Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 619: Plagiarism

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Yao Yiyi returned to the company and devoted herself to her work. She drew three drawings that the customer requested. Her spine hurts a bit, she moved her hips on the table, and then opened the webpage to relax. But it was blown up by a message.

The strange novel adapted from the famous best-selling author Yao Tingxin's film and television is suspected of plagiarism. The plot and characters have copied three spiritual novels of "Snow Falling Spirit", "I Want My Mother" and "Don't Call My Name at Midnight", but it is said to be plagiarism 'S proof is not at all.

Yao Yiyi read the rumor from beginning to end, but he didn't see a name at all, but the netizens below were divided into three groups and they were too quarrelsome.

On one side are Yao Ting's loyal fans, on the other hand are the black hands who are helping, and on the other are netizens who know nothing but watch the excitement.

Yao Yiyi simply read the comments, then closed the webpage, picked up the phone and left the design department, and Gong Lin quickly followed.

"Young lady, what's wrong?" Gong Lin asked with concern.

Yao Yiyi took the phone and said, "Gong Lin, is your computer technology powerful?"

Gong Lin nodded and said, "I was ordered by BOSS when a hacker hacked into a company that was hostile to the Euclidean Group, and stolen all its important information."

"That line, you can check the ID of the post that allegedly plagiarized Yao Ting was sent from." Yao Yiyi said.

"Got it, Mrs. Young, I will check it when I go back. I also scanned this post when I first went online. I knew it was rumored at first glance, saying that it was plagiarism but there was no evidence at all. Obviously, I took advantage of this novel. It was adapted into a TV series and made a discredit, but this movie BOSS also has investment, I will not let it succeed. "Gong Lin said with a serious expression.

"You check now, I'll go to the toilet."

"No hurry, I'm waiting for the young lady to come out."

Yao Yiyi also had no mandatory requirements. She entered the toilet and called Yao Ting, but no one answered.

She dialed five times in a row and no one answered. She frowned, worried.

She turned off her cell phone and walked out of the toilet, saying: "Gong Lin, I need to go to where Tingting lives. No one answered her phone. I am very worried."

"Young lady, I will send you over."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

She took a leave with Manager Zhang, and left in a hurry. She can't take care of her so much now. If I ask for leave so many times, will my colleagues in the same department complain.

Gong Lin drove Yao Yiyi to Yao Ting's neighborhood very quickly.

She trot into the elevator and pressed the number of floors. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she ran to the gate quickly.

She rang the doorbell, nobody opened the door, and then called, but no one answered.

She looked at the phone anxiously and shouted, "Tingting, are you inside? Open the door."

No one still opened the door.

Gong Lin comforted: "Young lady, don't worry, I have a way to open this door, as long as you need it."

"Then hurry up." Yao Yiyi couldn't care so much. She just wanted to see Yao Ting now. If she had something long and short, she couldn't imagine.

Gong Lin took out a slender iron needle, inserted it into the door hole, turned it carefully several times, and opened it.

Yao Yiyi looked at Gong Lin in surprise, then hurriedly entered the house.

She quickly searched all the rooms again. Without Yao Ting's figure, she took out her cell phone no matter how big it was, and no one answered the phone.

"Mrs. Shao, calm down first. If she doesn't answer the phone, you can call Li Shao, maybe they are together."

Yao Yiyi raised his hand and patted his head, and said with a smile, "Look at me, I have forgotten this matter in a hurry."

She called Li Haoran, but Li Haoran did not answer the phone. No one answered.

Yao Yiyi was really worried now.

"Go, let's go to Li Haoran's company to see."

Gong Lin followed Yao Yiyi down the stairs and got into the car. Yao Yiyi fastened her seat belt and said, "Gong Lin, drive faster."

Gong Lin speeded up and arrived at the company within half an hour.

Yao Yiyi unfastened her seat belt and pushed open the door to get out of the car, but she was a bit silly when she saw the press-resistant journalists and TV anchors standing in front of the building.

Gong Lin comforted: "Young lady, I will protect you in."

"So many people, are you sure you can go in?" Yao Yiyi turned to look at Gong Lin and asked worriedly.

Gong Lin nodded.

"But Mrs. Shao may have to pretend that the eyes of these reporters and TV hosts are poisonous. Maybe there are people who know you are Mrs. Oujia, so be careful." Gong Lin opened the car door and took it A white hat came out.

"Mrs. Young, take it."

Yao Yiyi took it, set her hair up, and said, "Let's go."

Gong Lin held her and walked towards the crowd.

"Who are you? Did you come to Yao Ting, the best-selling author?" Several of the boring reporters surrounded them and said.

"I'm sorry, we don't know who you are Yao Ting. We made an appointment with Mr. Li to discuss the cooperation project. Please let me go. Otherwise, I will prosecute you for obstructing the travel of citizens. You are a city. The reporter of the newspaper, you are the reporter of the People ’s Daily, and you are the reporter of the entertainment section. I have written down your names. If we have any problems with your gossip, I will sue you at all costs. I glanced at these reporters and warned.

