Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 487: Don't be clever but be mistaken

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Since then, many people have come to see An'an because they are the eldest grandson of the Ou family, so the news of those people came very quickly, and I don't know from which channels they got it. In short, there are several of them every time. With some very official polite words, Yao Yiyi could not help but frown. If it is normal, Yao Yiyi does not mind dealing with these business elites and ladies, but now An An is still lying on the bed, so Many people will only affect his rest, so Yao Yiyi is somewhat uncomfortable.

Ou Qingheng may also be a little annoyed, so he sent two bodyguards to guard the door of the ward, stopping the person who was going to visit, saying that the young master needs a good rest, and it is not convenient to meet guests for the time being, and those guests have to leave in a huff Too.

Feng Yixuan took Xing Rongrong with fruit in his hand and went outside the ward, but was stopped.

"I'm sorry, I'm not here for the time being. The young master just woke up. The doctor said to be well rested so you go back first." One of the bodyguards said very seriously.

Feng Yixuan said: "I am the boss of Yiyi Company. I heard that her son has been hospitalized and specially brought his subordinates to take a look. Can't even the two of us go in and take a look?"

The two bodyguards looked at each other, and the other bodyguard said: "Wait a minute, I'll go in and talk to BOSS and the young lady."

After that, the bodyguard pushed the door in. After a while, the door was opened. This time Yao Yiyi came out to meet him.

"Yixuan, Rongrong, how did you two come?" Yao Yiyi asked.

"You called for leave, saying that your son needs to be hospitalized for something. I inquired gossip. I knew he was living in the Municipal People's Hospital. Because of his relationship with his subordinates and friends for many years, he made his own claim. Come here with Rong Rong, you should n’t betray me for more business. "

Feng Yixuan said warmly while following Yao Yiyi.

"How come." Yao Yiyi smiled decently: "You are a friend I knew in college, and now I am the boss of my head. Even if I dislike others, I dare not dismiss your big boss."

Feng Yixuan chuckled softly.

He put the purchased gift on the table and saw An An still sleeping. He asked with concern: "What happened to An An, is the situation serious?"

"There's something wrong with the body, but the doctor said it's no big deal." Yao Yiyi said gently.

Xing Rongrong walked over to look at An An and saw that his face was a little pale, he could not help frowning, and said very distressedly: "Sister Yiyi, I don't think An An's face is particularly good, he really doesn't have any trouble. ? Hearing his accident, I always carried it all the way in the car. I was afraid that he had something long and short. I could n’t help worrying about you. Now I hear you saying that he ’s okay. I just let go of it. "

"Rong Rong, you have a heart." Yao Yiyi smiled.

"Sister Yiyi, I think you and Ou Shao are also a little tired, otherwise I will take care of An An for you, you go back to rest." Xing Rongrong said enthusiastically, but his eyes swept to Ou Qingheng if there was nothing.

Yao Yiyi had n’t said anything yet, and Yao Ting said sarcastically: “Xing Rongrong, do n’t have that big face, the Ou family is so big, and some are servants. No matter how An’an ca n’t take care of you, an outsider can take care of it, even if Yiyi Tired, and my godmother is taking care of it. How about it? It ’s really not your turn to take care of you. You take yourself too seriously. "

Xing Rongrong's face changed and changed again, and the smile on his face almost couldn't hold back.

Yao Yiyi glanced at Yao Ting, Yao Ting shrugged, and said casually: "Rong Rong, sorry, my person's speech is so unobstructed, please don't go to your heart, I just don't like it Someone with a big face puts on someone's body. "

Xing Rongrong took a deep breath and reluctantly smiled: "It's okay."

That being said, Xing Rongrong still felt humiliated in her heart. To Yao Ting, she was jealous and resentful in her heart. She thought that Yao Ting deliberately embarrassed her by her own identity. This woman is abhorrent. Very good.

"Rong Rong, don't mind Ting Ting's words, she is not malicious." Yao Yiyi reassured.

