Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 649: Perfect match

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Ou Qingheng found a time to meet the woman who had turned upside down on Zhang Shujun's soul.

"Who are you? Why did you send someone to catch me?" Lin Shufen looked at Ou Qingheng very alertly and asked.

Ou Qingheng domineeringly sat on the sofa and gave Lin Shufen a slight glance, saying, "It's a big beauty, and it's no wonder that Zhang Shujun is overwhelmed by you and will spend so much money on you."

Lin Shufen subconsciously took two steps back, his eyes alert.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with Shujun?" She asked.

"I'm Ou Qingheng, the brother of your lover's newly-married bride, and my sister's husband raised a mistress outside, shouldn't I have come to see it?" Ou Qingheng raised his eyebrows with interest Looking at Lin Shufen's unpredictable face.

"What do you do to catch me? Let me leave Shujun to make room for your sister?" Lin Shufen said coldly. Her back was straight, and she did not want to show her weakness in front of Ou Qingheng. The brother of her rival rival caught her here. It would not be impossible to invite her to dinner.

"It turns out that Miss Lin is still a fierce woman." Ou Qingheng said.

Lin Shufen snorted coldly.

"Miss Lin, your man married another woman. You really don't hate it and don't want to retaliate?" Ou Qingheng dropped the bait and waited for the fish to hook.

"What do you mean?"

"You are willing to lie to Zhang Shujun to deceive you, but in the end, they married a rich man with a lot of money as his wife, and they are both loving and loving in front of everyone, but you can only be a blind mistress, waiting for you to have children in the future , He asked why your father was not with you. Do you have to tell him that you are actually just a mistress, and then let the children around you call him a child without a father, or a mistress as a mother? Ou Qingheng played with slender fingers and said indifferently: "I forgot, you seem to have had three fetuses for Zhang Shujun, the doctor also said that too much miscarriage, your uterine wall has become thinner and thinner. It ’s hard to get pregnant. Is it worth it to deprive you of your right to be a mother for such a chaotic man?

Lin Shufen's whole body was trembling violently, her face was pale, and the unbearable disguise was being opened in front of herself by her blood. She felt ashamed and unwilling, but more was the pain and resentment that was betrayed Too.

"Enough, stop talking." She shouted out of control, holding her head in both hands.

Ou Qingheng smiled, he really became worse, and even more enjoy the game of cats slowly giving rats to madness, trapping them in the bureau and going out, despair and nothing Helping people feel more fulfilled than giving them pleasure all at once.

"Why, I poked your mind?"

"Mr. Ou, let's talk straight. What do you want to do?" Lin Shufen calmed down and said softly.

"Do you want to take revenge? A man who failed to give you a name, I think love power is better than love you, no, or in his heart you have always been just a toy to play with, otherwise you will be missing. He hasn't come to you for two days, maybe he and my sister are having fun. "

"Mr. Ou, isn't Ms. Ou your sister?" The implication is that Zhang Shujun has a good relationship with her. Isn't he more happy as a brother?

"This doesn't need you to control, just tell me if you want to take revenge? It takes years of youth for a man who doesn't know who loves you or who loves you, and don't know if he can have children, waiting for you to be old His color is declining, and he has his own wife and children. You can only keep a house alone. Even if your body stinks after death, some people know that you are willing to become like this? "

"Don't say it anymore, don't say it anymore, Shujun is mine, he will be mine alone."

"You have a face, nothing else, what do you compare with my sister? Do you think he will abandon the background behind my sister for a woman who is getting old? I think you can only be the last one The yellow-faced woman abandoned by the people. "

Lin Shufen could n’t help but dream of the bleak scene in her old age. She was more afraid. She did n’t want to be alone. She did n’t want to be alone. But she followed Zhang Shujun for many years. He knew his heart was fierce than anyone else. Otherwise, she could not be just a mistress.

Don't do this.

"As long as you want, I can help you get revenge on the man who has started to mess up." Ou Qingheng You Youdao.

Lin Shufen raised his head and stared at Ou Qingheng with scarlet eyes.

"Why help me? What is your purpose?"

"I just want to ask you, do you want? Do you not want to?"

