Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 791: Partnership Catering

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Facing Yao Ting's initiative, Li Haoran shone with unspeakable excitement and excitement in his heart. He dragged her into the house half-armed and excitedly, "Ting Ting, aren't you angry with me?"

Yao Ting's answer was to block his mouth directly. Li Haoran stunned and quickly reacted. The anti-guest kissed her lips, and the two fell on the sofa together.

After the passion, Li Haoran stroked Yao Tinghan's cheek and spoiled: "Is not really angry with me?"

After experiencing a heartfelt love, Yao Ting's tired fingers could not move, but he was still very happy.

"I just thought a lot on the way back, I thought if you come back with me, I will forgive you, if you do n’t, it ’s only to show that we are destined, I do n’t know if you followed me, but look at you. Soon, I decided to give each other another chance. "Yao Ting's eyes flashed with tiredness, but the smile on her face could still be seen that she had changed back to the one she had before.

Li Haoran was relieved. He bowed his head and kissed the beauty of Yao Ting. He whispered, "Ting Ting, I am honored that I came back with you in the end."

Yao Ting looked at him with a smile, suddenly raised his hand and thumped on his chest several times, and said fiercely: "I will not divorce you, but you have to explain me about Zhang Jiaqi, or else I Endless with you. "

Li Haoran heard it, but instead laughed heartily, the laughter seemed to come from the chest.

He is in a very good mood now. He really misses Yao Ting's delicate and fearless look. He didn't want to see it at all before.

"What are you laughing at?" Yao Ting said pretending to be angry.

"I just miss your big-hearted look. I have been watching you unhappy for the past two days, and even said that I am going to divorce me. I'm crazy." Li Haoran picked up the man and walked upstairs, saying: " We are able to speak so calmly, and I am really happy. "

Yao Ting hugged his neck, and he was very close.

The two are good at rebuilding, but the most happy is Yao Yiyi.

Yao Yiyi took An An and Ou Qingheng to a very classically decorated farmhouse.

As soon as he sat down, Yao Yiyi saw that Yao Ting's face was quite ruddy. She smiled and said, "Really?"

Yao Ting poured her a cup of tea and smiled: "Reconciled. Honey, I have troubled you these past few days. I am in conflict with Haoran. You are also anxious to get angry, sorry."

"It's good to be reconciled. We are the best friends. If you don't like this, if you say anything thank you or sorry, I'm really angry." Yao Yiyi pretended Said angrily, but soon chuckled again.

Li Haoran took the menu to Ou Qingheng to order, Ou Qingheng ordered several dishes that Yao Yiyi and An An liked, and then handed the menu to Li Haoran, and Li Haoran also ordered several dishes that Yao Ting liked, which was called The waiter asked her to serve quickly.

After the dishes were good, Li Haoran carefully gave An Ansheng a bowl of soup, and then in turn gave Yao Ting, Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng three of them.

Li Haoran said: "Ou Shao, Yiyi, you try the soup here, they are very authentic. The chefs here are dug from Guangzhou, and they are very good at cooking in places like Guangdong, Gan, Xiang and Suhang. , I remember Yiyi quite likes the Hunan cuisine. You can taste this soup. "

Yao Yiyi took a spoonful of soup and took a sip of the soup. The pupils widened and smiled: "The taste is really good, thick but not greasy, just sticky, I haven't tasted it for a long time The delicious soup is better than Tingting ’s and Wu ’s. The chef should know him if he has a chance, so he can steal one or two tricks. ”

Li Haoran smiled and said, "This is not a difficult thing. I also have investment in this farmhouse. The chef or I went to Guangzhou to attend a conference on traditional and online literature. I went to a small restaurant to eat and found out and then digged it out. You If you want to meet me, let someone call him over. "

Yao Yiyi glanced at Li Haoran and said, "When did you also invest in the catering industry? Tingting never told me about it."

