Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 1080 It’s so cool!

In the sky above the desert, the auras of the three major divine clans were overwhelming. In front of each of these three major clans stood a terrifying strong man. The auras on their bodies were not weaker than those of Qingye Immortal King and others. They looked at a mere twenty people on the border of the Tang Dynasty. In the lineup, the ancient gods of these three major divine races sneered and ridiculed.

"The ancient East, the forbidden land back then, never thought that it would have decayed to such an extent three thousand years later. Why do you want to block the Western God Realm?" The wings of the strong man of the Bright Angel clan trembled, and he slowly moved towards Chen Xuan Waiting for others ahead.

"I heard that a great figure appeared in the ancient eastern country. Who is that ant? Come out and see him!" A strong man from the Dark Angel clan walked out with a terrifying aura of darkness.

"Hand over the blasphemer, or our three major divine clans will crush the Tang Dynasty!" The strong man of the Sun God Clan is carrying endless divine light, and his golden eyes seem to want to wipe out Chen Xuan and others!

In an instant, as the powerful leaders of the three major gods stood up, the amazing power had already imprisoned the world where Chen Xuan and others were. The terrifying pressure made Chen Xuan and others feel that their own strength was difficult to control. transfer.

"Hmph, even we don't recognize things that have eyes that cannot see Mount Tai. It seems that you three gods should be the rising stars of the three major divine clans in the past three thousand years." Immortal King Gusu had a cold and arrogant face, and the aura on his body surged. When it moved, it was like a sharp sword piercing the sky, instantly cutting through the force that imprisoned Chen Xuan and others.

Seeing this, a terrifying cold light flashed in the eyes of the three gods from the three major clans of gods: "Ancient Immortal King!"

"Hmph, you still have some eyesight." King Guhe Dan snorted coldly, and the aura on his body was suddenly released. Although it was suppressed by heaven and earth, it only released a small amount of power, but it was still extremely terrifying!

"Two Ancient Immortal Kings!" The auras of the three gods from the three major divine clans became even stronger.

"Hey, are you three idiots blind?" Aoyin smiled cruelly and looked at the Qingye Immortal King beside him.

"I haven't dealt with the Western gods for more than three thousand years. It seems that we old guys are almost out of date." Qingye Immortal King smiled slightly.

"Hmph, then let these hypocritical guys see the grace of my Ancient Immortal King of the East!" Immortal King Gusu's eyes were sharp, and a long knife suddenly appeared in his hand, which could be taken out by an Ancient Immortal King. The weapon is naturally extraordinary, and the moment this knife appears, it is accompanied by a monstrous smell of blood!

Seeing the three terrifying figures standing up on Chen Xuan's side, the powerful people from all over the world behind the three major protoss were slightly shocked.

"Who are these three people? Are they ancient immortals from the Eastern world?"

"It shouldn't be possible. It is said that Chen Xuan and the Ancient Immortal are on a par with each other in the Tang Dynasty, so it is absolutely impossible for the Ancient Immortal to stand up for him."

"Not necessarily. Besides the ancient immortal, who else dares to face the three gods directly?"

"Yes, and these three people may all be ancient immortal kings. Only ancient immortals of this level are qualified to compete with the ancient gods!"

"But what if three ancient immortal kings help? This time the Western God Realm has sent out thousands of ancient gods. Even if these three ancient immortal kings block the three ancient gods, can Chen Xuan stop these thousands of ancient gods?"

The three gods glanced at Chen Xuan and others with sharp eyes; "Hmph, it seems that they really underestimated you, a group of centipede insects, and actually invited three ancient immortal kings to help you, but today/you are still unable to escape death, I The gods say it again, hand over those who blasphemed the gods, otherwise our three great clans of gods will crush the Tang Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan stepped forward with a sneer on his face and said loudly: "A group of hypocritical guys, if they want to fight, they will fight. Why are they making so many excuses? Didn't you have a beautiful girl from the Western God Realm? Let her stand. Come out, I want to take a good look and see if she is qualified to be my wife."

"Humble mortal, you are looking for death!" The stern face of the ancient god of the Angel of Light clan bloomed with overwhelming murderous intent.

"Hmph, noble gods, as the saying goes, you can die under peonies and be a ghost. I really want to taste what you women from the Western God Realm are like." Chen Xuan said with a cold smile.

"Madman!" Strong men from all over the world looked shocked.


After Chen Xuan said these words, the sky over the entire desert suddenly became dark, and waves of world-destroying pressure fell from the sky, causing the entire desert to shake. Grains of sand and dust were shaken by an invisible force. Pulling, suspended under the sky, like drops of rainwater imprisoned in the air, full of murderous intent that makes the blood tremble!

"What's going on?" Powerful men from all over the world looked up at the sky over the desert.

The same is true for Chen Xuan and others. Is that terrifying woman finally unable to sit still and showing up?


Under the gaze of everyone in this world, in front of the three major protoss, the void there suddenly twisted, forming an exit similar to a black hole, and then, a slender thigh stepped out of it.

The next moment, a peerless woman wearing a snow-white battle armor, with long blond hair reaching her waist, and a pair of purple eyes appeared in everyone's sight.

Her appearance caused the air above the desert to drop suddenly, the cold wind became even more severe, and the whole world felt like it was in an icy and snowy environment!

But at this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten the cold, and their eyes were staring at her as if they were dull.

What is beauty in the world?

Her appearance, every frown and every movement completely interpreted this sentence, this woman should only exist in heaven!

"So cold, so beautiful, such a temperamental woman!" At this moment, even Brahma Prajna, a peerless beauty, was stunned and felt ashamed. In front of this woman, it seemed that every woman in the world would be eclipsed!

Even though she is cold and looks ruthless and cold-blooded, she still cannot hide her unparalleled splendor that is unprecedented in the world!

Holy Angel Adès!

When he first appeared, he amazed everyone!

Even Chen Xuan, a man who is often surrounded by all kinds of beauties, fell under the other's stunning appearance. Although he had already seen the other person when he used the prophecy technique, seeing it with his own eyes now, the feeling was even more shocking. Stunning!

"Welcome to you, Lord Holy Angel!"

In an instant, the powerful men of the three major divine races knelt down on one knee, with pious expressions on their faces and their heads lowered, not daring to raise their heads to take a look at the incomparable goddess.

"Holy Angel, this is a divine king..." Bāroprajna suddenly lost his voice, his face was extremely horrified!

Adès's eyes were like ice that would never melt for thousands of years. Those eyes seemed to be able to see through all the secrets in the world and into people's hearts.

"The opportunity to spy is actually the work of a mortal. On this trip to the East, I really saw a very interesting ant!" The ethereal voice was devoid of any emotion, and those terrifying eyes made Chen Xuan feel like he was The soul will be lost.

However, Chen Xuan still suppressed the fear in his heart, forced a smile, and said with a grin; "I didn't expect the women in the Western God Realm to be so enchanting. Old monster, you said if these women can sleep with What does it feel like once?"

Hearing this, Aoyin thought for a moment and said, "Master, this is so exciting!"

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