Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 764: You can go abroad for further study

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Yao Yiyi accompanied Yao Ting for nearly an hour before she got up and left. Li Haoran sent the person out of the house and said: "Yi Yi, you come to Ting Ting to play whenever you have time. She is not in a good mood these days. . "

Yao Yiyi nodded.

"Hao Ran, you also need to control and accompany her. Write a manuscript when she recovers. When she puts into work, she has no time to think about anything else."

"I'm already working out the general direction of a movie. She will be the screenwriter. When it's busy, she will also regain her vitality."

Yao Yiyi gave Li Haoran a high glance, at least Li Haoran is still as she had known before.

"Horan, with you by Tingting, I think she will be fine soon." Yao Yiyi said.

Li Haoran nodded.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng left and sat in the car. Yao Yiyi said: "Qingheng, if you are Li Haoran, can you accept a child who is not a woman you love?"

"No, only you can give birth to my children. I won't make them pregnant for other women. No, it should be said that they can't even touch my body." Ou Qingheng said domineeringly.

"What if I can't have children?"

"Then adopt one, or both of us are good. When I am old, I will put down all the work and take you to various places to play. If I can't walk, I will find a quiet nursing home to spend my old age. , I will wait for you to die and close your eyes. I will not let you go alone or stay in the sun. "

Yao Yiyi was dazzled by Ou Qingheng's sweet words.

"Qingheng, we are talking about Haoran and Tingting." After Yao Yiyi laughed, she smirked: "If you said Tingting couldn't bear children, would Haoran divorce her?"

"It depends on how deep Li Haoran's love for her is. Like my love for you, he will not divorce Yao Ting." Ou Qingheng said firmly.

Yao Yiyi was silent.

She is not Yao Ting, and Ou Qingheng is not Li Haoran, so she cannot substitute them both. It is really hard to say.

Back at home, Yao Yiyi had to devote herself to her ad design again. After two or three months, she and the sister-in-law had jointly designed the scheme that Ruili had repeatedly. The Aidesi company rejected it, and the company's demand impairment reached the point of being fault-finding. Slight flaws can be magnified by them infinitely. The results they created after staying up for several days may be judged by them. .

One of the company ’s principals said to them in front of them in fluent Chinese: “When President Ou introduced us to your company, I thought you were very good. I did n’t expect it to be this level, I do n’t Do you know what President Zou told me what you mean? "

Although they were angry, Sister Rin said in a very atmospheric manner: "Mr. Reiter, please believe the sincerity of our company. I think that since Mr. Ou introduced you to our company, it is not difficult to guess that we are still strong. , Otherwise it ’s impossible to get into his eyes, right? "

"But I heard that it was because Miss Yao was his wife that he introduced you to your company. Isn't that the case?" Reiter said.

Yao Yiyi stepped forward and said, "Mr. Reiter, I am Qingheng's wife. It is true, but I will use my strength to prove that I have this ability. In fact, our advertising design is not so bad, is it?"

Reiter looked at Yao Yiyi and smiled: "Miss Yao, do you mean that I deliberately embarrass you?"

"No, I appreciate Mr. Ritter's fault-finding skills. It is precisely because of your leadership that you can make Ruili. Adesi is well-known nationwide, and I have seen your works, which can be described as perfect, It ’s no wonder you ’re going to look down on our ad design, because we ’re not as good as others, but as long as you give us another chance, we ’ll show you the most perfect works. I guarantee it in the name of me and my husband, if you If I am not satisfied, I will withdraw from the design. "Yao Yiyi said calmly.

Twitter looked at her deeply, then nodded.

Ou Qingheng brewed two cups of hot tea into the study, put the hot tea aside, went around the desk and hugged her from behind, saying, "What's wrong?"

Yao Yiyi pointed to the advertising design on the desktop and said, "Qingheng, what's wrong with the picture?"

Ou Qingheng took a serious look, and then took care of himself on the computer. He said, "This is fine. There is still a certain gap between the Europeans' ideas and our Chinese people. They pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Reasonable time to prepare the work, and our Chinese people are fast, which may be the reason why your advertising design did not pass on Reiter. "

Yao Yiyi looked at it and had to admit this change by Ou Qingheng, her design became more perfect.

She was keenly aware that her design was very important this time, and she always felt that something was missing. After this change, she woke up like a dream and what she wanted was the feeling now.

"Qingheng, no wonder they all describe you as a geek, they know almost everything, I didn't believe it before, now I have to admit that my design is a beginner in front of you." Yao Yiyi took a bite on his lips, Some unwilling and jealous said.