Yao Ting looked at Li Haoran's eyes and was very surprised. He blurted out: "Horan, have you also invested in the catering industry? I haven't heard of you before."

Li Haoran gently stroked her hair and said, "I have already married you. Of course, I have to figure out how to treat you well. I can't be limited to publishing and investment as producers. I have to do it. As I grow bigger, I will slowly dabble in the catering industry, IT industry, and real estate. When I am strong enough, you will not feel that I am being dragged down by you to give up the Li family ’s inheritance. "

Yao Ting was stunned. She didn't think Li Haoran did everything because of her.

"Tingting, I promised to give you the best at the wedding. I will let you choose me without regret in your life. When my industry grows stronger, I will prove it to you. Through my hard work, I can protect you. You are comprehensive, "Li Haoran said again.

Yao Ting felt that her eyes were a little hot. She hurriedly lowered her head. She waited until the enthusiasm in her eyes was not so heavy before raising her head.

She raised her hand and thumped it twice on his shoulder, covering her gratitude with a careless tone.

"Yiyi and the president of the University of Europe are here, and the president who pretends to be overbearing and affectionate in front of him is not suspected of being ashamed."

"No need to pretend, I would have been."

Li Haoran's words successfully amused the two ladies present.

Ou Qingheng said: "The catering sector has been developing very rapidly recently. I have also invested in several restaurants. If you are also interested, it is better to have two of us work together to create the most unique farmhouse in the city. I do n’t know what you think What about this proposal? "

Li Haoran raised his cup and touched it, and said with a smile: "I have this intention, and my plan has been written. I originally planned to show it to you two days ago, but because there was a buzzing fly. Ting Ting and I were bothered by the screaming, but it is not too late now. I will go to the Euclidean group tomorrow. We will talk about the specifics. "

Yao Ting knocked on the bowl with chopsticks and said, "Hey, you two will give me a break. Today, the two of you are simply gathering together to eat a meal. The two of you are also full of business and have not seen the seat. Are there any children? "

Yao Yiyi said: "Men are either talking about women or talking about business, but I am also very eager for this catering industry. Now that people's lives are good, they are very willing to spend money on eating and playing, if it is good If you do n’t worry about making money, this one is also a big profit, especially the farmhouse like this is more profitable, so I am in favor of this plan. If I do n’t mind, I plan to buy shares. "

"My dear, don't be blind. Your husband is a big backer. Where else can you see your millions of dollars? Don't be embarrassing?" Yao Ting said with a smile.

Opening his mind, Yao Ting did not die like the days before.

Yao Yiyi naturally likes to see how Yao Ting fights with her.

"Tingting, you come to buy shares too. In the past few years, you have also sold a lot of money for the novels you published and adapted from film and television. You are now a hidden rich woman, and you can make money by investing in the catering industry. You can live a lot of money with pocket money, "Yao Yiyi suggested.

Yao Ting was silent. In fact, she was also very tempted to invest in the catering industry, but she did not know how to do business, so there was no rash scholar to invest in stocks like this before, and laymen would only lose more if they did these things. .

"Horan, would you mind my shareholding as a shareholder?"

Li Haoran glanced at her and said, "Yes, I will be your major shareholder."

"Okay, I will be your major shareholder."

After a meal, the relaxed dinner had become a business talk, and the four people chatted more and more, and the only child An An listened with interest. When the adults had finished speaking, he said: "Mom I ’m going to have a farmhouse when I grow up. I ’ll hire all the cooks who cook delicious food, and let everyone who eats say good food.

The four listened for a while, and then all laughed out loud.

Yao Ting said: "An An, you are too ambitious, yes, godmother supports you."

What everyone did not expect was that An An really grew up in the catering industry when he grew up, and he also opened chain stores abroad.

His achievements are even greater than those of Ou Qingheng, and the so-called blue is better than the blue.

He became the proudest son of Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng.

However, these are all afterwords, and I will not say them for the time being.

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