Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 1089 Innate Spirit Fetus!

Seeing the three women in the living room staring at him, Huangfu Tianchan was even rolling up her sleeves and preparing to beat someone up. Chen Xuan immediately said, "I was next door at my apprentice's house last night, helping She practiced."

This guy said this without blushing or heartbeat, as if it was true.

"The vixen next door..." Huangfu Tianchan frowned. No wonder she felt that the smell of perfume was familiar.

"Is it really just cultivation?" Xia Luoshen's eyes looked a little cold.

"It's really just practice." Chen Xuan said with a natural smile. Of course, this practice is not that practice, but it can be regarded as a practice that promotes human development.

"What kind of technique requires a whole night to practice? Nothing happened to you?" Xia Luoshen was still staring at him, as if he wanted to see through this guy.

"This... you don't understand anything about cultivation. It's quite complicated." Chen Xuan said with a smile. Seeing that these three women seemed to have been frightened by him, he felt that his acting skills could compete with him. Competing for the Academy Award for Best Actor.

However, Charlotte's voice changed and asked, "Then it was the night before yesterday. Who was that woman?"

"The night before yesterday, boy, do you mean you went fooling around the night before yesterday?" Huangfu Tianchan rolled up his sleeves and said with a dark face, "You'd better tell me the truth, otherwise I'll make you unable to get out of bed."

Huangfuluo Luoli also stared at this guy bitterly. There were still a lot of hungry people at home, but he actually took advantage of outsiders first.

Chen Xuan's heart skipped a beat. He knew that Luo Shen Xia was asking about Luo Meifeng, but he had already confessed about Luo Meifeng's existence. However, Luo Shen Xia and the others had not met Luo Meifeng yet.

"This... you know, there are... what... out there... aren't there... a few more?" Chen Xuan smiled unnaturally, and Huangfu Tianchan on the side immediately pinched the soft flesh of his waist, He said with a dark face, "You let me starve at home while you eat outside, right?"

"Fuck, bitch, can you change your tactics? Let go..." Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with pain.

Huangfu Tianchan said bitterly, "No, you bastard, unless you hand over all the food you have stored to me tonight, I won't be able to take advantage of other vixens even if I'm full."

"Okay, okay, I agreed. Isn't it enough that I agreed?" Chen Xuan raised his hands in surrender.

Huangfu Tianchan then let him go, but her face was still ugly, and she said to Huangfu Luoli: "Girl, didn't you say last night that Miss Qianyu would come to Dongling today? If you ask her to come over, I won't believe you. We can't let go of a three-legged man like you."

Chen Xuan's lips twitched, Damn, Su Qianyu is coming too!

He estimated in his mind that there must be seven!

Huangfuluo Li nodded excitedly, "Auntie, I'm going to call Sister Qianyu right now."

Seeing this, Chen Xuan felt even more furious.

"Why, are you afraid?" Huangfu Tianchan snorted and said, "Don't you like to go out to eat secretly? Let me see how you pass this test tonight."

Chen Xuan smiled a little reluctantly and said, "It's time to get together after not seeing each other for so long."

"Okay, when you have time, bring those outside back. As the daughter-in-law of the Chen royal family, I want to take a good look at whether they are qualified and can pass the test for the boss? Do you have any objections?" Xia Luoshen said with a sullen face. said.

Chen Xuan nodded immediately, licked his face and smiled; "Of course I have no objection, I listen to you."

In fact, he had already had the idea to bring Luo Meifeng and others over to meet together, but he was afraid that they would become jealous and fight each other when they met. He would definitely not have a good life when he was caught in the middle. Now Xia Luoshen took the initiative to propose It actually solved the problem for him.

"By the way, I heard that you flirted with a holy angel at the border outside the Great Wall this time. I heard that she was a very beautiful woman, and you even admitted that you wanted to sleep with her. Is this true or false?" the voice said. Then, Xia Luoshen suddenly mentioned this matter.

Huangfu Tianchan and Huangfu Luoli both stared at him.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan immediately rejected it; "Little lady, you have to believe me, it's true, but I definitely don't have that idea. That girl can kill me with just a snap of her fingers, how dare I!"

"Really, you didn't lie to me?" Xia Luoshen stared at him with narrowed eyes.

This guy nodded repeatedly; "Really, more real than real gold!"

"Okay, I believe you for the time being." Xia Luo Shen picked up the book again and continued; "By the way, there is news from the capital of God, asking you to go there tomorrow, the emperor wants to see you."

The emperor wants to see me?

Chen Xuan was stunned and asked, "Why did the emperor see me? Isn't everything settled?"

Xia Luoshen pushed up his glasses and said, "I don't know. You won't know until you go."

Chen Xuan frowned. He was planning to take Immortal Qingye and others to find the location of the tombs of other immortals tomorrow, but the emperor had already spoken. It seemed that he had to go north tomorrow and meet someone by the way. Meet those two women!

Chen Xuan thought for a while and said to Xia Luoshen: "My dear lady, I've been keeping an eye on the Palace of the Past lately. I guess that guy Kunwu is also planning to wake up other ancient immortals. If there is any news, please inform me immediately. The Ancient Immortal must not let them take advantage."

Xia Luo Shen said while flipping the books; "Don't worry, there are only two exits left in the Palace of the Past, the Yangzhou Sword King Clan and the Youzhou Chu King Clan. I have arranged a lot of people in these two places. Once they appear, There is absolutely no way to escape the eyes of the dark group. The Taiyin Palace in the Western World is watching, and any news will be sent to them as soon as possible."

Chen Xuan nodded, looked around and asked, "How many are they?"

"Big bad guy, Sister Shuyi and Sister Wushuang are resting upstairs, and the other sisters have gone to work." Huangfuluo Li responded.

Huangfu Tianchan crossed her legs and said, "Boy, I'd like to remind you that Sister Shuyi will give birth soon. It's business to stay away from those vixens outside and spend more time with them."

Chen Xuan did not refute this point.

Then Chen Xuan came to Qin Shuyi's room upstairs. As soon as he opened the door, Chen Xuan saw Qin Shuyi and Jiang Wushuang sitting on the bed talking about something, with happy smiles on their faces.

"Hey, you guys actually know how to come back. I thought someone had already forgotten us two pregnant women." Seeing Chen Xuan suddenly appear, the two women's eyes lit up, but they didn't for several days. Jiang Wushuang was still a little angry when he saw this guy.

"No way, no one can forget you!" Chen Xuan came over and sat down next to them.

Qin Shuyi rolled her eyes at him, and then asked with concern: "There was no accident outside the Great Wall this time, right?"

Although she already knew the ending, she still couldn't help but care.

Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, everything has been solved. I don't want our precious son to lose his father before he is born."

Jiang Wushuang rolled her eyes at this guy and asked, "How do you know that he is a boss? What if he is a little princess?"

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes and said, "Girls, have you forgotten that your man is a miracle doctor?"

"Can you really know?" Jiang Wushuang's eyes lit up; "Then tell me, is it a boy or a girl?"

Chen Xuan didn't really observe whether Jiang Wushuang was pregnant with a boy or a girl. He held Jiang Wushuang's jade hand and placed one hand on Jiang Wushuang's belly, carefully feeling the beating frequency of the little life inside.

But at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a pure and vast breath coming from Jiang Wushuang's belly.

Chen Xuan was shocked when he felt this. What is going on?

"Hey, innate spiritual fetus, trash, you are in trouble!" Suddenly, a very surprised and shocked voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

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