Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 658: Someone wants to move

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The next day, Xu Chengxun drove down to Yao Yiyi's company and waited. When he arrived at noon, he called Yao Yiyi and asked if Yao Yiyi was free. He wanted to ask her to have a meal alone.

Yao Yiyi just thought about it and agreed.

Yao Yiyi tidied up the things on the table, and then let Gong Lin go downstairs with her.

Xu Chengxun was not surprised to see Gong Lin, but the gentleman invited them both into the car and went to the restaurant where he had already set a position.

Parked the car and the three entered the restaurant. Xu Chengxun said: "Miss Gong, I and your young lady have something to say. Can you sit on the dining table on the other side? I promise you can see Yiyi."

Gong Lin looked at Yao Yiyi, and Yao Yiyi nodded at her.

Gong Lin sat obediently at a position three tables away from them, and happened to see Xu Chengxun's expression and manner.

Yao Yiyi sat down and said apologetically: "Sorry, Gong Lin is just worried about my safety."

"I understand that Xu Chengxun cares about you, but it's not annoying to be followed by you like this? This is very different from your previous temperament. I thought you would mind having a bodyguard to follow you." Xu Chengxun handed the menu to her and said.

Yao Yiyi opened the menu and said with a smile: "There is nothing to mind. This is also a way for Qing Heng to care about me. He has not asked about my privacy, nor has he interfered with my decision in the name of love. Send someone to follow me. I do n’t think I need to reject his good intentions and hurt each other ’s feelings. This is a kind of fun. Only two people with the same mind can feel it. "

The sadness in Xu Chengxun's eyes flashed through, but it was more of a relief.

He found Yao Yiyi for a long time and loved her for nearly eight years, but to see her really happy, Ou Qingheng also guarded her in his unique way, he could not insert it In between the two, he wanted to go and couldn't walk in like an outsider. Only letting go and quietly leaving her a place in his heart, he thought this was the best way to love her.

Xu Chengxun smiled and turned to the topic: "The beer drunk duck here is quite authentic. I remember you seem to like this dish too. You may order it. This is one of their signature dishes."

Yao Yiyi smiled lightly and ordered the drunk duck.

After ordering, Yao Yiyi asked straight away; "Chengxun, say, what's the matter with me?"

"It really can't hide you." Xu Chengxun said: "Have you watched Zhenzhen's online video?"

Yao Yi paused and smiled.

"I have heard from my colleagues these days, but I haven't read it yet, so I don't know what it is." Yao Yiyi said truthfully and behaved gracefully.

Xu Chengxun looked at Yao Yiyi and saw that her eyes were clear and did not seem to be hypocritical. He was relieved. He was really afraid that Yao Yiyi planned it by Ou Qingheng. He did n’t want to destroy Yao Yiyi in his heart. status.

"What's wrong, why look at me like that?" Yao Yiyi laughed.

Xu Chengxun withdrew his gaze, and he hesitated while waiting for the dish. He didn't know whether to open this mouth, but he didn't open it. I'm afraid Li Zhenzhen's video will be more popular.

The waiter served food very fast, which just interrupted Xu Chengxun's thinking.

After the dishes were ready, Xu Chengxun gave Yao Yiyi a bowl of soup, and Yao Yiyi politely said: "Thank you."

"Let ’s eat first. Let ’s talk after we finish."

Yao Yiyi also had no objection. The two were eating quietly. The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, and finally finished the meal in Shen Jing.

Yao Yiyi took the veil and wiped her mouth, laughing, "Cheng Xun, can you say it?"

Xu Chengxun also wiped the corners of his mouth, hesitating, and said in the end: "Yiyi, Zhenzhen's video, I have people check it. There is a person who is more powerful than me is manipulating, even I want to use the Internet The videos and posts have no power to delete. I think there are really not many families that can match the Xu family in T City, and the Ou family is just one of them. "

Yao Yiyi was also not annoyed and smiled: "So do you think this is one of the deliberate embarrassment of the Ou family?"

"Yiyi, I do n’t mean that. I think Ou Jinheng has misunderstood Zhenzhen, so when the video appeared, it helped, and I heard that she was celebrating after the big sale of the movie adapted from Yao Ting. What happened at the banquet hall was that you and Ou Qingheng were at the time, and everything was too coincidental, so I am a lobbyist today. Can you do me a favor and tell Ou Qingheng? "Xu Chengxun smiled bitterly Afterwards, he continued: "This is my first time begging you to help me in my face. You don't want to see Zhenzhen tired of her reputation."

Yao Yiyi glanced at him and suddenly smiled: "Do you like her?"

If Xu Chengxun was struck by lightning, his pupils shrank.

He was stunned for a while, and when he touched Yao Yiyi's smirk in his eyes, he suddenly recovered.

He wiped his face with a guilty smile and said, "Yiyi, don't laugh, I just treat her as a sister. I want to really like her. I was together two years ago. You know what I have in my heart who."

Yao Yiyi looked at him and said, "Chengxun, have you ever thought about it, maybe you can't let go of me just because of the guilt and desire eight years ago?

Xu Chengxun froze again.

The expression on Yao Yiyi's face became softer.

"Chengxun, you think about it. I think you are a good match with Zhenzhen. Those misunderstandings that happened to me and her may be hard to repair in this life, but you are different. You still have a chance, don't be persistent. Let go of a beautiful relationship. "Yao Yiyi became a matchmaker:" I will ask Qingheng for help with the video, but I can be sure that he is not really helping, he does not need to embarrass a woman. "

Xu Chengxun concealed the bitterness in his eyes and smiled: "Yiyi, thank you."

