Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 628: Click through

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At night, Mrs. Zhang took Zhang Zhiling to Ou's house.

"Yazhu, Chi Ling is not sensible, and has caused you a lot of trouble. I'm really sorry." Mrs. Zhang deliberately lowered her value as soon as she entered the hall.

Mrs. Ou glanced at Zhang Zhiling and said with a smile: "There is something wrong with me here, young people. Sometimes they only work with one effort, and they ignore the consequences caused by the impulse."

"Yazhu, you are right. I told her the same way. She was also loyal to Qingheng, so she couldn't accept Qingheng's remarriage for a while, but I talked to her for a few hours and she also looked at Here, ”said, Mrs. Zhang looked at Zhang Zhiling and said,“ Chi Ling, Yazhu hurts you, do you have nothing to say to Yazhu? ”

Zhang Zhiling lowered her head and apologized: "Auntie, I'm sorry, I didn't intend to raise the bar with you. It's really that Big Brother Ou's sudden remarriage hit me too hard. , This has not caused this consequence, I am really sorry, I did not intentionally. "

Mrs. Ou's complexion is better now.

"Chi Ling, also the aunt lacked consideration, and she thought of giving An An a complete home, but ignored your feelings, and the aunt said sorry to you."

Mrs. Ou had done enough drama, which was enough to give Zhang Zhiling enough face. If Zhang Zhiling was making trouble unreasonably, she would not know what to do.

Zhang Zhiling also understands the truth. She still has no ability to compete with the Ou family, so she can only accept the apology for Mrs. Ou. She is not a fool. She has lost the so-called love. Offended, maybe in the end she really lost the gains.

"Auntie, it's also my fault. I apologize to you. The incident I made today is also a one-off. Is it okay?" Zhang Zhiling walked down the pole and was able to give Mrs. Ou's face.

Mrs. Ou looked very satisfied and secretly praised Zhang Zhiling as a malleable talent. She likes to deal with smart women.

"Yazhu, I forgot to say congratulations to you. Qingheng and Yiyi's remarriage is a big event. Are you planning to have another wedding?" Zhang Zhiling greeted Zhang Zhiling and sat next to her, seemingly concerned.

"It was originally intended to be held again, but Qing Heng said that it would not make any sense to hold the wedding too many times, so just invite friends from the upper circles to have a good meal, and everything else should be simple. Mrs. Ou said indifferently.

Mrs. Zhang nodded without asking too much.

Mrs. Ou glanced at Zhang Zhiling and said with a smile: "Chi Ling, I want to recognize you as a daughter. How are you thinking?"

Mrs. Zhang pre-emptively said before Zhang Zhiling answered: "This is certainly a good thing. Zhiling has always treated you as the closest elder to filial piety. She told me today that she would be good if she could become your daughter-in-law Filial piety, go shopping with you, buy your favorite jade beads, I did n’t expect Qingheng to remarry, she was all stunned, the most talked about was that she had no chance to become your daughter-in-law, you have to recognize her now In order to be a daughter, she may not be happy in her heart. "

Mrs. Ou's mouth turned round and said, "Don't comfort me, Chi Ling said today that I want to recognize her as a daughter and sympathize with her. I really can't see how happy she is. Chi Ling, you Say yes? "

Zhang Zhiling raised her head with a smile on her lips, and said softly: "Auntie, I like you very much. You know that you can become your dry daughter. I am also very happy in my heart, so I agreed to your request."

"That line, another day I will feast on the people in the circle, and solemnly introduce you to their acquaintances, which can be regarded as blocking the leisurely mouth of everyone." Mrs. Ou said. This is also an indirect compensation for Zhang Zhiling. After all, the relationship between the Oujia family and the Zhangjia family is inside. If she doesn't handle it well, it can be regarded as a slap in the Zhang family. In addition, Ou Tingting insists on marrying Zhang Shujun, she It ’s not easy to do too much, otherwise Ou Tingting wo n’t get any benefits after marrying.

