Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 808: Another trouble

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Li Zhenzhen pushed Xu Chengxun away, and Yang hand gave him a big slap.

Xu Chengxun's face was turned aside.

He raised his hand and wiped his swollen face, and looked at Li Zhenzhen calmly, "Zhenzhen, if you haven't deflated, I can let you fight, as long as you are willing to give me a chance."

Li Zhenzhen was made to lose her temper, and for Xu Chengxun, she was always the one with the most inability.

She held her head in her hands and said, "Xu Chengxun, I'm begging you, don't come to me again."

Xu Chengxun looked at Li Zhenzhen with some sorrow. He couldn't understand that he had taken a courageous step forward. Why did Li Zhenzhen take a big step back, he clearly felt that Li Zhenzhen still loved him.

"Zhenzhen, I used to be sorry to you. Give me a chance." Xu Chengxun nearly begged.

Li Zhenzhen lowered her hand, raised her head, looked at Xu Chengxun in a complicated way, and gritted her teeth: "Chengxun, you really love Yao Yiyi so much, for her, even if you disdain me, would you pursue me in reverse?"

Xu Chengxun listened, but could not help laughing out loud.

He smiled bitterly, "Do you think I did it for Yiyi?"

Li Zhenzhen looked at him quietly, as if in his eyes, wasn't it like this? You used to disdain me, I didn't believe you would fall in love with me for no reason at all.

Xu Chengxun couldn't help but feel the pain, he really made himself suffer.

He took a step forward and Li Zhenzhen took another two steps back, alienating from the road: "It's not too early, you can leave."

Xu Chengxun finally left.

Li Zhenzhen looked at the shadow of the car he drove away, a complex flash in his eyes, and sighed faintly.

"Zhenzhen." A slightly old voice came to startle Li Zhenzhen, who was immersed in the past.

Li Zhenzhen turned her head and saw her father. She calmed down the loss and sadness in her eyes and smiled: "Dad, it's quite late. Why haven't you slept yet?"

Father Li came over and stroked her head with her hand, saying, "Zhenzhen, you like Cheng Xun, why should you force him away?"

Li Zhenzhen lowered her eyes, a wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Dad, my reputation is ruined in T City. Do you think with Xu's financial status, will it agree to be my daughter-in-law?" Li Zhenzhen said.

Father Li's eyes flashed with distress and said, "Children, your parents are tired of you. My father has been busy with work and neglected to take care of you. Now your mother is like this, I almost handed the burden of the company After you let you suffer so much, Dad still owes you something. "

Li Zhenzhen held his hand and smiled casually: "Dad, you are just my daughter. The company will not let me take care of it. Who do you want to give? Rest assured, those videos can't bring me down. I lost your old face in front of my friends. I should say I ’m sorry. I ’m sorry. Dad, I ’m very grateful that after the video scandal, you did n’t give up my daughter, or I ’m really lost. ”

Father Li took her back, and said with a long heart: "Stupid kid, there is dad, will not let you be wronged too much, I think Cheng Xun is true for you this time, you think about it, can It ’s best to cherish it. It ’s not easy to be rich. I can see that you are still deeply rooted in him. Do n’t give up easily. ”

"..." Li Zhenzhen only left a wry smile.

* The video almost ruined her second half of her life, which is a brand that is difficult to destroy in her life.

Back in the house, Father Li just said with a serious heart: "Zhenzhen, you have to think about it carefully. My mother and I are both old and can't stay with you for long. Watching you find someone that hurts you , Your mom and I are at ease. "

Li Zhenzhen pretended to say easily: "Dad, you go back to bed. I just want to run the company right now. I really don't have time to think about marriage. But rest assured, I will never treat myself badly."

Father Li said all this and said nothing.

Li Zhenzhen couldn't sleep all night.

The next day, she was not in good spirits and went to the company. She sat in the office and read the documents but couldn't see a word.

She was paralyzed in a chair with her eyes closed and nostalgic, and she didn't know how long after that she was awakened by a ring of cell phone ringtones.

She picked it up and didn't know what she heard. Her pupils widened and narrowed, and her phone fell to the ground unconsciously.

She quickly took her bag and walked in a panicked footstep. She came to the hospital and saw Father Li sitting on the bench. She ran over and anxiously said: "How dad and mom bite the dog properly? She Is the injury serious? "

The vicissitudes of Father Li's face looked as if he was ten years old.

"What's the matter with Dad and Mom? She was just fine yesterday." Li Zhenzhen walked around irritably. She thought that her mother had gradually improved, but she went to fight with the dog again in a blink of an eye. She almost drove her crazy.

The father and daughter did not recognize it in the operating room for nearly an hour, but Xu Chengxun hurried over.

Xu Chengxun said: "What happened to Uncle, Zhenzhen, and Auntie? Why are you in hospital again?"

Li Zhenzhen gave him a complicated look and did not speak.

Father Li patted the position next to him and said, "Chengxun, you are here. Sit down. Your aunt may not be able to come out in a moment."

Xu Chengxun sat down, watching Li Zhenzhen silent, and worried.

"Jin Zhen, don't worry, aunt will be fine." He comforted.

Li Zhenzhen lowered her head and dumbly said: "How come you come?"

Xu Chengxun explained: "I went to the Lee Group. Your assistant said you went to the hospital. I used my contacts to check which hospital you are in."

