Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 489: Even my own sister uses

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Ou Qingheng asked people to check the man who gave yogurt, but Fang Hui found out that Zhang Shujun gave the final result.

Ou Qingheng asked Zhang Shujun to come out directly.

In a coffee shop, Zhang Shujun was dressed in a black trousers and a white shirt, very simple and elegant, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed eyes on the bridge of his nose, the whole person looked like a successful learner Professor instead of businessman.

At first glance, Zhang Shujun looked like a gentle, gentle and elegant son, and it was easy to get a good impression.

"Qingheng, it was a pleasant surprise. You even asked me." Zhang Shujun pushed his hand on the mirror and said warmly.

Ou Qingheng pointed to the position opposite him and said, "Sit down."

For Zhang Shujun, Ou Qingheng did not like too much, nor did she hate too much, even plainly, even if he was Ou Tingting ’s boyfriend, he did not show his due enthusiasm.

Zhang Shujun sat down and said, "Qingheng, it's rare that you ask me to come out. Let's say, what is the place to get me?"

"The day before yesterday, did you give a little boy yogurt?" Ou Qingheng asked directly.

There was a trace of doubt in Zhang Shujun's eyes, and he said, "What yogurt?"

"I asked someone to investigate and said that you visited Ou's house with your sister the other day and gave Ou's son a servant's yoghurt. I didn't know that Master Zhang's approachability was so approachable. Even the yoghurt brought it to me The child ate it, "Ou Qingheng said in words.

Zhang Shujun still did not respond.

"Yogurt?" He was a little confused, "Qingheng, did you have any misunderstandings? The day before yesterday, Zhiling and I did go to Ou's house, but I spent most of my time with Tingting until half past eight. I took Tingting to the city center for a date. As for this yogurt, I really do n’t have much impression. "

Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Zhang Shao may not know, the Ou's monitor covered all corners, just to prevent An An naughty from running away, you also recorded the child's yogurt. Do you still want to deny it? "

Zhang Shujun looked at Ou Qingheng as if he was really angry and changed his tone.

He thought about it carefully and said, "Qingheng, I remembered it. I did give a child several bottles of yogurt. It was also Chi Ling who said that I wanted to eat yogurt. I bought it, but when she arrived at the Oujia, she suddenly I do n’t want to eat anymore. I do n’t want to eat anymore. I just happened to meet a child again. I thought he was cute and gave him yogurt. What ’s wrong? Ca n’t I give yogurt to a child? In my opinion, this is a very small piece. If you do n’t think I can give the next person a little food, then I apologize. "

Ou Qingheng looked at him deeply, and suddenly sneered, saying, "Zhang Shujun, I let people check the yogurt. It didn't expire at all, but it was added with a toxic substance. What is the problem, but it is very easy for children to get food poisoning when I eat it. I am afraid I misunderstood you. I even let people go to the supermarket to check the yogurt. There is nothing wrong with it. Only the bottles of yogurt you sent are poisonous. Can you explain it to me? "

Zhang Shujun hidden a dangerous cold flash in his eyes behind the glasses frame, but on the surface he was still gentle and doubtful.

"Qingheng, do you suspect that I have moved my hands and feet in these yoghurts? Why? I think I'm just giving a little child a little bit of food. There shouldn't be any big problems, and it's worth your time to ask me in person. Zhang Shujun said softly.

Ou Qingheng sneered and said, "No big problem? Do you know, these bottles of yogurt, my son is still in the hospital? You **** said there is no problem, if you deliberately, I will definitely Killed you personally. "

Looking at Ou Qingheng, a rare runaway, Zhang Shujun's eyes flashed with a little surprise.

But he quickly hid, and his face was still gentle: "Qingheng, what the **** is going on? Why did An An suddenly get hospitalized? Uncle and Aunt didn't say anything, Ting Ting didn't know that An An was hospitalized, An An Is the incident really related to the bottles of yogurt I sent? I really don't know. "

Ou Qingheng's eyes suddenly became very obscure. He looked at Zhang Shujun and said, "Zhang Shujun, I don't care if you intend to borrow someone's hand to give An'an yogurt, or it's unintentional. I will let you next time Knowing the end of Dong An'an, don't challenge my patience again and again like Ou Tingting. "

Zhang Shujun was really scared this time.

The panic in his eyes flashed quickly, but he quickly pressed it down again. He carefully organized the language and said, "Qing Heng, that yogurt is really a misunderstanding. If I really intend to harm An An, I will not With such a rough approach, not to mention Tingting in my heart, how can I be so stupid to move her favorite nephew, this is really a misunderstanding. "

Ou Qingheng stood up from the sofa and looked at him condescendingly.

It took a long time before he said, "Zhang Shujun, I called you today to give you a warning not to touch my counter scale."

After talking, Ou Qingheng went straight away.

As soon as someone left, Zhang Shujun's face sank completely. He took off his glasses and rubbed his nose with a sour nose. He didn't know which step was wrong in his plan, and what happened was derailed in his expectations. Too.

He is so close to Ou Tingting, the purpose is nothing more than catching the big fish of Ou Qingheng, with the unconditional support of the Ou family, and rebuilding the Zhang family that is already a bit strong and strong. After so much, how could it hurt An An at this juncture, but who would see him sloppy in the yogurt he bought, the purpose is to instigate the relationship between him and Ou Jingheng.