"No, I just stand on the sideline of the bystander, and I still know a little about Rhett, so I will know how to change this design. Compared with the talents in design, I really ca n’t compare with you. This is true. Words. "Ou Qingheng stroked her forehead, said:" You are very talented in design, work hard, and you will become a leader in the design world. The woman I see in Ou Qingheng is nowhere near. "

"I haven't seen my wife so proud of you."

"That's because my wife is very powerful."

Yao Yiyi's mood became excellent.

The next day, Yao Yiyi showed the products she designed to Sister Rin and they were very surprised.

"Yiyi, this design can be described by the word perfect, you are too talented for design." Sister Rin couldn't help complimenting.

Yao Yiyi smiled and said: "You think it's okay, let's go see Mr. Ritter and they should be able to pass this time, but if I don't think we have the opportunity to cooperate with Ruili, so everyone is cheering."

Sister Ling, they nodded and admired Yao Yiyi's ability. With such a person in charge, their design department would get better and better.

I made an appointment with the people of Ruili Company to watch the work at Ruili Company at one o'clock. Yao Yiyi was already preparing for them at 12:30. When Ruit brought several people over, Yao Yiyi let the person open the PPT, and then The products she designed and printed were distributed to Reiter.

Yao Yiyi explained to her the intention of designing this drawing on the stage. After finishing the speech, she said: "Mr. Reiter, have you read my newly revised works, is there any dissatisfaction?"

Reiter looked at it again, and had to admit that this time the work could hardly pick a single mistake.

Reiter remained silent for a long time, and when everyone waited until the result was raised, he applauded and stood up, saying, "perfect, perfect, I have never seen such a perfect work, Miss Yao, you Using your strength to prove that you did not get this job by President Ou, I am honored not to give up your good seedling in advance. "

Yao Yiyi finally showed a faint smile.

"Mr. Reiter, I am very happy to hear this sentence from your mouth. I am very happy to be able to cooperate with you." Yao Yiyi came over and extended his hand.

Reiter reached out and shook hands with her, saying, "I'm relieved that the ads are handed over to you for designing. You are a very talented person. It was so unpleasant to speak before and I just wanted to give full play to your potential. You did not disappoint me. "

"Mr. Reiter, thank you for your appreciation. I will not disappoint you to design a better work." Yao Yiyi promised with a smile.

"I am waiting."

After receiving satisfactory advertisement design, Reiter's mood was very good. Even when he met Feng Yixuan, he did not hesitate to praise the small team led by Yao Yiyi.

Feng Yixuan smiled: "Mr. Reiter, you are too polite. They are also a group of newcomers who have just entered the design industry for a few years. They are still slightly inferior to you. You are the benchmark for their progress."

Reiter smiled: "Mr. Feng, you don't have to be humble. We foreigners pay attention to being straight, good is good, bad is not good, don't talk about the politeness, Ms. Yao is really talented in design, This is beyond the reach of others. If I can, I hope she can go abroad with me for further study. I will be her mentor, and as long as one year, she is a rising star in the design world. "

Feng Yixuan froze for a moment.

"Mr. Reiter, thanks to your love, but if you want to continue to study as a boss, you can't be her master, you have to ask her, but I think Ou Shao should not agree." He laughed.

Reiter understood, but still said to Yao Yi: "Miss Yao, this is my business card. If you have the desire to go abroad, you can contact me. I am sure you can become a new star in the design world. I am mine for you. Pack tickets. "

Yao Yiyi received the business card, and she was very happy in her heart. It was a kind of affirmation to her design that she could be appreciated by Ritter. If she went abroad to study, her design would be an icing on the cake, but she now has a husband and son, and she works at her There is no such a big requirement, you have to stand out like others.

Her wish is actually very simple, her husband loves her, her son obediently, as for her work, she is just as natural as she is, and she doesn't demand too much.

"Mr. Reiter, thank you for your kind love. If I plan to go abroad one day, I will call you personally."

"Okay, I'm waiting, I hope you don't let me down."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

After a few people left, Feng Yixuan walked to Yao Yiyi and said, "Yiyi, you didn't let me down."

"Thank you."

Feng Yixuan smiled and then clapped his hands to everyone, saying: "Everyone has worked hard these days. Without your cooperation, this design will not be completed so perfectly, and it has also been affirmed by Mr. Reiter. Today, I ’m going to be a host. We will go to a five-star hotel to eat, and then we will sing K, and everyone will relax together. "

When everyone listened, it was a burst of cheers.

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