"You're welcome, we are friends, you can tell me anything you need help, I can help some help, will not shirk."

Xu Chengxun nodded.

After eating, the three of them left the restaurant. Xu Chengxun embraced Yao Yiyi under Gong Lin ’s stare and said, "Yiyi, I love you from beginning to end, not guilt nor attachment, but true. I love you earnestly, but if you can be happy, I will not interfere in your marriage. "

Yao Yiyi's body froze.

Xu Chengxun let her go, patted her head with her hand, spoiled and said: "Go back to work, I won't send you."

Gong Lin took a step forward and blocked Yao Yiyi.

"Xu Shao, you can go." Gong Lin issued a guest-eating order.

Xu Chengxun just nodded to Yao Yiyi behind Gong Lin, then left.

Yao Yiyi patted her shoulder and said, "Everyone is gone, don't watch it, let's go back to work."

Gong Lin obediently followed her back to the company.

After work, Yao Yiyi got into Ou Qinheng's car to pick her up.

Yao Yiyi fastened her seat belt and looked out of the car window with good eyes.

Ou Qingheng leaned over, broke her face, came a hot French kiss with her, let go, he touched her forehead and said, "Anything?"

A light smile appeared on the corner of Yao Yiyi's mouth, and said: "Qingheng, don't embarrass Li Zhenzhen, take her video away, I think we have done too much this time."

Ou Qingheng's hand was inserted into her hair, her deep eyes looked at her, and she said, "Someone talked in front of you?"

Yao Yiyi smiled with a soft temperament: "Xu Chengxun came to see me today, I begged me to let you pass Li Zhenzhen, I also think she did nothing wrong, there is no need to punish her with her reputation, now on the Internet It ’s a **** / photo of her, it ’s really a bit excessive. ”

Ou Qingheng's eyes deepened and said, "Yiyi, have you ever thought that at the celebration feast that day, if it was not for me to be alert, maybe the heroine on the video was replaced by you, or if they wanted to do something for you, It ’s not going to be ruthless, it ’s going to upload the video on the Internet, and people ca n’t manipulate it to delete it. I just want to teach June and Li Zhenzhen a difficult lesson. ”

Yao Yiyi lowered her eyes and pondered, and still said: "That day, I believe that with your protection, I will not have anything to do."

Ou Qingheng flicked her forehead and said, "Want to let them go?"

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"it is good."

"Qingheng, did I embarrass you?"

"Silly woman, don't think about it anymore." Ou Qingheng sat down and fastened his seat belt, and said, "Sit down, let's go home."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Back at home, An An hadn't come back yet, both Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng frowned.

Ou Qingheng called Fang Hui to pick up An An, but no one answered.

"Qingheng, how is it going?" Yao Yiyi asked anxiously.

It's never happened that An An hasn't come back so late, so she is afraid that something unexpected happened.

At the thought of what might happen to An An, Yao Yiyi couldn't help but feel panicked.

Ou Qingheng put her arms around her shoulders and said, "Maybe An'an is still at home. I'll call Ma and ask."

Yao Yiyi watched Ou Qingheng call Ou Jia's main house, and Mrs. Ou quickly answered.

"Qingheng, what's wrong?" Madame Ou said.

"Mom, is Ann still there?"

"No, didn't Fang Hui pick him up at five o'clock? Hasn't he arrived home yet?" Mrs. Ou was also anxious over the phone: "Is there anything wrong with An An?"

"Mom, it's okay. An An just hid it. He is out now and still hungry. I took him to wash his hands and eat. I don't know where he went and got dirty."

"Go quickly, don't be hungry for my golden grandson."

Hanging up the phone, Ou Qingheng's face sank instantly.

"Qingheng, what's wrong, is An'an not there?" Yao Yi said.

"Don't worry, it may be that there is a traffic jam on the road or Fang Hui's mobile phone is dead. I will let Xu Chen take a look." Ou Qingheng calmed down and called Xu Chen to ask Xu Chen to locate below Hui's mobile phone location, try to find out where he is.

Xu Chen took the lead, but didn't expect Fang Hui's mobile phone to be located, and the door was knocked.

Ou Qingheng went to open the door and saw Fang Hui holding An An in a state of embarrassment. Yao Yiyi was shocked and hugged An An. He looked at him from head to toe and saw that there was no injury except for his dirty face. The carrying heart can finally be put down.

Yao Yiyi asked anxiously: "Fang Hui, what happened, how did you get this way?"

Fang Hui sullenly said, "Go back to BOSS, Mrs. Young, my car was rear-ended. Two cars attacked me. Because the young master was not driving too fast in the car, I had to abandon the car. Lin Chao and I did n’t get chased by them, but when I passed a pool of sewage, I accidentally abducted it and fell into it. The young master was very brave and did n’t cry all the way. Tell me which aspects of those people are very BOSS style. "

Yao Yiyi touched An'an's little face and felt terribly distressed.

And Ou Qingheng's complexion was very gloomy. Someone dared to move his son on his site. It was almost dead.

Yao Yiyi said: "An An, are you afraid?"

An An placated instead: "Mom, An An is okay, An An is a little man, and you have to protect you, so An An will not be in trouble."

Yao Yiyi smiled with tears, her son, really her sweetheart, did not cry when in danger, thinking wholeheartedly to protect her.

Yao Yiyi kissed him a few times on his face and murmured: "An An, my baby, you're fine, otherwise mother doesn't really know what to do."

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