Li Zhenzhen fell silent again.

The three waited another hour outside the operating room before the door was opened.

Li Zhenzhen rushed up first, grabbed the doctor's hand, and said anxiously, "Doctor, is my mother okay?"

The doctor said: "You can rest assured that the patient is not a big problem, but we found that the patient's body has phantom liquid left. This may be the reason for her fighting with the dog. I advise you to call the police."

Li Zhenzhen's complexion changed, and his eyes flashed with unspeakable anger.

"Doctor, thank you, I will." Li Zhenzhen said with tolerance.

Mother Li was pushed into the single ward, and Li Zhenzhen squatted to look at her, her eyes turned red slowly.

Xu Chengxun put her hand on her shoulder and said, "Jin Zhen, don't worry, aunt will be fine."

Li Zhenzhen avoided his hand and refused to say thousands of miles away: "Xu Chengxun, please leave, I think my mother doesn't want to see you for the time being."

Xu Chengxun's hand froze in the air.

"Zhenzhen, I ..."

"Go away, if you don't give a helping hand that day, my mother will never be like this. You go to your Yao Yiyi, our Li family can't get you to sympathize." Li Zhenzhen turned his head and glared Xu Chengxun, scarlet eyes said.

There was a trace of pain in Xu Chengxun's eyes, he was stunned on the spot, and he didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Father Li said: "Jin Zhen, don't do this. No one like your mother would want to see it. It really can't be blamed on Cheng Xun."

Li Zhenzhen took a deep breath and turned her head, looking at the mother Li in the bed dullly.

Father Li raised his hand and patted Xu Chengxun's shoulder and said, "Chengxun, come out with me. I have something to tell you."

Xu Chengxun followed.

Outside the ward, Father Li said: "Cheng Xun, Zhen Zhen is also worried about her mother, who didn't intend to lose his temper against you, don't worry about it."

Xu Chengxun shook his head.

Father Li again said: "Cheng Xun, seriously, I admired you before. I think Zhenzhen can marry you. It's a good destination, but unfortunately you have no intention of her, and I don't know what happened to you during this period. I changed my mind, but I still admire you. Of course, it ’s best for you and Zhenzhen to get married, but my only condition is, do n’t hurt Zhenzhen. You know what she has experienced. "

"Uncle, don't worry, I won't."

"That's good." Li Fuyu said seriously: "If you want her to be with you, you have to shield her from the wind and rain. The video of the * spread all over the city of T. Your parents will definitely embarrass her with this. Are you ready for this? "

"Yes." In a single word, Xu Chengxun's clang is powerful.

Father Li was relieved.

The two returned to the ward, but Li Zhenzhen still squatted in front of the bed.

Father Li said: "Zhenzhen, you can go back to the company. Your mother can take care of me here."

"Dad, come back. I want to accompany my mother here."

Father Li had no choice but to go to the company.

Xu Chengxun stood behind her and moved her lips, not knowing how to explain for a moment.

Mother Li is now like this, half of it is his reason. If he could raise his hand and ask for a friendship with Yao Yiyi, maybe all of this would be different, and he and Li Zhenzhen would not go the same way. The road is gone.

He stood behind Li Zhenzhen for a long time before turning around.

Li Zhenzhen's tight body also relaxed as he left.

Mother Li was hospitalized. She knew she could n’t blame Xu Chengxun. Xu Chengxun did n’t reach out that day and had her own consideration. She was not qualified to blame. She just watched her mother as a normal person fight a dog. Because of her three views, she will be angry with Xu Chengxun.

Mother Li woke up in the evening. As soon as she woke up, she grabbed Li Zhenzhen's hand tightly and said in a panic: "Zhenzhen, save Mom, Ou Qingheng is going to kill me."

Li Zhenzhen's eyes are complicated.

Ou Qingheng, Ou Qingheng again, her mother is like this. He still let her go, this person is willing to push their Li family to the end.

Li Zhenzhen hates this moment.

"Mom, I'm here. No one is killing you. You just have an illusion that your health is not good. The doctor said that your health is not a big problem." Li Zhenzhen said comfortably.

Mother Li still grasped Li Zhenzhen's hand, her face flustered, and said, "No, then Ouqing Heng wants to kill me, just after he ran after me with a big axe, and when I saw it, I turned and turned to him. Fighted, I saw him hacking at me with the big axe, scared me and fainted, I thought I was dead, I did n’t expect that I could live. Zhenzhen, you must Revenge for me, otherwise I will die in his hands sooner or later. "

Li Zhenzhen hugged people in her arms and appeased: "Mom, don't be afraid, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Mother Li calmed down slowly.

Li Zhenzhen opened the meal delivered by the servant at six in the afternoon, fed Mother Li to drink a bowl of soup, and then ate half a bowl of rice. Mother Li said she would not eat it, and she ate the rest of the food.

Mother Li ’s spirit seems to be fairly good, leaning on the pillow, she said, “Jin Zhen, Mom became like this, you must avenge me, do n’t let Ou Qingheng go, or Mom will suffer. In vain. "

Li Zhenzhen's hand, she thought that mother Li had forgotten all the sins she had suffered before.

"Mom, I will. Rest assured."

Mother Li nodded.

After finally persuading people to sleep, Li Zhenzhen looked at her sleeping face and sighed faintly.

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