Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 733: Stop regretting yourself

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Li Zhenzhen, who was seated in the car, gave June an angry look and said, "Why did you just say I was pregnant with your child?"

"I said that you did not object, did you?" June drove the car and said quietly.

Li Zhenzhen was angry, but there was nothing to refute.

"Li Zhenzhen, don't tell me that you still miss him? Don't expect people to fall in love with you, you haven't fallen in love with you after you chased him for two years, not to mention you're still a flower, think about the video. You are naked Do you think he will accept you as you do it? "June's words undoubtedly spread a handful of salt on Li Zhenzhen's wound.

Li Zhenzhen's face was green for a while and white for a while. She gritted her teeth and said, "June, what do you mean?"

"Literally, both of us have become celebrities on the video. I went to talk about business. Many partners also deliberately asked me how you tasted, and said that I and you are really a pair. I know that Chinese people still value women's reputation, so I think you and Xu Shao should be impossible, after all, they are also rich families. "June said quietly.

Li Zhenzhen just said that he was a waste. He was just a little revenge. He just wanted to make Li Zhenzhen recognize her own departure. As soon as the naked video came out, she was famous throughout the T city, and it was impossible for upper circles. She married her, but there are a lot of rich people who consume her. After all, she has a good appearance, good family background and good ability. It is also good to be a canary in a villa.

Li Zhenzhen's face sank instantly, and said coldly: "I know my exit, I'll remind you if you don't have to work, but you shouldn't be complacent, I won't be any better, nor will you be too good, I heard Yang The chairman is vaguely dissatisfied with you. You do n’t even want to let Yang Kexin have too much contact with you. You have to pay attention, do n’t think about it, but in the end, it ’s just a bamboo basket.

June snorted coldly and didn't speak again.

Li Zhenzhen also leaned on the car seat, her eyes were a little empty, and she looked staringly out of the window, her heart seemed to be empty.

As June said, no matter how much she loves Xu Chengxun before, so many things have happened in less than a year, and she and Xu Chengxun have formed a gap that can not cross the past, whether or not she For her mother ’s affairs, her naked videos are enough to keep her away, not to mention Xu Chengxun does n’t love her yet.

Li Zhenzhen couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. It was not a taste in her heart. When she thought of Xu Chengxun's appearance, she felt a slight pain, but instead of thinking it might be the best ending for her and Xu Chengxun. Who does not interfere.

Li Zhenzhen was absent, and Xu Chengxun in the ward was absent.

"Xiao Xu, Xiao Xu." Madam Huang shouted when he saw him in a daze.

Xu Chengxun came back, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Auntie, I'm sorry, I just lost my mind."

"Is it too tiring to work? If you are tired, go back and have a rest. It would be good if you could see me intentionally." Mrs. Huang said softly.

Xu Chengxun looked at Mrs. Huang who had carved a model with Yao Yiyi. He was in a trance, and shook his head subconsciously.

Mrs. Huang worried: "Are you all right? Does your head hurt?"

Xu Chengxun shook his head and said, "Auntie, I'm fine. I just think you and Yiyi look very similar. You look just like her biological sister."

"My daughters are like me, but Xiaoyi is a little more like that. She was a copy of my younger age. I will show you if I have young pictures."

"Auntie is not old now."

"Anyone in their 60s is not old, not to mention getting a malignant brain tumor now, and people will be older when they lose their hair, but I don't have any regrets now, as long as I can see Xiao Yiyi That ’s all. ”Mrs. Huang smiled freely.

Xu Chengxun shook his mind and laughed, "Auntie is really good, very few people get sick and still look down on life and death. This is what you and Yiyi look like. When you met her in college, you thought she was a very simple and lovely girl. Girl, people are not beautiful like vases, but talents with great design. If it happened later ... I think she must be an internationally renowned designer. "

"What happened?" Mrs. Huang asked with a focus.

Xu Chengxun smiled, and Gu Zuoxiu said, "Auntie, let me see if Yiyi is back."

Mrs. Huang gave him a puzzled look and said, "Xiao Xu, have you liked Xiaoyi before?"

Xu Chengxun's footsteps did not hide, "Yes, Auntie, I had thought that she would not marry, but then there was a little misunderstanding, and I separated from her for several years, and I will get married soon when I see you again. , She and I may be so-called destined. "

Mrs. Huang changed the subject very cleverly and said, "Do you have a girlfriend? You are so good, should you like to be an excellent girl?"

Xu Chengxun was in a trance, and he couldn't help thinking of Li Zhenzhen who had just left June with him. His heart was pumped for no reason.

He smiled bitterly and said, "There was a girl who was desperately chasing me for two years, but I don't know how to cherish. She left now and there are other men around her."