Lin Shufen groaned and said nothing.

"I will give you time to think, and you will tell my bodyguard when you agree, and they will communicate it to me." Ou Qingheng finished, stood up, and went out first.

"BOSS." Fang Hui said with a lowered head: "It's just an insignificant woman, there is no need to spend time on her."

"Fang Hui, isn't it a little more interesting to let the people he cares about and kill each other than to solve the people you don't like?" Ou Qingheng cruelly said: "Have Zhang Shujun and Miss arrived in Bali ? "

"Back to BOSS, the people who followed them secretly said they had arrived."

"People take some intimate pictures of them and send them back to the woman. Once the woman is jealous, it is terrible."

"Yes, BOSS."

Fang Hui hesitated and asked, "BOSS, do you hate Zhang Gongzi?"

"It doesn't matter whether you hate it or not, it's just that he shouldn't have moved An An at first. I have always been stingy, so a little hatred is now. I also want him to taste the taste of being hurt by the person he loves the most. I was worried about An'an. "Ou Qingheng finished, and lifted his foot.

Fang Hui thought about it and quickly followed.

Lin Shufen can see all kinds of photos every three days. Both male and female protagonists are Zhang Shujun and Ou Tingting. Every one, Zhang Shujun looks at Ou Tingting with great spoil, and if there is no one to play beside them, Zhang Shujun replaces her Apply sunscreen, eat a total of ice cream on the street, and linger fiercely in the room ... Every one is full of Zhang Shujun's deep love for Ou Tingting's message.

A man's language can deceive people, but body language can't deceive people.

"Shujun, didn't you say you wouldn't fall in love with this woman?" Lin Shufen knelt down on the floor and whispered, "I have followed you before I graduated from university. It will be thirty in a few years." By the way, my best youth is consumed by you. Why did you marry someone? Do you really not know that I will be sad too? "

Slowly, her eyes glowed with resentment, and said with hatred: "Shujun, you are sorry for me first, don't blame me for being cruel, and a woman can't really find a good home after thirty. Now, I do n’t want to stand in the back and wait for you, I also want to get a sum of money, find a honest man to marry, and live a mediocre life. "Who can marry a wife, who wants to be a shameless person Primary three, I was worried all day because I was old, and the ruthless man was really cruel to abandon you.

When Lin Shufen saw Ou Qingheng again, she calmly said: "I promise you, but I have two conditions."

"Tell me."

"After my revenge is over, I hope you can give me a sum of money so that I can worry about food and clothing. Second, I can safely take me away from T City and never be found by the Zhang family. As long as you promise me, I will be You are inside inside Zhang Shujun. "Lin Shufen said.

Ou Qingheng hooked his lips. He thought that this woman had a deep affection for Zhang Shujun. It turned out that it was for money. It was better to say that it was more vulgar than reality. But such a woman is also very smart, at least better than Those voices said that for the sake of love, the last stupid woman who had nothing was much stronger.

Men are lost, and living with money is not too miserable.

"Miss Lin, you are a smart woman, I admire you very much, so I agreed to your terms." Ou Qingheng said quickly: "When things are done, I will give you five million plus a house to let you live in peace. , I think as long as you save your words, five million will be enough for you to eat and drink forever. "This number is the number that ordinary people can't earn in their lifetime.

"Thank you Mr. Ou." Li Shufen said with a wink. These five million yuan are much more generous than what Zhang Shujun gave. Although Zhang Shujun manages a company, she only gives her 50,000 yuan a month. She thinks that it is not enough to learn to buy designer bags and clothes. It's better to get 5 million at once, plus the money she earned from her previous stocks, enough for her to worry about food and clothing all her life.

"You can leave. I think Zhang Shujun will come back and ask you something. You should know what to do?"

"Always rest assured, I have been with him for so many years, I still understand his temper."

"That's good, you go."

"Then don't disturb the president."

Lin Shufen left, Ou Qingheng walked to the window and looked at the beautiful scenery outside the window. In his opinion, the woman who can solve it with money has never been a trouble.

She and Zhang Shujun really are a perfect match, what kind of pot is equipped with what cover, one love dress, one love money, no one is sorry.

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