Those reporters were obviously a little bit worried, and Yao Yiyi and Gong Lin were not what they were looking for, so there was no need to deliberately hold on, and instead let themselves get involved in the lawsuit.

Just when Gong Lin was protecting Yao Yiyi and was about to enter the company, somebody shouted: "This hat wearer is Yao Yiyi, Mrs. Ou Jiashao, and Yao Ting are the best friends."

All the reporters are surging.

They all gathered around and asked with full mouth: "Are you really Mrs. Ou Shao? What do you think of the plagiarism of the novel adapted from Yao Tingxin Film and Television? We heard about this novel Ou Shao. There are also investments. Is this true? Did she know that she was suspected of plagiarizing you before? "

These reporters were obviously in a hurry, and they seemed to be prepared, and the one who revealed Yao Yiyi's true identity behind him was obviously a bad comer.

Gong Lin tried to protect Yao Yiyi from harm, but these reporters could not take it off like a leech. Their problems came one after another. Yao Yiyi and Gong Lin could not be separated.

Gong Lin couldn't bear it. She took out a gun from her bag and shot it in the sky to show people. The sound of "touch" made all the reporters shudder, and her mouth closed subconsciously.

"Young lady, go in." Gong Lin said.

Yao Yiyi walked into the building quickly. These reporters' ability to describe black as white is really perfect. She can expect that tomorrow's newspaper will write-the female bodyguards around Mrs. Ou Shao are facing the reporters in front of the company. The warning shot fired a bad impact on the citizens.

Entering the building, Gong Lin said: "Mrs. Young, you can rest assured that we have a gun qualification certificate, so I have a gun in my body that is reasonable. I will not cause trouble for BOSS."

Yao Yiyi was relieved.

The counter came out behind the front desk and said, "This lady, are you okay?"

"I'm looking for Haoran. Is he in the company? I didn't answer when I called him." Yao Yiyi said straight away.

"The boss is in a meeting. You have also seen that all over the Internet are plagiarized by Yao Ting. She is the company's gold writer. There are a lot of readers. These reporters have heard about the incident and there is no definite plan. I am afraid this Plagiarism will intensify. "The front desk looked at the reporter outside with some fear and said.

Yao Yiyi said softly: "Miss, can you call me for Haoran? I want to go up."

"Sorry, Miss, it's not that I don't want to help you, but President Li has ordered that no one should come in now because it is a sensitive area. I think it's not easy for you to be surrounded by reporters, otherwise you will leave from the back door Right. "Said the front desk.

Yao Yiyi said: "My name is Yao Yiyi, and I am Mrs. Ou Jiashao, and Yao Ting are my best friends. I am afraid that she will call her when she has an accident. She is not answering. I am very worried about her now. Not in the company, can you call me? "

The front desk hurried to make a phone call. After finishing the talk, she hung up the phone and walked over and said: "Back to Miss Yao, Yao Ting is not in the company. President Li is still inconvenient to answer the phone at the meeting. I'm really sorry."

Yao Yiyi frowned, and her heart rate could not help but speed up. She was afraid that something would happen to Yao Ting. At this critical moment, her phone could not be reached. Yao Yiyi really broke her heart.

Yao Yiyi took out his phone and tried again, but no one answered.

"Are you sure Yao Ting is not in the company?"

"Return to Miss Yao, not here." The front desk also considered due diligence. She said: "Miss Yao, why don't you sit here, maybe Yao Ting was afraid of being harassed by the reporter, so she didn't answer the phone on purpose."

"No, let me go out."

Yao Yiyi left in a hurry, and Gong Lin immediately followed.

The journalists dared not stop her anymore. Yao Yiyi drove around the street in a car. Gong Lin said: "Young lady, do you want to tell BOSS? He can send someone to find him, or he can mobilize the police to help."

"For the time being, I don't think Tingting should have encountered anything before she missed the call." Yao Yiyi calmly said.

Yao Yiyi drove on the street for almost half an hour. The cell phone in her bag rang, and she asked Gong Lin to take it out for help. It happened to be called by Yao Ting.

She took it, and Yao Ting said over the phone: "My dear, where are you now? If it is convenient, come over to No. 33 Madong Road to pick me up. The money on my body has been stolen. Now people are a bit embarrassed. "

"You are waiting there, I will pass now."

Hanging up the phone, Yao Yiyi changed direction and raised the speed.

"Young lady, what's wrong?"

"She's at 33 Madong Road, I'll pick her up now."

"Isn't there a slum in this city? Where did Miss Yao go?"

Yao Yiyi shook her head, and she knew nothing about it.

Yao Yiyi drove the car there, and got off, and saw that Yao Ting's trousers were covered with mud, the two shoes were black and autumn, and her hair was a little messy. The whole person looked like a refugee, so it was embarrassing .

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