Master Ou’s Surrogate Ex-wife

Chapter 818: Lose contact

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Li Haoran followed and stood behind Yao Ting and stopped her.

Yao Ting's footsteps flickered, a complex light flashed in his eyes.

"Tingting, go and talk to him calmly." Yao Yiyi said.

Yao Yiyi pondered for a while and nodded.

Yao Yiyi and Ou Qingheng stepped aside, Li Haoran hurriedly walked in front of her, looked at her affectionately, and asked with some anticipation and faint fear of the result: "Tingting, if you were just in the hall, am I Can you think you might forgive me? "

Yao Ting sighed lowly, raised his head, looked at him, and said, "I don't know, will I forgive me for not knowing it in the future, but now I can't accept you without a heart."

Li Haoran seemed to see the light of hope.

"It doesn't matter, I'm willing to wait, as long as I can, as long as you can forgive me." Li Haoran said anxiously: "Me and Zhang Jiaqi are not what you think. There is really only you in my heart. "

Yao Ting gave him a deep look and smiled bitterly.

Now she does n’t know which one of Li Haoran ’s words is true, and that sentence is fake. She even wants to ask him if his vows are very cheap, why he has completely violated them before they have been married for a year. The Mountain League has vowed?

But when it came to her mouth, she swallowed it back again, and she felt it made no sense to ask.

"I'm going back first. I want to be calm and alone. You don't want to come to me these days. Seeing you, I really can't calmly think." Yao Ting calmly lowered his eyes deliberately, avoiding Li Haoran * 's gaze to get a return.

How much love she used to have, Li Haoran looks like this, she feels so resentful.

She couldn't do it wholeheartedly.

Li Haoran grabbed her hand, but didn't expect her to avoid it as quickly as she touched something bad.

Li Haoran's eyes darkened.

"I'm leaving now." Yao Ting finished, turned and left.

Li Haoran watched her back faintly, and finally got on the car, and the car quickly went away.

Li Haoran slowly clenched his fists, and he personally destroyed the once intimate trust between them.

Tingting, sorry.

He thought guiltily in his heart.

In the car, Yao Ting looked listlessly at the scenery passing by the window. Yao Yiyi looked at her like this, and couldn't help worrying.

"Tingting, what do you think?" Yao Yiyi asked.

Yao Ting moved, turned his head, and looked at Yao Yiyi slightly confused.

Yao Yiyi sighed and said, "Sleep, you haven't slept well these days, and you have dark circles."

Yao Ting closed his eyes obediently.

Yao Yiyi looked at her with lingering concerns in her eyes.

When she arrived home, Yao Yiyi woke her up, and she opened her eyes without any glory in her eyes.

As soon as the three entered the room, Yao Ting said: "Yiyi, I will sleep when you go up. Don't worry, I'm fine. I wake up and I'm fine."

"..." Yao Yi stopped talking.

Yao Ting went up into the room and directly locked the door.

Downstairs, Yao Yiyi looked at the closed door. She looked helplessly towards Ou Qingheng and said, "Qingheng, what should I do? I think Tingting seems to be more seriously injured than I thought. I'm afraid she won't get out of this What to do if you are in love. "

Ou Qingheng raised her hand and stroked her cheek, said: "Don't worry, I'll talk to her later, I think she is not as vulnerable as you think."

Yao Yiyi nodded.

The two chatted downstairs for nearly two hours. Ou Qingheng went upstairs and knocked on the door, but no one came to answer the door.

He said: "Yao Ting, I'm in." There was still no sound in it. He went to twist the doorknob, but the inside was locked.

He found the key to open the door, and the eye-catching Yao Ting stood by the window.

He glanced down and walked over.

Yao Ting turned around. When he saw him, he lifted his mouth and said, "I thought it was Yiyi."

Ou Qingheng walked to the sofa and sat down, full of momentum, posing a negotiating posture.

Yao Ting also walked over and sat down.

"Yi called you over?" She said.

"Yes, Yiyi is very worried about you, so I come up to see." Ou Qingheng nodded: "You have been decadent for almost half a month, so you should cheer up."

Yao Ting glanced at Ou Qingheng, "I disturb you, don't I?"

"Yes, you did bother us. You are Yiyi's best friend. I can help you, but I have no obligation to help a helpless Adou. I will give you three days. I hope you can cheer up "" Ou Qingheng said strongly.

Yao Ting rubbed his mouth.

Sure enough, it was Ou Qingheng's style, but she couldn't blame him. He was right. She was not in the state, which really affected the lives of Ou Qingheng and Yao Yiyi.

Yao Ting nodded.

"I know."

The next day, Yao Ting came to say goodbye to Yao Yiyi.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to travel? Where do you want to travel? Did Qing Heng say anything bad to you?" Yao Yiyi asked urgently.

Yao Ting shook his head and said, "My dear, don't think too much. I just want to go out and relax, since I have been a freelance writer. In addition to being a writer, I really don't have a good time to travel. Once you ’re done, you can take a good trip. "

Yao Yiyi looked at her deeply.

Yao Ting said with a smile: "My dear, don't worry, you know that I can't beat King Kong, I should have been so decadent for so many days, I will give me and Li Haoran an ending when I come back."

Yao Yiyi can only compromise.

Yao Ting packed up a few clothes and planned to leave.

Yao Yi took the person to the airport reluctantly, and said earnestly: "When you arrive in Yunnan, you must call me, and your mobile phone must remain on the phone for 24 hours, no matter when I call you, you have to pick it up. Telephone, or I will call the police directly, and no matter where you are, you must eat on time and don't abuse your stomach. "

Yao Ting couldn't help crying or laughing.

"My dear, you are about to become an old lady, I am such a big man, I will take care of myself." Yao Ting calmly said.

Yao Yiyi opened his mouth and swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"I have passed the security check, you and Ou Qingheng go back." Yao Ting waved his hand and pretended to go through the security check pretending to be smart.

Yao Yiyi kept looking at her until her figure disappeared before she turned her gaze back.

She returned to the car, fastened her seat belt, and said, "Qingheng, did you say something to Tingting yesterday?"

"I just let her cheer up, you will worry about the decadence, and there is no use for her marriage to Li Haoran." Ou Qingheng said: "If you think I am not right, I will let her give her now Please come out. "

Yao Yiyi shook his head.

"Qingheng, I don't mean that either. I ... forget it, it's not bad for her to go out, maybe she can figure out everything when going out, and she's not so exclusive of Li Haoran's derailment."

Ou Qingheng glanced at her sideways.

"Yiyi, don't think about it anymore. This is her personal affair after all. You can give advice, but still don't interfere too much. Now there is nothing, but it is hard to guarantee that she will not hate you one day."


"Forget it, you should take it seriously, but she and Li Haoran have to figure it out for herself, otherwise it would be useless to persuade you."

"……I know."

Ou Qingheng drove back, and Yao Yiyi resumed his usual life.

What Yao Yiyi could never think of was that Yao Ting lost contact five days after leaving, the phone couldn't be reached, and QQ and WeChat were nowhere to be seen. Yao Yiyi was crazy and even called the police.

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