Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 203: deal with

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The two thieves were really miserable in their hearts. They were just the people's money for disaster relief. As for who is behind this scene, they really did not think so much.

They have been stealing things for so many years and have never missed it. They never thought that this time they turned the boat in the gutter, and they were also stared at by a big shark who ate human bones. .

"Ou Shao, that person will promise us 200,000 after we succeed. As for who we are, we really don't know. He came to us through the person in charge, so ..."

"Call him and say that you have stolen the child, let him come and hug him personally, you know what I mean." Ou Qingheng played with his fingers and said lazily. As if in his eyes, the two thieves kneeling on the ground were ants.

"Understand, understand." The two thieves nodded and bowed their heads, wishing to blend their heads with the earth.

One of the thieves took out his mobile phone and called their person in charge first, but no one answered the phone.

Their cold sweat dripped directly from the forehead.

"Ou, Ou Shao, no one picks up." The hand holding the phone was shaking and it was almost unstable.

Ou Qingheng glanced at the two bodyguards again. They understood that they would mention the two on the ground. The two held their heads and said in a panic: "Don't fight, don't fight, we can call others, we will be able to Got through. "

The two thieves took out their phones and dialed the number of the address book again. I didn't know how many minutes passed, and finally a call was connected.

As soon as they called, they cried and said: "Wang Xu, you bastard, where are you all going to die, why is there no one to answer the call? What about Li Ge? I need to speak to him."

I do n’t know what I said there, but I said angrily: “Drink and wake him up with water. You tell him that we ’ve got the child, but we need to talk to the employer about the price again. This child is not simple. He is the only heir of the Ou family, Ou Qingheng, you know, Ou Shao ’s son only needs 200,000 yuan, and the employer sent us as a meal, and quickly woke up Lige. Now. "

After a pause of several seconds, the thief who used the mobile phone to talk to the phone hurriedly said to Ou Qing: "Ou Shao, don't worry, you've already called someone over there. Soon I will get the employer's phone. Don't be impatient. "

Ou Qingheng glanced at him and said, "You'd better not tease me. Those who can tease me are either not born or cannot be mixed up here."

"Don't dare! Don't dare! No one dared to tease anyone in front of Ou Shao."

Another person answered there.

"Ou Shao, here, here." The thief whispered over his phone.

Ou Qingheng calmly said: "Amplify."

The thief was ordered to act and pressed the PA button, and a very high tenor came over there: "Xiao Li, what happened? I just heard Wang Xu say that the child you stole is Ou Shao?"

"Brother, we are all fooled by the employer. This child is a grandson of Europe. His body is more precious than gold. That person will give us 200,000. That is to send him a meal. Anyway, I do n’t do it. You give me his phone, and I will re-negotiate the price with him. If he does not give a reasonable price, I think the European family will be willing to give a higher price. The European family is rich and not bad money. "

"You are stupid, the Ou family is rich, but are the Ou family fools? Is Ou Qingheng the one you can afford? Talking to him about money is undoubtedly to seek the skin with the tiger, you give me that share of heart, I The phone call to that person, since it is the grandson and grandson of Europe, you will slaughter him for a while, and when you get the money, we will score four or six points, and then you go out to hide for a while, Ou Qingheng is not a mess. " The person over there was obviously afraid of Ou Qingheng. He just read the phone number, and then warned that he could not take this child to Ou Qingheng. He wanted to live two more years.

With the mobile phone number, the thief immediately hung up the phone.

"European Shao, number, this ..." The thief was incoherent.

Ou Qingheng looked at one of the black bodyguards and said, "Fang Hui, call."

"Yes, BOSS."

Fang Hui took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone number just mentioned on the other end of the phone, and it was quickly connected there.

Fang Hui's speech was very structured. The words were flat and unquestionable. After waiting for almost a minute, he hung up the phone and said, "BOSS, the people over there have already met with each other. They are about ten miles from the western suburbs. Tomorrow morning Ten o'clock. "

Ou Qingheng nodded and said, "Tomorrow you will bring some more people to the past. Remember, don't let that man run away. I want to see who is so brave, even my Ou Qingheng's son dared to touch it. "

"Yes, BOSS."

Ou Qingheng pointed to the two on the ground and said, "Take them down, as long as you don't kill them, whatever you do."

Fang Hui and another bodyguard lifted the two of them on the ground respectively, freed their left hands to cover their mouths, and prevented them from making a little noise.

Ou Qingheng stood up and left the office directly. As for how the bodyguards still in the office would deal with the two thieves, it was their business.

Ou Qingheng walked to the insulation room, where he kept guarding An An's bodyguard, and bowed respectfully: "BOSS."

Ou Qingheng waved his hand and said, "You go outside and watch."


The bodyguard came out of the insulation room, Ou Qingheng squatted down, looking at the peaceful An'an who was sleeping, his cold expression slowly softened.

He reached out and carefully touched An An's cheek, and his heart softened at once.

Ou Qingheng stayed there for about fifteen minutes. His squatting feet were a little bit numb. He stood up and started a little activity. He said, "Son, dad will go first, and I will come to see you tomorrow. Sleep well. How can people treat you? "

Ou Qingheng left the insulation room and said, "Protect the young master well."

"Yes, BOSS."

Ou Qingheng walked back to Yao Yiyi's ward.