Zhang Shujun carefully recalled what happened the day before yesterday. He couldn't help but think of what Zhang Zhiling told him when he gave yogurt to the child. His face suddenly sank again, and his eyes became a little scary.

Zhang Shujun called Zhang Zhiling, and after talking, he said very tough: "Zhang Zhiling, I don't care where you are now or what you are doing. Now, immediately, immediately come to Yongxing Coffee Shop, otherwise I can't guarantee not to take you A previous privacy leaked to Ou Qingheng. "

After talking, Zhang Shujun turned off the phone directly.

Zhang Zhiling came and was taken into the box by the waiter.

She walked over with her bag, looking at Zhang Shujun who was standing by the window. Her eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, and she said with a little rush: "Brother, what's wrong with you, you don't know clearly on the phone, do you know You turned off the phone. I can't make your call. Have you ran several red lights on the road? "

Zhang Shujun turned around, came over, stood still in front of Zhang Zhiling, raised her hand involuntarily and gave her a slap directly, slap her face directly.

Zhang Zhiling covered her beaten cheek, and the whole person was ignorant. She didn't know what was going on.

"Brother, are you crazy, why hit me for no reason?" Zhang Zhiling shouted angrily.

"Say, I bought it for you, you don't want to drink it, and then I gave the yogurt to a child, did you understand it?" Zhang Shujun asked coldly.

Zhang Zhiling's face was confused, airway: "Brother, what the **** are you talking about, what kind of yogurt? What hands and feet? I don't even know, I'm a brain smoker or what's the use of hands and feet in yogurt, this is right What good do I have? You just called me for such a small incident, and then beat me? I said you were unreasonable, why did you hit me without even knowing what happened? "

Zhang Shujun looked at her carefully and said, "Isn't it really what you did?"

"I don't even know what you're talking about. What have I done so badly, you are going to make such a big fire?" Zhang Zhiling asked back.

"An An has an accident, and Ou Qingheng said that he entered the hospital because he accidentally drank the yogurt I sent." Zhang Shujun said with a tired voice.

"Really?" Zhang Zhiling's eyes brightened.

"Do n’t worry about being happy, if An An really happened, our brothers and sisters do n’t want to get rid of the suspicion, if Ou Qingheng gets angry, I think our Zhang family has followed the hapless, do n’t forget our past few years In fact, the Zhang Group ’s finances have already suffered some losses. If there is really no support from the Ou family, let alone high amounts of money to support your material life, I am afraid that our entire family will have to live in slums. "

Zhang Shujun said irritably.

Zhang Zhiling gave Zhang Shujun a disdainful glance. She felt that this man was really useless. Besides using women, she still used women. She had a skin sac that could be used, but she couldn't do business. Otherwise, Zhang's Group It won't be what it is now.

It's really a waste.

"Brother, instead of relying on the Oujia, you might as well think about the plan to make our company better and better, putting the bet on Ou Tingting, and looking forward to her letting Oujia invest a lot of money in the Zhang Group, I think it is better to rely on ourselves to be more reliable. "Zhang Zhiling said with a big voice.

"Shut up for me." Zhang Shujun lowered his voice and shouted: "You know what, Zhang's group has been a century-old enterprise, and it has been a matter of time until the grandfather's generation has run into it. There was also a problem in the block. The company was in my hands. If I had not worked hard for the past two years, then I urged Ou Tingting to blow his ears to Mrs. Ou. Do you think that the Zhang Group can maintain this state? When I spend money, I stand and talk, and I do n’t have a backache.

There was a trace of disdain in Zhang Zhiling's eyes.

Zhang Shujun raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and said to himself, "I don't care if you did it, but you have to admit that you did it, and then apologize to Ou Qingheng. I don't want to because of this. The incident affected my relationship with Tingting Ou. "

"Brother, are you crazy? I don't want to, it's something you provoke, why do I want to blame you?" Zhang Zhiling directly refused.

"You don't have to do it either, don't forget that I still have evidence on your hands that you love playing abroad. Do you think I will show this to Mrs. Ou, will she still let you enter the door of Ou's house?"

"You threaten me?"

"Yes, I just threaten you. If I'm done with Ou Tingting, don't you want to marry into Ou's house and help me. We two win together and get what each other wants. If you don't help, you will lose both sides. I won't get you. Don't want to enjoy the glory and wealth, "Zhang Shujun said coldly.

Zhang Zhiling stared at him deadly.

The two brothers and sisters hated like an enemy.

"Brother, you are ruthless enough, even your own sister and sister dared to design." Zhang Zhiling said with a gritted teeth.

"Chi Ling, people don't kill themselves for their own sake. I'm doing it for the Zhang family. For the sake of you, if the Zhang family really falls down, do you think Mrs. Ou would like to recognize your daughter-in-law?"


"Don't play me off, go to the hospital with me later, and apologize early."


"Go, I will ask Ou Qingheng to forgive you as a brother."

"Brother, I only found out that you are really freaked out. You dare to count even your own sister. Are you really not afraid that I will hate you?"


Zhang Zhiling listened, sneered, and really hated Zhang Shujun.

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