"Yazhu, you are too much trouble for Chi Ling. Chi Ling's ignorance before made you angry. When you recognize her as a dry daughter, you can talk about her." Mrs. Zhang laughed. .

Mrs. Ou shook her head and said: "Chi Ling is a sensible and I promised her too much before, but the result was not done in the end, it was my distrust of her, so, I will host a banquet tomorrow as the host, please invite some circles Good friends, give them a good introduction to Chi Ling. "

"Is this too grand?" Mrs. Zhang said. "You are too indulgent in Chi Ling, I'm afraid she is proud."

Although it is said that, Mrs. Zhang is not happy in her heart. Such a great opportunity is not a fool.

"How come, my goddaughter certainly deserves the best."

"Chi Ling, thank you godmother."

Zhang Zhiling lowered her eyebrows and said obediently, "Thank you godmother."

This is a natural change, and there is no sense of violation.

Mrs. Ou laughed: "Good." She took a red thing out of the bag and opened it, revealing a crystal clear bracelet, and said, "Chi Ling, this is the special offer I prepared for you. Mom ’s meeting, do you like it? "

Zhang Zhiling took it for a look, and obediently said: "It's crystal clear, and it's cold when you get into the bone. You can see that it's the first-class goods at a glance. I'm afraid I spent a lot of money. I can't accept such a gift."

She shoved the gift back pretentiously, and Mrs. Ou returned the gift to her hand again, saying: "Bring it, I will pick it for you."

Zhang Zhiling pushed it again before accepting the gift.

"Then thank you godmother."

Zhang's mother and daughter spent nearly two hours at Ou's house before getting up and leaving.

Sitting in the car, the expression of the mother and daughter sank very synchronously.

Zhang Zhiling threw the bracelet she had just received aside, and said angrily: "This old woman is really deceiving too much. I wanted to send me with a bracelet. It was really that I was a cheap item at the time."

"Don't break it, or she will find you a bracelet, and you won't find it for a while," said Mrs. Zhang. She just played Tai Chi with Mrs. Ou, and her face was almost laughing stiffly, and naturally there was no interest to continue to put on a smiling face.

"If it's broken, it's broken, does it really make me treat it as a baby lump?" Zhang Zhiling disdained, gloomy in his eyes: "What do you say to my daughter, I have forgotten if I haven't passed it, I promised me before, no Thinking that the grandson changed all the time he came back, I now wish to strangle the little cub, and the dream of marrying me into the Ou family was all shattered, and I became a laughing stock for everyone. I can't swallow anything. "

"Then what else do you want? Yazhu is just as good as you are. It's better to think of you as a daughter than you have nothing in the end." Mrs. Zhang said annoyedly.

"Mom, people give you Xiao En Xiao Hui, you will stand on her side?" Zhang Zhiling stared and said.

"Okay, you should be the dry daughter of the Ou family. Maybe in this way, you will have more names close to Ou Qingheng. Then you can take his heart back, but no one It is stipulated that the elder brother and the younger sister cannot be together. "Mrs. Zhang narrowed her eyes and said a little sinisterly.

"Mom, do you mean ..."

"You cannot approach Ou Qingheng as a suitor, but as a sister ... do you understand what mom means?"

Zhang Zhiling's eyes brightened.

"Mom, I understand what you mean." Zhang Zhiling was refreshed again, and the whole was like a cockroach that could not be killed: "Mom, you are really my lucky star. When I put the Ou family in my pocket, I will not forget To help my mother. "

"You just remember what you said today. It's not easy for your brother to support a company by yourself. If you are a sister, you can help him get more investment if you are capable. Yazhu will not introduce you to those friends tomorrow. Do n’t forget to tell them more about your brother. ”

Zhang Zhiling was not surprised, but smiled: "Mom, you can rest assured, I will not forget the benefits of Brother."

Mrs. Zhang nodded, and it would be fine.

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