Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 484: Difficult to reconcile

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When they arrived at the main house of the Ou family, the two got out of the car. Ou Qingheng naturally took Yao Yiyi's hand and bit her ear next to hers. "Don't be afraid, there is me."

Yao Yiyi smiled: "Qingheng, why is it that the Ou's house has become a jackal tiger's den in your mouth, don't forget that I have lived here for five years, and there have been many memories of each other. "Although some memories are not so beautiful.

As if guessing her idea, Ou Qingheng promised: "In the future, here will only carry more beautiful memories of the two of us."

"No, not two." Yao Yiyi corrected.

Ou Qingheng looked at her, she said with a smile: "And An An, you forgot?"

Ou Qingheng couldn't help but scratch her nose, jokingly: "You really love naughty."

Yao Yiyi wrinkled her delicate nose and smiled, "Come on, don't make your parents wait."

The two entered the hall. To the surprise of Yao Yiyi, the atmosphere was not so dignified.

"Mom." An An Chao Yao Yiyi, who was playing a model airplane, rushed over.

Yao Yiyi stretched out his hands to catch An An and picked him up.

An An kissed her on both sides of her cheek for a few times, and said with a milky voice: "Mom, why did you come to pick An An so late?"

"Mom just got off work at six o'clock. When your father went to pick up his mother, there was a traffic jam on the road, so it was a little late." Yao Yiyi looked at the phone and saw that it was almost nine o'clock.

"Did that mother eat?" An An asked politely.

Yao Yiyi shook his head.

She held An'an and Ou Qingheng to Mrs. Ou and Ou's father, politely greeted: "Dad, Mom."

Mrs. Ou glanced at An An in her arms, perhaps out of consideration for the child. She did not treat Yao Yiyi's crossbrows right, but her face was not so pretty.

"Go eat." Mrs. Ou said.

"Daddy, Mom haven't eaten yet?" Yao Yiyi asked respectfully.

"It's too late. When we feed An An, we also eat it by the way. The kitchen still keeps you and Qing Heng in the kitchen. Let the maid go in and heat you up," Mrs. Ou said.

The maid went into the hot meal and brought the hot meal up. Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi ate it. After eating, An An also took a nap in Mrs. Ou ’s arms, bit by bit.

Seeing this, Yao Yiyi stepped forward and said tentatively, "Mom, no, Auntie, I'll hug An An, I coax him to sleep."

Mrs. Ou said nothing, but handed An An to her.

Yao Yiyi sang nursery rhymes to make him fall asleep.

Mrs. Ou asked the servant to hold An'an upstairs to sleep. After only the adults were left in the hall, Mrs. Ou's face sank completely.

"Yiyi, looking at An'an's face, I don't want to target you everywhere, and I don't want to hold on to things that were two years ago, but you selflessly took Anan away and stripped me of his grandchildren. I ’m doing something wrong, I ’m doing something wrong, and I ’m still wrong to apologize. Just because you are selfish, I ’m not going to forgive you. You are An’an ’s mother. It ’s okay to eat, but I ’m saying uglyly, Ou ’s daughter-in-law has someone else. ”Mrs. Ou said, sitting impatiently.

Yao Yiyi pondered for a while and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry for what happened. I will try to make up for the mistakes I made. I and Qingheng are sincere. I will try my best to let you recognize that I am the most suitable Ou's daughter-in-law, as Qingheng's wife, can enter the hall from the top and enter the kitchen from the bottom. If there is a problem with his work, I can accompany him through any difficulties. "

Mrs. Ou took a deep look at her, sneered, and said, "I hope the facts are as nice as your mouth says."

Yao Yiyi smiled decently, and Mrs. Ou did not see the smoke.

"It's not too early, you leave An'an, don't you have to go to work tomorrow?" Mrs. Ou said.

"Thank you aunt."

