Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 430: Three women in one play

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

The next day, Mrs. Ou really called on Ou and went to Ouqi Group with her. When the employees of the company heard that both the chairman and the wife of the chairman had arrived, they immediately ran to the front hall and lined up in unison. Shouted: "Chairman, the chairman's wife is good."

Both Mrs. Ou and Mr. Ou came without prior notice, so the employees of the company were very scared that the two were here to carry out surprise inspections, and caught what they wrong and were expelled in one sentence.

Mrs. Ou took a look at Father Ou. Father Ou understood, and waved her heart eloquently, saying: "You all go to work, my wife and I just came to the company to see, nothing happened to everyone."

Other employees were relieved, thinking that it was still good.

Mrs. Ou and Mr. Ou took the exclusive elevator directly upstairs and out of the elevator. The assistant secretary who had received the news stood in two rows and said, "Chairman, Mrs. Chairman, good."

Mrs. Ou, like a kind lady, said: "I and your chairman come into the company to see if you have nothing to do. Don't hold back, just go to work as usual. Let's take a look at the office. . "

Linda stepped up to open the door of the office and said politely: "Chairman, ma'am, please, the president of Europe has not finished the meeting one morning. You two will wait a moment."

Mrs. Ou nodded to Linda. Linda was flattered when she saw her affinity.

The two entered the office, and Linda dutifully brewed tea in, stooping slightly: "Chairman, madam, please use tea."

Mrs. Ou carefully looked at the softened office and said, "Is the decoration changed here?"

"Mrs. Hui, yes, it was changed half a year ago. Mr. Ou said that the tone of the office was changed to be softer and the office is not said. Women also like this color." Linda said without thinking.

"Really?" Mrs. Ou thought a little, and her face was a little deep.

Linda took a close look at Mrs. Ou ’s complexion, and at the moment she was unclear about her attitude. She said conservatively: "Mrs. Hui, Mr. Ou told us that at that time. As for the rest, I do n’t know. Just work in a softer place. "

Mrs. Ou looked up at Linda, thought for a while, and said, "I remember your name Linda?"

Linda was somewhat flattered. Mrs. Ou rarely came to the Ouqi Group, but no one did not know her. Her photos were hung on the walls of the company. The people of the company are oldest, and they have just entered the company for internships. I have seen her photos and heard that this is the love and respect of the chairman for his beloved wife, so everyone in the company has a glimpse of Mrs. Ou from the photos.

"My wife, I'm Linda. My wife can remember my name, and I'm really flattered." Linda showed a flattering appearance in time, and successfully pleased Mrs. Ou.

Mrs. Ou said: "I think you have a delicate face and a tall and graceful figure. As Qingheng's secretary, don't you have any other ideas?"

Linda was startled and took a breath, reluctantly calming herself down.

"Madam, you laughed. I cherish this job, but I don't want to miss things that shouldn't belong to me. At this point, Madam can rest assured." Linda said greeted Mrs. Ou's eyes, not humbly.

Mrs. Ou nodded, playing with trimmed and very neat nails elegantly, and said, "I heard Chi Ling mentioned you a few times. Of course, I also know that Chi Ling misunderstood you, and I will not treat you like that, But there are still a few questions I want to ask you. "

"Mrs. Please, if I knew, I would never hide from you."

Mrs. Ou groaned and opened the door to see: "Yao Yiyi has come to Qingheng?"

Linda took a circle and wondered: "Young lady?"

Mrs. Ou ’s face sank slightly, and Linda understood her apology very well: “I ’m sorry, I forgot that Ou had been divorced two years ago, and Miss Yao and Ou ’s family did n’t have much relationship.”

Mrs. Ou was satisfied.

"Mrs. Hui, Miss Yao hasn't been divorced two years ago. I have heard that she left the city. Why, can't Miss Yao come back?" Linda asked back.

Mrs. Ou glanced at her, and Linda stopped making speculations when she knew what was happening.

Mrs. Ou was satisfied that Linda knew how to deal with it.

"Linda, I don't go around with you either. I think you can help me watch Qingheng and don't want you to be a criminal. As long as Yao Yiyi enters the company, you try to stop people and tell me that I can cure her. "

Linda lowered her head for a moment and said, "Ma'am, this ... I'm afraid the European Association will fire my squid directly."

