Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 640: There is something wrong again

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Ou Shao's substitute wife!

Mrs. Li received the text message June sent to her, writing the time and address they would like to meet. This text message seemed to confirm that Mrs. Li would definitely go.

Mrs. Li snorted coldly and put the phone in her bag.

She didn't want to take care of the text message, but she finally dressed up and went to the appointment.

"Madam, where are you going to dress up so beautifully?" Asked Master Li.

Mrs. Li took a kiss on his cheek and smiled, "They and I have arranged a shopping trip with Rupei. They will eat together at noon, and then continue shopping, have another afternoon tea in the afternoon, and come back to accompany you at night."

Master Li also kissed her lips and smiled, "Is enough money brought?"

"I have several unlimited credit cards and black cards in my bag. As long as I don't go to a place without a credit card machine, I will have no money."

"Then you must be careful when shopping, and you can't be hungry."

"Got it, steward."

Mrs. Li walked downstairs in full dress, and Mrs. Li was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, but just glanced at her.

"Dad, Rupei and I made an appointment to go shopping together and will not come back to dinner at noon." Mrs. Li reported.

Grandpa Li just nodded.

Mrs. Li did not care, and said: "Dad, I will go first." After that, she walked towards the door on high heels.

"Daughter-in-law, you can't do everything you can to kill everything. Leave room for yourself. Don't leave your juniors too anxious, or you will end up losing it." Grandpa Li's faint voice came from behind.

Mrs. Li's footsteps paused, then turned around and smiled lightly: "Dad, what are you saying? I don't understand."

Grandpa Li picked up the newspaper again and said without looking up, "Aren't you going shopping?"

Mrs. Li was puzzled and had to leave.

Mrs. Li asked the driver to take her to the place where she was going. The driver steadily took her to the place and said, "Madam, here you are."

"Old Joe, you'll be here to pick me up in an hour." Mrs. Li put on her glasses and said.

"Got it, ma'am."

Mrs. Li got out of the car and walked into the store like a noble queen who could only watch from a distance. She walked to the innermost place by the window and saw a handsome foreign man sitting there.

"Mrs. Li, hello, this is June, and the Chinese name is Huang Feihong. You can call me June or Feihong." June stood up, and gentleman opened the chair for Mrs. Li, waiting for Mrs. Li to sit , He introduced politely.

Mrs. Li took off her glasses, and her beautiful face almost made June sway for a moment. This was not about love, but out of human likes for beautiful things.

"Mr. Huang, may I ask you what advice do you call me to come out?" Mrs. Li said with her arms around her chest, and said forcefully.

June called the waiter. The waiter said, "Sir, ma'am, do you want some coffee?"

June nodded and asked for a latte.

Mrs. Li also asked for a latte.

Waiting for the waiter to bring the coffee up, June fiddled with the coffee in the cup with a small spoon and said, "Mrs. Li, seriously, I have conducted some surveys with you before, and I don't say you have 100% understanding But 60% is ok, I know you hate Yao Ting, do you? "

Mrs. Li looked at him alertly and said, "What do you investigate me for?"

June took out his business card from the bag and handed it to Mrs. Li, saying: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce what I did, please go over."

Mrs. Li took the business card in his hand, looked at it, and said, "Are you from the Edden family?"

"Does Mrs. Li also know Edton?"

"A few years ago, I was fortunate to go to the party held by the Edden family with a friend. I knew it was a family that could be ranked abroad. I did not expect you to be a member of the Edton family. It really is young and promising. Ah. "Knowing June's true identity, Mrs. Li's face improved a lot.

"Mrs. Xie's praise, this is my honor."

Mrs. Li took a sip of her coffee and said, "Speak, what purpose do you ask me to come out? I don't think you have anything to say to me and an old woman over sixty."

"Ms. Li is really humble. You have beautiful flowers, fair skin, and almost no wrinkles. Combined with your unique mature female charm, you are believed to be in your thirties."

Mrs. Li rubbed her lips and said, "Mr. Huang, I am not here to listen to your hypocritical hypocrisy. Come on, do you hate Yao Ting?"

"Not annoying, but Ou Qingheng and I have a bit of a holiday, and Ou Qingheng's wife is Yao Yiyi, and Yao Yiyi's best friend is Yao Ting. She is completely implicated, but what is the solution, who Call her Yao Yiyi's friend. I found out that your wife doesn't particularly like her because of Li Gongzi's affairs. Why don't we join forces? "

"Why should I join forces with you?"

"Because I am a member of the Edden family, I have the ability to help your wife remediate the people you are not used to, depending on whether the wife wants to use the power in my hand."

"You talk about it."

June briefly stated his plan.

Mrs. Li listened, nodded, and agreed: "It seems that you have been planning for a long time. I can know what Qingheng has done. It can make the eldest son of the Edton family want to revenge.

"Private grievances, I don't think it's necessary to tell your wife."

Mrs. Li raised her eyebrows, and did not ask him aggressively.

"Madam, can we join forces?"

