Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2441 Comprehension and integration of Pangu’s will!

Hearing this, Chen Xuan endured the shock in his heart. He was trying hard to recall what the woman said, and Pangu's will merged with his own.

One's own will is born from a person's persistent beliefs, high morale, and unyielding perseverance. How to dig out this?

At this time, the woman spoke again; "The power of will is invisible, invisible and intangible. It can only be felt. Maybe you can have an epiphany if you calm down?"

Hearing this, Chen Xuan tried his best to bear the pain that was tearing him apart from the inside out. He naturally understood what the woman said, but how to dig out it? Chen Xuan, who knew the power of will for the first time, had no idea what to do.

Wait, unyielding will, strong belief...

In a daze, Chen Xuan, who looked in pain, seemed to understand something.

Since this invisible and intangible power is born from the human body, isn't it also a force of will that I am trying to resist this intense painful behavior at this moment?

In an instant, Chen Xuan suddenly became enlightened.

Immediately, Chen Xuan was seen trying to endure the pain caused by Pangu's will, and immediately sat cross-legged.

"Are you enlightened?"

When the woman on the side saw this, a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was trying hard to feel himself, and he did understand something. This power of will born in the human body is actually a kind of spirit. To put it bluntly, it is a power similar to the spiritual level.

This kind of power actually exists all the time, but it is difficult for people to detect and easy to ignore.

For example, when a person focuses on something and wants to work hard to complete it, this concentration and effort are also a kind of will, and the human body relies on this will to control its next actions.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was trying hard to endure the pain caused by Pangu's will. This endurance was also a powerful willpower.

Now, Chen Xuan must calm down and feel his own invisible power of will. Only in this way can he obtain this power.

"The will that lasts forever is the true eternal immortality. If you have seen this threshold, if you step over it, you will have entered a brand new palace in advance!" Looking at Chen Xuan who had gradually fallen into deep thought, the woman With a look of admiration on his face, the boy is indeed teachable, just a little bit.

It's just that how long it takes for Chen Xuan to feel the existence of will and control it depends on his understanding. The woman can't help with this. She can only serve as a guide to let Chen Xuan go in this direction. How long this journey lasts cannot be interfered with by outsiders.

Soon, as Chen Xuan devoted himself wholeheartedly to the practice of understanding his own will, he seemed to have completely forgotten the pain caused to him by Pangu's will.

His ferocious expression gradually softened, and his expression remained as normal, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

And this is the effect of a strong will. This kind of tenacity can completely make people forget the physical pain. Of course, having this kind of tenacity will allow practitioners to go further on the road of spiritual practice. .

How can we persevere in these long and boring years, this path of cultivation filled with danger, blood, and battles with heaven and earth without a strong will?

Chen Xuan gradually became enlightened and his vision gradually broadened.

At this moment, he suddenly had a feeling that this invisible power of will, which was easily ignored by people, might be the most important thing on the path of cultivation, stronger than talent.

Its existence seems to completely make people forget the word "give up" and make people completely immersed in something and never give up.

Soon, as Chen Xuan realized the power of will, time also passed slowly, one day, two days, three days... five days...

For five consecutive days, Chen Xuan has been comprehending the power of will and trying to control it, but so far, Chen Xuan has not succeeded.

Of course, with the passage of time, Chen Xuan's body gradually bloomed with a strong fighting spirit.

After these five days, Chen Xuan had enough understanding of the existence of will. What he lacked now was to control it.

The woman wearing a light yellow dress saw this in her eyes, which made her appreciate Chen Xuan and her satisfaction with Chen Xuan even stronger.

Although everyone has the power of will, not everyone can understand it so quickly. Even after she knew the existence of will, it took her several months to gradually feel it. The invisible power of will.

As for controlling it, it took her a full ten years.

This kind of speed can be regarded as extremely fast for many practitioners, and it is unique among billions!

It only took Chen Xuan a few days to feel this invisible will, and he was already at the stage of controlling it. This speed was even more abnormal than she had been back then.

Of course, the woman doesn't know how long it will take for Chen Xuan to finally control the power of will. But according to Chen Xuan's strong understanding, the time it will take for him to finally control the power of will will definitely exceed hers. Maybe it will take a month, maybe a few months, maybe a few years. can succeed.

However, as two days passed again, a strong look of surprise gradually appeared on the woman's face.

Because at this moment, Chen Xuan was surrounded by a majestic aura of fighting spirit, covering his whole body. Moreover, this majestic fighting spirit was not like an ownerless thing running around Chen Xuan's body, but was Chen Xuan controlled all over his body.

"This is a success!" The woman couldn't help but say with a surprised look, because it only took seven days for Chen Xuan to sense the existence of the power of will and control it.

Evolving from perception to control within seven days, this is definitely a super abnormal speed. I'm afraid no one has ever achieved this in history!

This move is definitely the first in history and unprecedented!

At this time, when the woman was staring at Chen Xuan in surprise, she saw that Chen Xuan had slowly opened his eyes. Although Pangu's will was still causing unbearable pain to his body at this moment, Chen Xuan His face remained as usual.

Immediately, Chen Xuan raised his head, looked at the woman standing two meters away from him and said with a smile, "Thanks for the guidance!"

After saying this, Chen Xuan closed his eyes again. Now that he has completely controlled his own will power, the next thing to do is to merge Pangu's will with his own will power and let it completely become his own will power. .

The next moment, when Chen Xuan's own will power approached Pangu's will under Chen Xuan's control, then Chen Xuan's will power shrouded Pangu's will like a hungry tiger, instantly entangled with it. .

The essence of the two is the same. Although they do not belong to the same body, Pangu's will is now an ownerless thing. Faced with Chen Xuan's own will power forcibly merging with himself, Pangu's will did not resist.

An hour later, Chen Xuan had completely integrated Pangu's will. At that moment, when the two willpowers merged into one, the surrounding sky was shaken by this power of will!

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