Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2084 Location exposed!

Senior brother is injured!

Chen Xuan's face froze. With the strength and methods of the senior brother, how could he be injured? It is impossible for the strange demon king who was seriously injured to have such strength.

Perhaps knowing the doubts in Chen Xuan's heart, the Sword Queen said solemnly, "It was not the Strange Demon King, but someone else who injured the senior brother. He met someone from Zhuanlun Mountain."

Wheel Mountain!

Chen Xuan's heart sank. Zhuanlun Mountain, one of the three mountains in the world, was the place where the most powerful Sansheng Emperor was located!

"Second Senior Sister, what's going on?" Chen Xuan asked in a deep voice.

The Sword Queen said, "I don't know yet. Senior Brother has just replied to my message. It seems that the reason why he didn't reply at first is that he was seriously injured. However, the third junior brother and others have already rushed over to join Senior Brother."

A sharp look flashed in Chen Xuan's eyes, and he asked, "Second senior sister, why do the people from Zhuan Lun Mountain attack the eldest brother? Does the eldest brother have any grudge against them?"

The Sword Queen glanced at him, took a deep breath and said, "It's not the senior brother who has a grudge against them, but the teacher."

Old ghost!

Chen Xuan was shocked.

The Sword Queen continued; "The world-famous Sansheng Emperor of Zhuanlun Mountain is the teacher's lifelong enemy. Because of this relationship, Zhuanlun Mountain and us have always been at odds with each other. Once we meet, there will be a fight." The fight could only injure the senior brother. It seems that there are powerful people in Zhuanlun Mountain who have come to the Holy Desolate Realm. However, the people in Zhuanlun Mountain have rarely set foot in the secular world. What are they doing in the Holy Desolate Realm this time? ?”

The Three Lives Emperor is the old ghost’s lifelong enemy!

Chen Xuan's heart sank. He vaguely remembered that Shen Tiandu had mentioned this to him on the Ancient Great Wall in the Baichao Tianyu. It might have been because of this enemy that the old ghost retreated and entered the realm of the ancient sages.

But what Chen Xuan never expected was that the old ghost's enemy was actually the Three Lives Emperor, the Lord of Zhuanlun Mountain!

Although Chen Xuan has not met the Three Lives Emperor yet, Chen Xuan has heard many legends about him from Bai Li and the Empress of Samsara.

And being able to become the lifelong enemy of Lao Gui, one of the top ten powerful men in ancient times, shows how terrifying this Three Lives Emperor is!


Thinking of Shen Tiandu being injured by the people from Zhuanlun Mountain, Chen Xuan's face suddenly became gloomy. Some people were not something they could touch if they wanted to. In Chen Xuan's heart, Shen Tiandu was not only his brother, but also like a father. If the people of Zhuanlun Mountain dare to touch Shen Tiandu, they will have to pay the price!

Perhaps knowing the suppressed anger in Chen Xuan's heart, the Sword Queen said: "Boy, the people in Zhuanlun Mountain are not that easy to deal with. You'd better not mess around with this matter. If the Sansheng Emperor is really forced out, all the people in the world will be destroyed." I’m afraid no one can suppress him.”

"Now that the people from Zhuanlun Mountain have appeared in the Holy Wasteland, we'd better keep a low profile and not conflict with them. Don't forget that our main goal this time is the strange demon king."

Chen Xuan didn't say anything, but the people from Zhuan Lun Mountain dared to kill Shen Tiandu, so Chen Xuan had already remembered them in his heart.

Then Chen Xuan and the Sword Queen came to the restaurant near the Holy Academy and opened two guest rooms. This was the closest to the Holy Academy. Once something happened at the Holy Academy, Chen Xuan and the Sword Queen would also I can rush there as soon as possible.

After opening the room, the Sword Queen left alone, and Chen Xuan didn't know where she went.

In the room, Chen Xuan rubbed his forehead. Shen Tiandu was injured, which made him a little worried, but what worried Chen Xuan even more was what was happening on the other side of the mountain.

Wu Taisui already knew that the second world was in his hands. If he did not give him a satisfactory answer within three days, what would happen next would give him a headache.

Once Wu Taisui really comes in person, he will simply not be able to stop him with his current strength.

But if Chen Xuan is asked to hand over the second world, Chen Xuan can't do it either. After all, he still needs to rely on the second world to strengthen the Chen royal family. Moreover, Chen Xuan can't do it even more if he is asked to abandon the old ghost and join the Weishan sect. arrive.

"This future father-in-law seems determined!" Chen Xuan sighed. These two choices were impossible for him. Chen Xuan couldn't find a perfect solution for a while.

Asked to be his son-in-law, this old guy didn't seem to want to agree.

Chen Xuan has a headache!

Not long after, the Sword Queen came back. After knocking on the door, she pushed the door open and entered. Her face looked a little solemn.

Chen Xuan, who was thinking about Wu Taisui, looked at her, stood up and asked, "Second Senior Sister, did something happen again?"

"I'm afraid you're going to be in trouble, and it's going to be big!" The Sword Queen's face was sullen, her eyebrows furrowed.

Chen Xuan's eyes condensed.

The Sword Queen took a deep breath and said, "I have just received news that with the Holy Wasteland as the center, there are at least dozens of strong men from ancient tribes coming from all directions towards the Holy Wasteland. The leader is Hong Mongols, Taichu Ancient Clan, and Chaos Ancient Clan, your position has been exposed, you must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible before they come."

Chen Xuan's heart sank, these guys got the news so quickly!

After the Ye clan revealed their identity to deal with the strange demon king, although Chen Xuan thought that he would attract enemies like the Hongmeng clan, these guys got the news in just one day. Such an extremely fast speed was definitely someone who deliberately spread the news. spread out.

Chen Xuan's mind immediately thought of the three ancient sages Wang Qiong, Shui Yue, and Ksitigarbha. After the Ye family was exposed, only these three knew their identities, and only they had the ability to expose themselves. The news spread quickly.

Among them, the ancient sage Wang Qiong is the most likely. After all, he is the only one who knows that he has left the Divine Weapon City to hunt down the strange demon king. As for the ancient sage Shuiyue and the ancient Ksitigarbha who were chasing the strange demon king with Shen Tian from the beginning, Xian didn't know that he was following closely behind.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent.

"Boy, you must leave here as soon as possible." The Sword Queen looked at Chen Xuan and said solemnly; "If all the powerful men from these ancient tribes gather in the Holy Wasteland, you will definitely face the most terrifying crisis in history. .”

Hearing this, Chen Xuan sneered and said, "If you want to kill me, Chen Xuan, I'm afraid you have to see if they have the ability."

The Sword Queen frowned: "What do you mean, kid?"

"Second Senior Sister, I won't leave." Chen Xuan shook his head. Not to mention that the matter of the strange demon king has not been resolved yet. Chen Xuan will not leave. Now that the people from Zhuanlun Mountain have also come to the Holy Desert Realm, if he and the other senior brothers and sisters When they meet, there will be a fight, so Chen Xuan cannot leave.

The Sword Queen's face changed greatly, "You're crazy, you're going crazy. There are dozens of ancient sages coming in person. Do you know what a terrifying power this will be? Will you be able to stop dozens of ancient sages by yourself?" "

Chen Xuan's face was calm, and there was a terrifying edge flickering in the depths of his eyes; "You have to try to know whether you can block it or not. It just so happens that I also want to take a step further. If they want to be a stepping stone for my progress, just come over! "

The Sword Queen was shocked. She fought against dozens of ancient sages with one person. Is this guy really a lunatic?

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