Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 778: Lie to Mrs. Ou to come back

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Zhang Shujun couldn't sit still. He took out his suit jacket and went out of the office. He went to the Euclidean Group. But he was stopped by the front desk unexpectedly.

Zhang Shujun originally wanted to argue with reason, but only remembered that he didn't have this position at all, so he had to go back to the Zhang family in disgrace.

As soon as Zhang Shujun entered the hall, he saw that Ou Tingting was holding a lot of eating and watching TV with a tablet. The more lazy the posture, the more lazy, there was no consciousness of marrying a woman.

Zhang Shujun's mood was already annoying. When he came back, he had to coax this little ancestor who was pregnant because of the ups and downs of his emotions. A little impatience flashed in his eyes.

If this woman weren't useful to him, he would never marry her as a wife, and the wife that she should have had nothing at all.

A lot of negative emotions appeared in Zhang Shujun's heart, and he didn't take them back until Ou Tingting called him.

"Shujun, why did you come back?" Ou Tingting got up and said.

Zhang Shujun helped her busy, and her large palm touched her round belly, saying: "Be careful! When I go to work, you can ask Mom to accompany you to walk outside. I heard that pregnant women are six or seven months old. You should take a walk outside, otherwise the fetus will be too big and not easy to have a baby. I know you will have a caesarean section, but you should be careful about everything. "

Ou Tingting waved impatiently and said, "I know, long-winded."

Sitting on the sofa, Zhang Shujun said: "How about parents?"

"Their friends looked for it, so they went out to gather together." Ou Tingting looked at him and said, "I think you came back so early today. Is something wrong with the company?"

Zhang Shujun hesitated for a while, but still told the Ouqi Group's divestment.

Ou Tingting said anxiously: "This, but I begged Mom to tell Big Brother personally, Big Brother also agreed to invest in Zhang's Group, how could the divestment be divestment? Shujun, you honestly told me, are you sorry? Big Brother's business? "

Zhang Shujun smiled bitterly and said, "Tingting, am I like this?"

Ou Tingting gave him a white look and said, "You better not, otherwise I wouldn't be embarrassed to go back to my mother's house."

Zhang Shujun grabbed her hand, and the affectionate model brought a little helplessness and said, "Ting Ting, I work hard and want the Zhang Group to grow stronger, so that you can live a good life and fear the Zhang family. It ’s not as good as the strength of the European family that ca n’t make you feel comfortable. I was thinking about the big brother ’s support and planning to make a big project. The project has already found a place, and people are almost looking for it. The big brother is now withdrawing capital. It's tantamount to making me a clever woman who can't cook without rice. I'm afraid all the money invested in this project will be lost. "

Ou Tingting's frown is tight, she knows that the Zhang family is now hooked with her honor and humiliation, Zhang Shujun is not well-mixed, then she still wants to live the life of a man.

"I'm going to ask my mother, she is my daughter, and I don't believe her, and she can still watch me not doing well."

"But my parents are in Malaysia now. Will you bother her if you call her? I can do something by myself, as long as I invest in other investments, but this project is a bit big, and other net worths do n’t. A strong group like the Oujia is going to watch the fire from the other side. Forget it. I will figure it out for myself. You are a pregnant woman. As long as you eat, drink, and wear well, do n’t think about the rest. " Said.

Ou Tingting patted his hand directly, without a good air: "You treat me like a pig, except for eating and sleeping all day, I tell you, I am your wife now, share with you the honor and shame, you are rich, I follow You enjoy the happiness, but if the company goes bankrupt, whether or not you suffer with you depends on my mood. I am very selfish and can only enjoy a good life. I cannot eat other bitter sufferings. "

Zhang Shujun hid a glimpse of shadow in the eyes behind the frame, but on the surface he said calmly: "You are my wife, how could I make you suffer."

"It's about the same." Ou Tingting said like Shi En: "I'll call my mother now, and I said my stomach hurts, there may be a sign of miscarriage, and I didn't believe she didn't answer the phone."

Zhang Shujun did not stop.

Ou Tingting made a phone call across the ocean, and as soon as it was connected, she immediately cried, "Mom, are you still in Malaysia? I have some pain in my stomach and bleeding. The doctor said there is a sign of miscarriage. Will you come back and see me? Okay? Scared. "

"Symptom of miscarriage? I will let your brother and sister-in-law visit you. Your parents will buy plane tickets immediately. Don't be afraid. You still have parents." Mrs. Ou said nervously.

In the end it was her daughter. No matter how many wrongdoings she did, she was very worried when she heard that she had signs of miscarriage.

"Mom, as long as you are there, my sister-in-law has nothing to say to me even if I come. If I don't agree with her, I might quarrel with her.

Mrs. Ou also knows the situation of Ou Tingting and Yao Yiyi. The two are like the tip of the needle against the malt.

"Mom bought the ticket back immediately. What about Shujun and them? You have signs of miscarriage, does he take care of you by your side?"

"Shujun is always here, but I miss my mother. What if I'm afraid my child can't keep it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Mom has already booked a flight ticket, so go to the airport with your dad, don't worry, there is a mom."

"Mom, thank you. I'm waiting for you at home."

Mrs. Ou responded indiscriminately, and then hung up the phone.

"Shujun, look, I said that as soon as I got out of the horse, my mother couldn't ignore me. As long as I threatened her with a child in front of her, she would promise to plead with my elder brother for me, and she would take me Such a daughter, she doesn't want me to suffer. "

Zhang Shujun wrapped her little hands and said with tenderness and a little apology: "Ting Ting, I've worked hard for you, I'm useless, and I want you to come forward for me. You can rest assured that I will definitely double up to you. . "

Ou Tingting was a rare intimate.

She said: "You can't blame you on this matter. I think it was the elder brother who deliberately adjusted you. It must have been that Yao Yiyi's **** woman was talking in front of her. The elder brother kissed Zhi Ling because she was noisy. Out of the Euclidean group, you, Chi Ling's brother, must have been affected. This woman's means are powerful. If we are not careful, I'm afraid she will follow her. "

"Tingting, you are so nice to be able to marry you. It is the greatest blessing in my life. I will work hard to make your life like a little princess. I look at you every day now and think it is huge. I am happy and full of energy to work, so do you know that you will stay with me for a lifetime? "Zhang Shujun's sweet words came hand in hand.

"Just know it. If you dare to treat me badly, I will kick you directly." Ou Tingting said proudly.

Zhang Shujun just smiled at her spoiledly.

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