Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 440: Father and son are in trouble again

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After eating, Yao Yiyi and Xing Rongrong went back to work. At six in the afternoon, the manager said that it was possible to get off work. He also said that the orientation party in the evening was changed to the next Monday because the boss was going on a business trip, so everyone You can get off work now.

The only good thing about this company is that it does not force people to stay in the company to work overtime. If some employees fail to complete the work, they can take it back to do it, so once the point is reached, there are very few people who stay overtime.

Yao Yiyi packed things, Xing Rongrong walked over and said: "Sister Yiyi, are you going back?"

Yao Yiyi nodded and said, "I'm going to meet him in An'an's grandma's house. He hasn't really got along with his grandma, and he doesn't know if he has trouble with the two old men."

"Then go first, I still have a little work to do, and say hello to my uncle and aunt, and tell An An that I will visit him another day. I haven't seen him for such a long time, and I don't know if he still recognizes me. . "

Xing Rongrong smiled.

"Okay, I'm going, and I'll talk tomorrow." Yao Yiyi walked away quickly with a bag.

As soon as someone left, the smile on Xing Rongrong's face fell, and he glanced at Lin Yuan who had not left yet.

Lin Yuan stood up and went out. Yao Yiyi knew that she had to go to the toilet every time before work, so she went out with her.

Xing Rongrong blocked people in the toilet. Lin Yuan looked at Xing Rongrong who was suddenly upset. She was still a bit dazed. She took a step back and stuck her neck and said: "Xing Rongrong, what do you want to do? Don't think you have a manager to support me I'm afraid of you. I'm most disappointed by your betrayal. "

Xing Rongrong looked at her coldly and said, "Lin Yuan, like you who want to have no figure and no face, I can think of it as if you are jealous of me and spread the rumors, but is it interesting for you to do that? Four rumors can't hurt me, but make you a gossip long tongue woman. Look at one of the colleagues in the same department who is close to you? You don't know how to reflect on it. I'm really afraid that you are right and wrong Will not marry. "

Lin Yuan was so angry that her chest hurt.

"Xing Rongrong, you can't get married, your whole family can't get married, but it's from a rural area, and you really think of yourself as the golden phoenix in the city. If you really don't betray your hue, you think it's up to you now You will soon become the position of supervisor? However, the personnel department has not released it. Who is this supervisor? You may not be sure, you do n’t have to get the bamboo basket out of the water. "Lin Yuan gritted his teeth. .

"Who is I when I don't know, will it be you Lin Yuan anyway, isn't it?" Xing Rongrong ridiculed him: "Few rumors about my gossip in the future, otherwise don't blame me for reporting in front of the manager. It ’s an employee who talks right and wrong behind others. "

"You threaten me?"

"Yes, I just threaten you."

"..." Lin Yuan was speechless for a moment, she looked at Xing Rongrong with hate, and said angrily: "You are beyond reason."

Watching Lin Yuan leave, Xing Rongrong coldly hooked his lips and said, "Fight me? You are still a little bit younger, and one day I will let you leave this company disgraced."

Xing Rongrong stepped on high heels and left with a high arrogance.

Yao Yiyi, the little grudge between Xing Rongrong and Lin Yuan, did not know that she hit the vegetable market, and she also called to ask if Ou Qingheng was busy. If he was busy, he went to the main house of Ou Jia to pick up An An. When she came back, she personally cooked a big table for their father and son today.

Yao Yiyi returned home and started to do housework, because Mom Wu was going to the countryside to see the money she had just given birth, and it would take a few days to come back. Ou Qingheng did n’t like other nanny to come to the house to help, so the family The housework is either done by Yao Yiyi or Ou Qingheng.

In two years, Ou Qingheng was no longer the idiot of housework. Even the dishes would be cooked, and the food was better than Yao Yiyi. This had to make Yao Yiyi feel that Ou Qingheng has become handsome and golden. The perfect male **** who has the ability to cook. If such a male **** is romantic, I am afraid that there will be countless women rushing forward.

Every time I think of such a perfect man who loves her, Yao Yiyi has a sense of honor and glory.