"Okay, as long as you can let my son leave that woman, I don't mind being this wicked mother-in-law who splits marriage."

"There is such a charming wicked mother-in-law, I think no one will be willing to blame you."

Mrs. Li pursed her lips.

June raised his cup and said, "I hope to be the best partner with my wife."

Mrs. Li also raised her glass and touched it, saying, "I also hope you can give me a perfect answer instead of playing with me."

After June and Mrs. Li reached an agreement, June completely embarked on the plan to renovate Yao Ting. He asked people to touch the reef Yao Ting's film that had already started shooting. It was reported that the staff was injured within ten days of the shooting. According to news, because this movie was invested by Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling, the regular media and the less traditional paparazzi smelled the sensitivity of news reporting and reported this incident, although Ou Qingheng, Zhang Zhiling and Li Haoran has spent a lot of money to block the news for the first time, but there is always an evenly matched force behind him that is vigorously instigating the wind, a large group of blackspots are very happy on the Internet, no matter how Ou Qingheng prevents them, they can see them. Figure.

There are several tabloids that do not report the face of Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling very much every day. The change of Yao Ting ’s novel is because of its supernatural genre, so it has attracted evil spirits. This has caused all kinds of This kind of thing happened. If the novel adaptation continues to be filmed, I still don't know what to say. Perhaps the actors and staff may be injured at least, and the only thing is dead.

Ou Qingheng looked at these false reports and asked Fang Hui to call the person in charge of these companies. The secretary over the phone said that their boss was on a business trip and he could not see Ou Qingheng in a short time. of.

Fang Hui reported truthfully, Ou Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled: "It seems that they have a strong background behind them, otherwise they will not be so fearful, Fang Hui, give me a good look at the person behind the scenes who is it."

"Yes, BOSS."

Fang Hui set out to check, this time it took almost a day to find a little bit of information.

"Back to BOSS, it was the hands of the people of the Edden family. That person is said to be June's cousin, and he has a very good relationship with June."

Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and said, "One June is not enough. Now even the people of Edden are here to join in this hilarious activity. It's quite interesting. But since they like to play, I will play with them. All right."

Fang Hui stooped slightly and said, "BOSS, do you need me to dispose of the responsible persons of those newspapers?"

"No, it's just a few small fish sauces that can't stand the storm. Just go with them. You can contact me with lawyer Yang. I want to draft and sue them. I don't want to sue them. I thought I was so bullied. "Ou Qingheng narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, BOSS."

Fang Hui called the lawyer and called Ou Qingheng. Attorney Yang nodded and took out their self-confidence to the profession: "Ou Shao, don't worry, we have 100% Grasp the bankruptcy of these media companies. "

"Lawyer Yang, I'll trust you all."

"Ou Shao, you're welcome."

As soon as they left, lawyer Yang collected the materials to be sued and brought the principals of several companies to court as quickly as possible.

I did n’t expect that the media had the support of the Edden family behind them. The winning case was abruptly delayed for two months and was not finalized. This time it completely annoyed Ou Qingheng, Ou Qingheng and Zhang Zhiling joined forces Increased strength, and finally won the media, those responsible persons not only deleted all previous reports, but also apologized.

However, because of the continuous reports of these newspapers, some passers-by who did not know the truth and some black-spots who had collected money from others to deliberately make troubles did nothing. The progress of several days has consumed a lot of money, and the atmosphere of the crew is not as relaxed as before.

Ou Qingheng, Huang Zhanglin and Li Haoran didn't even care about the loss of this amount of money, but Yao Ting was a little unhappy. She all doubted whether her magical novel was cursed by others and came out one after another. thing.

Yao Yiyi also saw reports on the Internet and in newspapers. She was afraid that Yao Ting would think more. She called Yao Ting.

"Tingting, where are you?"

"At home." Yao Ting said weakly.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay, it's not dead yet, I will be resurrected if I change it, don't worry."

Yao Ting didn't say that. It was okay. Once said, Yao Yiyi was even more worried.

"Tingting, you are waiting at home. I will go to your house to find you. I'll hang up." After that, Yao Yiyi hung up the phone directly, and didn't give Yao Ting a chance to reply.

Yao Yiyi went downstairs and drove to find Yao Ting.

She rushed to the quarter where Yao Ting lived with the fastest speed.

She took the elevator upstairs and out of the elevator. She knocked on the door and Yao Ting came to open the door.

Yao Yiyi looked at Yao Ting, who didn't trim her edges, and knew that her mood was really bad.

"Honey, come in and talk."

Yao Yiyi walked in with her.

Yao Ting opened the refrigerator and gave her a bottle of Coke, saying, "Drink."

Yao Yiyi took Coke, looked at her, muttered, and said: "Decayed? Not planning to make this movie?"

Yao Ting rolled his eyelids and shook his head weakly.

"Then do you intend to win the sympathy of others, or do you intend to give up?" Yao Yiyi opened Coke and said.

Yao Ting shook his head.

Yao Yiyi drank Coca-Cola and said, "Tingting, what do you think?"

"What do you think?"

"you know."

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