Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 1481 A very dangerous idea!

Not long after, Chen Xuan returned to the human world from the Paradise. This time he went to the Paradise and got the Moon God Bead without losing any blood. He even reached an alliance with the Moon God. This was considered a very good ending.

The only thing that made Chen Xuan feel a little uncomfortable was the way Moon God treated Brahman Prajna. He looked like a rapist who coerced others to have sex with him.

Although he has done this kind of thing before, the nature is different.

However, Chen Xuan was helpless about this matter.

Now Chen Xuan somewhat understands why that place is called Paradise. It is really a paradise!

Soon, Chen Xuan returned to Dongling City from Nanyang Continent, and then he entered the wild world again. He had already obtained the Moon God Bead, so the Empress of Samsara should have succeeded, right?

After entering the Tianhuang World, Chen Xuan rushed to the place where Lin Suyi was refining elixirs.

But as soon as Chen Xuan arrived here, he saw many women and others, all gathered in the courtyard where Lin Suyi made alchemy.

This scene made Chen Xuan stunned.

Seeing Chen Xuan appear, all the girls looked at Chen Xuan one after another. There was resentment and injustice in their beautiful eyes. In short, their faces were a little ugly.

"What...what about this?" Chen Xuan was a little confused.

"Hmph, boy, I tried so hard on my mother so many times but I didn't see you succeed in planting a seed. Why did you succeed in this woman just once?" Huangfu Tianchan gritted his teeth and stared at this guy.

"That's right, kid, do you still have to pay for your stuff?" Li Weier also said bitterly.

Zhao/Nanchu joked; "I think this guy knows someone."

Hearing these words, Chen Xuan immediately looked towards Lin Suyi, only to see Lin Suyi glance at him and said, "Why, you still want me to hide such a big thing from them, right?"

"No, I..." Chen Xuan didn't know what to say for a moment, and he really didn't expect that Adais would fall into the trap that time. The odds were as good as selling lottery tickets.

"Okay, what do you want to do with the woman in this room?" Lin Suyi asked.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan asked with surprise, "Has the Empress of Samsara succeeded?"

Lin Suyi said; "It's no big deal anymore, but it will take some time for the Moon God Bead and the Stone of Life to be integrated into the little life's body to perfectly fit it, and during this period, the woman will You won't wake up, now you should think about how to face this matter."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan fell silent. To be honest, he had never thought about this. Before that, he only wanted to save the child in Adese's belly.

As for Adès...

Charlotte Goddess said, "Personally, I don't like this woman, let alone what she did to us in the first place."

"But... the child in this woman's belly is Chen Xuan's after all." Leng Qianxiu hesitated and said.

"Hmph, why don't we just let her give birth to the child and then get out." Thinking of what Adès did to her sisters, Li Weier suddenly became a little angry. That time, Chen Xuan almost broke!

"Isn't this... inappropriate? And if that little guy grows up in the future and knows..." Qin Shuyi frowned and did not continue.

"Boy, what are you doing? You want to say something." Seeing Chen Xuan's silence, Shen Chuyun stared at him and said.

Chen Xuan opened his mouth; "Well... you guys chat first, I'll go in and take a look."

After saying that, Chen Xuan walked into the room. When he came to the room, he immediately saw Adès lying on the bed. This woman was still in a coma, but the aura on her body was very peaceful, as if she was asleep.

Chen Xuan walked over and felt her pulse. He felt that the little life in her body had stabilized and its vitality was extremely strong. Chen Xuan was relieved.

But thinking of Adais's madness this time, Chen Xuan gradually frowned. Once this woman wakes up, she will still be as crazy as this time, which Chen Xuan definitely doesn't want to see.

It must be stabilized, but what should we do?

Chen Xuan felt a little headache. After all, the relationship between him and Adais was really...

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan sighed.

When Chen Xuan came out of the room, the girls were still discussing the matter. However, although they were discussing, they did not make a decision privately, because in the end the only person who could make the decision was Chen Xuan. As for Adais and the others, Even if he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he couldn't make any decision for Chen Xuan.

Seeing all the girls looking towards him, Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "How about we wait until she wakes up to discuss this matter?"

He really has no clue now.

Lin Suyi nodded and said, "Okay, let's see what the woman's attitude is first, but I'm afraid it will take some time for her to wake up."

Seeing Lin Suyi say this, the girls naturally had no objection.

Chen Xuan took a deep breath and said, "Master Madam, please help me take care of her during this period. By the way, where is the Empress of Samsara?"

Lin Suyi shook her head; "She left after the things here were over. I don't know where she went."

"Boy, I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the upper world. Can you tell me honestly, do you two have that kind of relationship?" When Chen Xuan mentioned the Empress of Samsara, all the girls' eyes were immediately fixed on him. .

Although they had only met that woman once here, her peerless appearance that shocked everyone really shocked all the girls!

Such a beautiful woman is even more beautiful than Xia Luo Shen, the most beautiful woman in the city of God, and Ye Baiyi, the fairy. I am afraid there will never be a beauty more beautiful than her in the world!

Chen Xuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Are you thinking too much about how could she and I have that kind of relationship?"

Having said that, Chen Xuan couldn't help but feel a little shaken when he thought of what he had experienced in Yongle's illusion. Regarding the Empress of Reincarnation, he felt an uncontrollable throbbing in his heart.

"Huh, maybe not now, but maybe in the future!" Huangfu Tianchan said angrily, and all the girls agreed. How could such a peerless beauty escape the palm of this guy? They firmly didn't believe it.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Well... I'll go to her and ask her some questions first. If there's anything else we can talk about later."

Chen Xuan had already sensed where the Empress of Samsara was. At this moment, she was standing alone in front of a lake.

"Do you like it here?" Chen Xuan appeared behind Empress Samsara and said with a smile; "If you like it, I can have someone build this place into the second Tianchi Lake."

"Are you trying to please me?" Empress Samsara glanced at him sideways.

"It should be considered a thank you." Chen Xuan touched his nose.

The Empress of Samsara said calmly, "Boy, put away your dirty tricks and don't have any bad thoughts about me."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan curled his lips and said, "How can you be so sure that I have bad thoughts about you?"

"Otherwise, why would I appear in Yongle's illusion?" As she spoke, the Empress of Samsara glanced at him fiercely.

Chen Xuan was a little embarrassed; "How do I know this question? You should ask the Moon God. It is an illusion created by her."

The Empress of Samsara rolled her eyes at him and said, "The illusion of Yongle is an illusion of inner demons, born from the heart. Are you sure you have no evil thoughts towards me? Who are you lying to?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan spread his hands and said, "Okay, I admit that I have some bad thoughts about you, but I'm probably not the only one in the world who has such thoughts, right? The key is, do you agree?"

"Boy, your idea is very dangerous. In the future... you may lose your life!"

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