As soon as he walked to the bed, Yao Yiyi immediately opened her eyes. In the dark night, she opened her mouth: "Qing Heng?"

"Wake you up?"

Ou Qingheng turned back to turn on the light, and walked back to the bed again. Seeing Yao Yiyi's eyes clear, he knew that he had been awake for a short time.

"How long have you been awake?" Ou Qingheng sat in the soft chair, grabbed her hand and placed it on the back of his hand, asking with some pain.

"I just woke up and didn't see you. I was a little worried. Where did you go?" Yao Yiyi looked at him and said.

"The bodyguard just called to say that An'an was a little sleepy at night. I went over and watched it. It's okay now. Don't worry, sleep. I'll be with you here." Ou Qingheng raised his hand and covered Closed her eyes and said.

Yao Yiyi lowered his hand, blinked his eyes, and looked at him seriously, saying, "Qingheng, what happened? I don't think you look right."

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and scraped her nose, shifting the topic: "Is this a sign of my heart, I want to be my housekeeper?"

Yao Yiyi didn't smile, but looked at him very seriously.

"Qingheng, you said, you will not lie to me again." Yao Yiyi's tone was very light, but she showed a firmness.

Ou Qingheng got a headache and married a beautiful, smart and stubborn wife. He was enjoying and happy.

"Since we got married, I have never lied to you, you know, I never bother to lie." But if it's good to you, I don't mind telling a lie in good faith. Ou Qingheng added in his heart.

Yao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Isn't it really An'an?"

"An An is good, you can rest assured, even James said that An An is healthy like a cow." Ou Qingheng said with a serious face.

Yao Yiyi was completely amused.

"Who said his son that way?"

Ou Qingheng lip corner slightly ticked, said: "Relax? Sleep."

Yao Yiyi patted her on the left and said, "Qingheng, come up and sleep with me. With you by my side, I can sleep more firmly."

Ou Qingheng got up, went to the left side of the bed, lay down, carefully wrapped around Yao Yiyi's waist, Yao Yiyi backed away, the two's bodies were closer to each other.


Yao Yiyi nodded and closed her eyes, and a smooth breathing soon came.

Ou Qingheng touched her head, closed her eyes, and slept slowly.

When they woke up the next day, it was already 9:30 in the morning.

As soon as Yao Yiyi opened her eyes, she saw Mrs. Ou, who was lovingly looking at her, and her sleepy bugs disappeared immediately. She said embarrassedly, "Mom, when did you come? Why didn't you wake me?"

Yao Yiyi wanted to move her body, but she didn't expect a heavy feeling from her waist. She looked over and saw a thick arm lying across it. She was startled, and then she remembered who the owner of the arm was.

Her cheeks were a little hot, but her intimate movements with Ou Qingheng were seen by her mother-in-law, and anyone would feel embarrassed.

She reached out and pushed Ou Qingheng.

Ou Qingheng uttered a **** murmur before slowly opening his eyes, not looking around, and kissed Yao Yiyi's mouth by instinct.

Yao Yiyi supported his chest with both hands, allowing the two bodies to free up a little distance.

She said: "Qingheng, where is my mother?"

Ou Qingheng propped up his body. Seeing Mrs. Ou, the whole person was generous.

He got off the bed and said, "Mom, you are here."

Mrs. Ou is naturally happy to see that their young couple can show love and affection.

"Go brush your teeth, I have prepared breakfast for you two."

Ou Qingheng nodded, then raised Yao Yiyi thoughtfully, and Mrs. Ou also stepped forward and said, "Be careful, don't pull the wound."

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly.

"Mom, Qingheng, I have been raised for half a month. The recovery of my body is better than you think. You should not be as careful as taking care of small babies. I am really fine."

Mrs. Ou said: "It's a hundred days of injuries. Besides your serious injury, the doctor said that you can't take too many roads now. Sometimes it's better to be careful."

Ou Qingheng waited for Yao Yiyi to brush her teeth and wash her face, then hugged Princess Ren out again.

Mrs. Ou filled her with porridge and placed it in front of her, saying: "Mom has blown you down, can you eat it yourself, or will Mom feed you?"

Yao Yiyi shook his head and said, "Mom, I'm fine. I can eat by myself, so do you."

While Ou Qingheng was brushing her teeth and washing her face in the bathroom, the two mother-in-laws could have a pleasant meal.

When Ou Qingheng came out, the two had eaten half a bowl of porridge.

"Qingheng, come over for breakfast."

Ou Qingheng nodded, before he walked over to sit down, his phone rang, and he took it out to pick it up.


Without knowing what was said there, Ou Qingheng's complexion suddenly became serious, and he said, "I will pass in a while."

After hanging up the phone, he became seated casually again, taking a spoon and eating the porridge that Mrs. Ou had given him.

Yao Yiyi glanced at him and said, "Qing Heng, if you are in trouble, go busy first. Mom brought a lot of steamed buns. You take it on the road and I will be accompanied by my mom."

Ou Qingheng finished the porridge in the bowl after three, five and two.

He put down his hand, wiped his mouth elegantly with a tissue, and then nobody kissed Yao Yiyi's cheek. Yiyi. "

"Go, drive carefully on the road."

Ou Qingheng nodded, took his blazer and left.

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