscript anymore, I will definitely drag you back before jumping to Xiangjiang. "

Yao Ting put the phone away, and Xi Yuan's high-decibel sound almost penetrated her eardrum.

"Edit, be calm." After all, it is a matter of work. Yao Ting will not make excuses for unreasonable excuses. "I did not deliberately not give you a manuscript, but I Yiyi had a car accident a few days ago. The notice, she almost couldn't get through it. I went to the hospital to see her, so the manuscript was delayed. "

As expected, Xi Yuan calmed down over there.

"Miss Yao had a car accident, what happened?"

"Just a few days ago, I was taking care of her in the hospital these days, and I was not in the mood to code. She also entered the operating room yesterday. I arrived at home at three o'clock in the morning yesterday, and I couldn't get back home anymore. I fell asleep, I think the manuscript can be reconciled for half a month? I promise to give it to you in half a month, and I will never leave the manuscript. "Yao Ting consulted very seriously.

Xi Yuan said over there, "Which hospital is Miss Yao in?"

"City People's Hospital."

"Okay, I know. You come to the company now. I will discuss the manuscript with you, and then we will go to the hospital to see her together." Xi Yuan made a final decision. "You must not say you still need to sleep. You know Tigress 1. It's terrifying to show power. "

Does Yao Ting want to watch the tigress show his power? Don't want to.

So she obediently went to the company.

When she arrived at the company, she was inevitably ravaged by Xi Yuan, and her ears were bombed for half an hour. When Yao Ting was bombarded and asked to spare, Xi Yuan stopped.

The two discussed the issue on the manuscript, and in the blink of an eye, the hour hand was pointing at twelve o'clock.

Xi Yuan packed her things and said, "Come on, let's see Miss Yao."

"Would you like to eat before you go? Yiyi is still ill, but she has no time to manage your stomach." Yao Ting smiled very puzzled.

Xi Yuan gave her a blank look, and the two of them finally ate at noon before passing by.

When the two arrived in the ward, there were already a lot of people in the ward, and the ward was filled with various fruits and beautiful flowers.

I only heard that Mrs. Ou was rushing out: "Everyone, my daughter-in-law just woke up shortly. The doctor said she can't be affected. Today you can visit her. We are very grateful. It is also noon. You ’ve made a reservation and you have lunch. She ’s going to rest too. ”

The others were polite and left the ward one after another.

Xi Yuan took the fruit he bought and glanced at Yao Ting. He did not enter, neither did he enter.

"Yao Ting, it seems that we didn't come at the time, should we go in?" Xi Yuan asked quietly.

Before Yao Ting answered, Mrs. Ou saw it with her sharp eyes.

Mrs. Ou stepped forward, took Yao Ting's hand, and smiled, "Why don't you come in when you come? Yiyi is still just talking about you, but you didn't expect you to come."

Yao Ting smiled and followed Madam Ou into the ward.

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