Mrs. Ou narrowed her eyes: "Are you rejecting me?"

Linda's scared hands were shaking.

"Ma'am, don't dare, I don't mean that anymore."

"That's the deal."

Linda left with a preoccupation, turned around and told Ou Qingheng, Ou Qingheng just let her leave this matter alone.

Linda breathed a sigh of relief, and if she was involved in the battle of the house in Europe, she would only become a needless victim if she was involved in it. Now, she can stay out of the matter.

This is something that I will not mention for the time being.

Ou Qingheng came back after the meeting, Linda whispered to remind him that they were coming, his face sank slightly, and walked silently into the office.

"Dad, Mom, why are you here?" Ou Qingheng said.

Mrs. Ou Li glanced at him and said, "If we don't come, Zhiling might be bullied by you, Qingheng, you are getting more and more good, even if you fall on the girl. It can be done. How did our Europeans teach you rules? "

Ou Qingheng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He just realized that he was almost spitting blood out of the planning of a department manager. Now he has to come back to deal with Mrs. Ou's deliberate troubles. I don't think it's fake.

"Mom, I can handle Zhang Zhiling's affairs with me alone. Don't you participate?"

"I'm letting you deal with it, and my future daughter-in-law is also driven away by you. I came here today to make the call for her, either you apologize to her, or you treat her better in the future, or else I will be today It's not over. "

"Mom, you never intervened in my feelings and marriage before." Ou Qingheng snarled softly. He couldn't figure out that in just two years, the mother he knew had changed so much that he interfered with his emotions, which made him very upset.

"I don't care, what a cat and a dog do you marry back, where is the face of Ou's family? The two you chose before, one left before the big marriage, and the other left with my grandson after divorce. Without conscience, can I still let you play tricks? "Mrs. Ou folded her feet, aggressive.

After a pause, she said again: "I have called Chi Ling to come over from home. You will apologize to her after a while."

Ou Qingheng's face sank completely and looked at Mrs. Ou complexly.

Father Ou grabbed Mrs. Ou ’s hand and said, “Yazhu, calm down. Remember that on the way you came, you said you had a good talk with your son. If you are so aggressive, you will only scare your son. . "

Mrs. Ou eased her expression and calmed herself down as much as possible.

She said softly: "Qingheng, I'm sorry, Mom was excited just now."

Ou Qin's mouth twitched tightly.

What Mrs. Ou wanted to say, there was a knock on the door from outside, and Linda ’s voice came: "Chairman, President Ou, Madam, and Young Lady."

The three listened and their expressions were different.

Ou Qingheng hurriedly opened the door, and saw Yao Yiyi standing at the gate with a thermal box, and said with a smile: "Qingheng, you came to the meeting early in the morning and did not eat breakfast, I am afraid you are hungry In order to send you food, I will apply for another company later. "

Ou Qingheng took over her thermos, and her heart was warm, and her expression did not smell bad at first.

Yao Yiyi followed him in and saw Mrs. Ou and Father Ou sitting on the sofa. She was not surprised, but laughed: "Dad, Mom, you are also there."

Mrs. Ou gave her a cold look, and Ou's father was always an expression from beginning to end.

Before he began to reminisce, there was a knock on the door again, and Ou Qingheng sinked his eyes and said, "Come in."

The door was opened, and Linda politely said to the woman standing next to her: "Director Zhang, please inside."

Zhang Zhiling walked in.

Today, Zhang Zhiling wore a white dress with a ponytail and a light makeup on her face, which looked extraordinarily delicate and well-behaved, and instantly gave a good impression. People will look more harmonious.

Zhang Zhiling saw Yao Yiyi in the office, and his eyes flashed unnaturally, but soon returned to normal, and said cleverly: "Uncle, aunt, how are you."

Mrs. Ou got up from the sofa and walked in front of her, holding her broken hand in distress, and said, "How hurt is it so heavy?"

"Auntie, it's just that the doctor is **** seriously, but it doesn't hurt, don't worry." Zhang Zhiling said obediently.

"It hurts like this, and it's not serious." Mrs. Ou felt more distressed.

Zhang Zhiling's traceless Zhao Yaoyi passed a complacent look, but Yao Yiyi didn't see it, but just calmly watched the intimate exchange between the two.

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