Yao Yiyi was busy in the kitchen, and soon the noise of the father and son rang out outside the kitchen. No, it should be said that An An was the one who was making a noise.

"Big villain, you let go, I don't want you to hold it." An An shouted.

Yao Yiyi, who was busy in the kitchen, was relieved when she heard such an annoying cry from An An.

Having such a good vital capacity shows that he is still obedient in the main house of the European family.

Yao Yiyi walked out of the kitchen with a spoon, she said: "An An."

"Mom." An An ran towards Yao Yiyi, hugged Yao Yiyi, and said coquettishly: "An An missed you so much, didn't you say you would pick me up, why did the bad guy pick me up?"

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and stroked his soft hair, saying: "Mom came back to prepare you something in advance. Isn't it good for your father to pick you up?"

An An shook his little head and grieved: "Mom, that's not good. I don't like big bad guys. When you're away, he will bully me. He just called me Ou Zhenxuan. Those who like me are called An An. , Only he called me Ou Zhenxuan, he certainly does n’t like me, mom, we do n’t like big bad guys, too? ”

Yao Yiyi couldn't help crying and laughing.

Yao Yiyi looked at Ou Qingheng, and the questioning eyes seemed to be asking what Ou Qingheng was all about?

Ou Qingheng walked over and was helpless to An An who loved to make small reports and did not listen to him.

"I just drove him back to the car through a river. There were two buffaloes drinking water by the river. He had to get off the car to see the cow. I could n’t help but shout at him when I was angry. Niu, but I kept thinking that I am a big bad guy, not better than Xu Chen, anyway, my dad is a big bad guy in his eyes. "Ou Qingheng said casually.

Yao Yiyi gave Ou Qingheng an apologetic look.

"An An, you can't be so polite to your dad. Hurry up and apologize to your dad, otherwise mom will be really angry." Yao Yiyi crouched down and raised her face, said very seriously.

An An pouted and said unwillingly: "Big scoundrel, I'm sorry."

Ou Qingheng couldn't help smiling.

His son was really interesting. He was very young and spooky, but he listened to Yao Yiyi's words extremely, but he was frowning on him. He really didn't know who he was.

Yao Yiyi went into the kitchen to see if the soup in the pot was cooked. When it was cooked, she tasted it. The saltiness was just right.

Ou Qingheng took out the cooked meals for her, and finally dropped a kiss on her face before serving the soup, saying, "It's hard."

Yao Yiyi smiled and went out with Ou Qingheng.

"Qingheng, you and An'an eat first. I'll go take a hot bath."

"Eat together."

"Mom, I'm waiting for you."

The father and son said in unison.

"Qingheng, you feed An'an first. It's not too early now, and it's not good for the stomach if the children eat too late."

After finishing talking, Yao Yiyi said to An An again: "An An, good boy, obedient, have to eat on time, you know?"

Ann nodded.

When Yao Yiyi came downstairs after taking a bath, he saw An An's unwilling meal, tied by Ou Qingheng with his hands in the air, and he kicked in the air with his short legs.

Yao Yiyi only felt that her forehead was jumping suddenly. She really felt that the father and the son were challenging her bottom line.

"Qingheng, what happened to you and An'an? It's not good to eat." Yao Yiyi walked in front of Ou Qingheng, reached out and hugged An'an, said.

Ou Qingheng's face was a little heavy, and the anger in his eyes flashed over: "This child is too naughty, throw me rice grains. If my pro-dad doesn't teach him anymore, I can see that he can directly lift the beam. , It ’s really becoming more and more unruly. "

Yao Yiyi's face sank completely.

"An An, is your father telling the truth?"

An An's neck shrunk a little, looking at the angry Yao Yiyi, he burst into tears and burst into tears.

The An An evil person first complained and said: "Mom doesn't love An An anymore, she only loves the big bad guy, and the big bad guy doesn't hurt me at all, but the mother in turn teaches An An. An An wants daddy, no big bad guys, no grandparents."

At the same time, Yao Yiyi was so angry that she felt sad. She was so hard trying to integrate An'an into the life of Ou's family. Unexpectedly, her son didn't understand her own pains. She also felt exhausted.

Looking at a table that hasn't moved, she thinks that today's meal should be uneasy.

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