"Is that man really loving her?"

Does June really love her?

He remembered the data from the June survey. His emotions are very complicated, and he is entangled with many women. More importantly, he has been entangled with Yang Kexin for eight years. How can such a man be sincere? To Li Zhenzhen.

"What's wrong, he is not good to her? If her life is not good, you are still in love with each other. I think you still have to fight for it. You have missed Yiyi. Do you have to regret it again?" Said.

She is a person who comes here, and she enjoys endless wealth and prosperity. After the material satisfaction, the woman wants nothing more than a sincere feeling, unless it is the kind of woman in the game.

Xu Chengxun thoughtfully.

Yao Yiyi came in with food and said, "Mom, it seems that you have a good chat with Cheng Xun."

"Cheng Xun is very polite and is humble and polite to my elders. I think it's hard for someone to dislike it." Mrs. Huang laughed.

Yao Yiyi put the food on the table and said, "Mom, I bought you the casserole rice noodles that you suddenly wanted to eat. Come, eat while it's hot, Cheng Xun. I also bought you a copy. You should also Hungry. "

Xu Chengxun nodded.

After eating the noodles, Xu Chengxun sat for a while and got up to leave.

Yao Yiyi sent him out of the ward, waiting for the elevator, Yao Yiyi said: "Cheng Xun, I think your mood is not particularly good, what's wrong?"

"I just saw Zhenzhen, and he was with June. He said that Zhenzhen was pregnant with his child." Xu Chengxun's eyes became obscure and said indifferently.

Yao Yiyi was startled, and it seemed that her previous guess was correct. She did not expect Li Zhenzhen to be mixed up with June.

June and Yang Kexin are entangled, and now they are mingled with Li Zhenzhen again. This relationship is becoming more and more complicated.

"Zhenzhen is pregnant, what are you going to do?" Yao Yiyi thought for a while.

"What should I do? Have she and I ever started? Before, she was still eager to leave. Now that she has left, I am happy that it is too late."

This man is still talking hard.

"If you're really happy, you won't be distracted just now. I can see that she still loves you. Please take good care of it."

Xu Chengxun turned to look at her and said, "Yiyi, I always love you."

Yao Yiyi rolled her eyes and said, "You're here, you haven't been in front of me for a long time. Besides, we have never been together. Before, your entanglement with me was nothing but unwilling to get, maybe it was love , But all these years have passed, and that weak love has long since ceased to exist. "

Xu Chengxun pursed his lips tightly.

"Take a good grasp and stop doing things you regret."

Xu Chengxun finally nodded.

Sending Xu Chengxun downstairs, Yao Yiyi took the elevator. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw her mother was quickly pushed out of the ward. She sighed and ran quickly behind the bed.

"Gong Lin, what's the matter? Isn't my mother just fine?" Yao Yiyi asked anxiously.

"Mrs. Young, I don't know. As soon as you leave the lady, you say that her head hurts, and then she faints, and then it's what you see." Gong Lin frowned.

Yao Yiyi is upset, but she still cares about An An. "What about An'an people?"

"Mrs. Hui, I let other bodyguards take care of it first. Madam, I'm afraid to scare the young master."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

Mrs. Huang was pushed directly into the operating room, and Yao Yi walked anxiously outside, frowning involuntarily.

"Young lady, don't worry, your wife will be fine." Gong Lin explained dryly.

Yao Yiyi was still pacing back and forth, lingering worry between Meiyu.

Just when Yao Yiyi was nervous, the mobile phone in her hand rang, which shocked her solidly.

She picked it up and it was from Father Huang.

After hesitating, she took it on: "Hey."

"Xiaoyi, I'm in the hospital now. Which ward are you in? I'm passing now." Father Huang said over the phone.

"Mr. Huang, please come to the sixth floor. My mother passed out and is now in the operating room." Yao Yiyi said with a heavy voice.

"... I'm going up now."

Father Huang gasped up on the sixth floor, his tired legs were soft.

"Yao Yiyi, please tell me clearly, why did my wife enter the operating room again in good order? When you were in Shanghai, you promised that I would take care of her, and it became like this one day. How did you take care of her? ? "

Father Huang lowered his voice and questioned.

Gong Lin guarded Yao Yiyi behind her and said, "Mr. Huang, I hope you keep your mouth clean. Your lady's illness is clearer than anyone else. It would be unfair to scold others as soon as you come."

Father Huang took a deep breath, shaved his hair, and sat wearily on the bench.

Yao Yiyi turned to Gong Lin and walked in front of Huang Fu, saying apologetically: "Sorry."

Father Huang shook his head, his head dropped, and said slightly vicissitudes: "It's not your business, I was just too anxious."

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