Yao Yiyi asked Ou Qingheng to go upstairs to take An'an down. In the empty space where Ou Qingheng went upstairs, Mrs. Ou said: "Yiyi, while Qingheng is away, I said, you, want to enter the door of Ou's house, Unless I'm gone, I don't want An An to have a mother like you. I don't want a woman who can always be ignored by Tian Gang Lun to be my daughter-in-law and An An's mother. "

Yao Yiyi tightened her heart, but said calmly on her face: "Auntie, I was very sorry about what happened back then, and I am very guilty in my heart now, but An An is my son, and I don't want him to call someone else's mother."

Ou Qingheng walked downstairs holding An An, and Mrs. Ou said nothing more.

"Mom, I'll take their mother and son back first." Ou Qingheng took An'an's hand and changed a posture, said.

Mrs. Ou got up from the sofa and took them to the door. Like a loving mother, she said to Ou Qingheng: "Qingheng, drive carefully on the road, don't be greedy, take good care of my grandchildren and get home Just call mom when you are done. "

I do n’t know if it ’s Yao Yiyi ’s sake. Mrs. Ou did not leave Ou Qingheng to sleep.

"I know mom." Ou Qingheng held An An in one hand and took Yao Yiyi's hand in one hand. Mrs. Ou watched them interlock with each other, and then swallowed back to her mouth.

As soon as the others left, Mrs. Ou looked at the back of their family of three, and his eyes were a little bit obscure.

Father Ou walked around her waist and said, "They look very happy, don't you want An'an to be without her mother at a young age?"

Mrs. Ou's eyes were filled with indescribable light, and her heart was very heavy. If there was no An'an, she would stick to it, but now looking at the happiness of their family of three, she couldn't help but shake. .

Father Ou sighed low in her ears and said, "Yazhu, An'an are here with you these days. From his mouth, you also know how much he loves his mother. I know how to maintain it for his mother. This child looks young, but it is much earlier than we thought. You really have the heart to be peaceful and peaceful. There is no mother at a young age? "

Mrs. Ou raised her head, her eyes obscured.

"Are you blaming me for being stubborn?" Mrs. Ou said in a slightly deep voice.

Ou father gently smiled and said, "Yazhu, you know I will blame no one in my life, but I just want to say that we have all passed sixty people, maybe one day we will really go, and stick to some Some did n’t, and in the end it just made each other unhappy. It ’s better to let go of everything and let the young people toss themselves. ”

Mrs. Ou sneered.

"Lao Ou, you were very dissatisfied with Yao Yiyi before. What did Qing Heng not marry a daughter-in-law who was satisfied with you? Now that they are divorced, you are saying good things for her. We have been with you for thirty years. After a few years, when I get old, I ca n’t guess your mind. ”Mrs. Ou said with some sarcasm.

Father Ou comforted: "Yazhu, don't be angry, I just don't want to press things in your heart, you don't like Yao Yiyi, I don't want her to enter the door, I can't be so angry, just I think you can do more Think about An An, it ’s always good to have a mom around. "

Mrs. O thought deeply.

Finally, she sighed and said, "Chi Ling is also passionate about Qing Heng. Ting Ting and Shu Jun are also at the age of discussing marriage. The Zhang family will soon be our relatives. I like Chi Ling very much. "

"Emotional things will come naturally, I believe you also want Qingheng to be good, forcibly disassemble Qingheng and Yiyi, Qingheng may look at your face and Yiyi, but you really want to see Qingheng changed back to the workaholic who only knew about work two years ago? "


Mrs. Ou opened her mouth, and she couldn't find a word for a while.

The next second, she said a little angrily and angrily: "You are all out of the business, I have become a bad guy, well, I am a bad guy, you are all good guys, I don't care anymore, OK, just how hard you love toss."

Mrs. Ou flung her hand into the hall.

Father Ou shook his head a little helplessly, and walked in. He secretly said: It is really a difficult story for each family. As a family member of his Ou family, it is not so easy to reconcile the relationship of the family.

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