Xing Rongrong calmed his discomfort and smiled: "Sister Yiyi, I'm really okay. I know that Sister Yao Ting didn't like me very much from the beginning, and I couldn't do what everyone likes. Fortunately, Sister Yiyi doesn't dislike me. Coming from the country, gave me such an opportunity, so that I can quickly stabilize my heels in the big city, from the heart, I am really grateful to Yiyi sister, so I was really worried when I heard about An An, It ’s not hypocritical. "

Yao Yiyi smiled and said, "I know, don't think about it, Ting Ting really has no other meaning. You and the boss have a rare intention. Sit down and let me cut some fruit for you."

Feng Yixuan sat down and said, "Yiyi, you don't have to be busy, we just come over and take a seat, and leave without disturbing you."

Yao Yiyi just smiled.

An An woke up after a while. When he woke up, he cried out that his stomach was hungry. Ou Qingheng asked people to go downstairs to buy digested congee. An An shrunk his mouth and said in aggrieved manner: "Mom, I want to eat braised pork , Braised fish and pork ribs, I do n’t want to drink porridge, there is no taste at all, it ’s not delicious. "

Yao Yiyi touched his hair and said softly: "An An, you are good, you haven't recovered, and your mother will make all kinds of delicious food for you when you are discharged from the hospital."

"When will An An be discharged?"

"In a few days."

An An's small eyes were wronged.

"An An, the godmother will buy ribs for you to boil tomorrow, so you can eat it, so you can eat it. Don't you like the rib soup that Ganma boils?"


"Really, An An is so cute. Why the godmother is willing to deceive you."

An An smiled.

"The godmother, I'm going to eat a lot of meat tomorrow. I haven't eaten meat for a day, and An'an is greedy."

Yao Ting was amused by him.

Xing Rongrong got up from the sofa and walked to the bed, stooped, and said softly: "An An, this is Aunt Rongrong, do you remember me?"

An An nodded: "Remember."

But An An is not particularly passionate about Xing Rongrong.

Xing Rongrong suddenly had the illusion of a hot face sticking to someone's cold ass.

She smiled a little.

Xing Rongrong suddenly had a feeling of restlessness, sitting next to Feng Yixuan did not speak, and only Yao Ting's voice was annoying in the ward.

Feng Yixuan didn't sit up long before getting up to leave, and Yao Yiyi didn't do much retention, sent people to the door, Feng Yixuan said: "Yiyi, you take good care of the children, don't worry about work, I have let Xing Rongrong has temporarily taken over all of your work and will not be too busy when you come back. "

"Thank you." Yao Yiyi looked at Xing Rongrong and said: "Rong Rong, you have worked hard. When I go back, I will invite you to dinner."

"Sister Yiyi, you are welcome, you take good care of An'an, I will try my best to help you with the work."

Talking to each other again, Feng Yixuan left with Xing Rongrong.

The two went downstairs and got into the car. Feng Yixuan drove up and said, "Rong Rong, have you really been Yiyi's babysitter?"

"Yes, boss, what's wrong?" Xing Rongrong looked at Feng Yixuan and asked confusedly.

"It's nothing, just think it's a lucky thing for you. Yiyi is a good woman. She has always been very loyal to her friends. Don't let her down. She takes care of you, otherwise you will hardly encounter such a sincere right in the future. People's friends. "Feng Yixuan rarely said such a long word.

Xing Rongrong took a deep look at Feng Yixuan and suddenly smiled and said, "Boss, do you think sister Yiyi and I are good, want to use the power behind her to take her career further?"

"What do you think, I don't know, I don't care, but you are still young, you have some abilities, and people are beautiful, as long as you are practical, I think you will have a better future, don't move Wrongly thinking, or wait for you to reach our age, you know, there are some things, some people can't buy it with money. "

Feng Yixuan Road.

Xing Rongrong smiled on the face, but she didn't take it seriously. She came from the countryside and had a lot of hardships since she was a child. Their family eats even the last meal or not. The hard life made her envious of the life of the rich, and even dreamed that she fell asleep on a lot of money. Now that she has the opportunity to contact the rich, why ca n’t she go all out Get what she wants?

She wants to become a rich man, what's wrong with this?

"Rong Rong, I'll bring you today, nothing more than Yiyi is really sincere to you, you are a smart girl, but I persuade you as a person coming, don't be smart but be mistaken by smart." Feng Yixuan suddenly said .

"Thank you for your reminder, I will keep in mind." Xing Rongrong said softly.

Feng Yixuan said nothing more.

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