Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2453 Battle against the Demon Lord Part 1

"Motian, I do as you wish!"

Chen Xuan looked calm. Now that Xiao Xitian has been activated, he does not want to waste more words with these guys. The battle between the demon clan and the human and demon clans will always have a result, which will ultimately determine the outcome of this war. The key to defeat is the battle between him and the Demon Lord!

Only when the battle between the two of them comes to an end can the demon race and the human race and the demon race decide the winner or loser. This racial war that has lasted for 150,000 years cannot be evenly divided. Only life and death can completely end it. This race war!

Hearing Chen Xuan's words, all the powerful men from the human and demon tribes looked at Chen Xuan with serious faces. They had put all their hopes on Chen Xuan in this ultimate battle against the demon tribe. On my body.

It doesn't matter how many people die between the human, demon and demon tribes. What matters is that in the battle between Chen Xuan and the Demon Lord, whoever wins will determine which race becomes the final winner!

"This boy must die!"

The magician had a cold expression on his face, as if he had already sentenced Chen Xuan to death. The other powerful demons present also thought so.

In this world, no one can block the power of the Great Demon God Realm.

Not even the aloof human king!

The Demon Mother squinted her beautiful eyes and looked at the man in the center of the battlefield.

Must die?

In fact, the Demon Mother also thinks so in her heart. After all, it is the realm of the Great Demon God, a brand new mysterious realm that no one has ever set foot on. Even if Chen Xuan is changing, he will never be a match for the strong ones in this realm.

But even though she thought so, the Demon Mother also had a hunch in her heart that this man who had failed her many times might be able to create a miracle.

Although he is facing an unprecedented terrifying enemy!


In an instant, under the gaze of countless eyes, Chen Xuan strolled out and faced the direction of the Demon Lord.

At this moment, not only the humans, demons and demons were paying attention to the upcoming battle, but also the Sansheng Emperor and the giants and powerful men in Xiaoxitian.

Although in the eyes of giants such as Sansheng Emperor and Xiao Xitian, Chen Xuan's chances of defeating the Demon Lord are not high, once the two of them confront each other, the process will be quite exciting.

After all, with Chen Xuan's fighting power, there is absolutely no problem in ranking among the top five in the world.

Seeing Chen Xuan stand up, the Demon Lord suddenly burst out with extremely terrifying fighting spirit. Although he thought that it would not take much effort to kill Chen Xuan, he did not deny that Chen Xuan did have some abilities. Instead of fighting, it would be a good idea to treat it as a warm-up before the battle.

"Sansheng, since this kid wants to be a stepping stone before the war, then just watch from the sidelines!" The Demon Lord was full of confidence. After he chuckled, he saw a pair of dark wings suddenly sprouting from his back.

When the wings are spread out, they span the left and right sides and are hundreds of meters long. These wings are all transformed from extremely pure dark magic power.

Likewise, this is also the main sign of entering the realm of the Great Demon God.

"Boy, if you can take my three moves and not die, then you are qualified to see a new power beyond this world."

"The first move is to destroy the demon spirit!"

The Demon Lord stopped talking nonsense and followed his words. A terrifying demon spirit roared out from the Demon Lord's body. The moment it appeared, it straddled the void in front of the Demon Lord like a world-destroying demon.

Its appearance caused the world to change instantly, and the day immediately turned into night.

Not only that, in this suddenly darkened world, mysterious forces that overwhelm all things and crush all living beings gradually erupted.

This kind of power swept across, pervasive, and everywhere. Everyone felt as if their souls were being wiped out.


Sensing this, Chen Xuan's eyes flashed with a bright light. It seemed that the Demon Lord who had entered the realm of the Great Demon God had indeed gained control of the power of will.

It's just that the power of will controlled by the other party and the Pangu's will controlled by him feel different, but Chen Xuan has not discovered the specific difference yet.

Because the Demon Lord doesn’t seem to have fully used the power of his will!

Immediately, just when Chen Xuan felt the existence of this power of will, a series of Sanskrit sounds were like the Buddha chanting sutras and the gods singing. Wisps of soul-splitting Sanskrit sounds were introduced into Chen Xuan's body one after another. in mind.

In an instant, Chen Xuan felt his sea of ​​consciousness surge, and his head seemed to explode.

Not only that, in the dark world in front of him, the demon spirit was like a giant ape, and its fist the size of a small mountain had already smashed down on Chen Xuan's Tianling Cap.

"Humph, Demon God, this method is enough to make you fool around in front of me. Who do you look down on?" Chen Xuan looked indifferent, and then his own power of heaven roared out like a tsunami, and a little light seemed to illuminate the dark night. Stars bloomed from Chen Xuan's chest.

It was a sword, a world-destroying sword. As Chen Xuan raised his hand high, the star-like sword of world-destroying volleyed down towards the demon spirit!


A soul-shuddering voice sounded in this dark world. The knife directly cut through the darkness. The light spread from top to bottom to the location of the demon spirit. The light was like a bright skyline. , lighting up the night sky.

As the sword was slashed, the power of heaven contained in it caused the expressions of all the strong men under the dark night to change suddenly, because at the moment when the sword was slashed, the earth under everyone's feet had cracked a deep seam. There is no bottom, no end in sight!

The earth trembled, and the power in everyone's body was being suppressed crazily at this moment. It was the suppression from the power of heaven. Even the Demon Lord, even the Three Lives Emperor, they also felt a force that they could not despise at this moment. Sense of crisis!

"Haha, no wonder you dare to be such a standout, it turns out you have some talent!" The Demon Lord smiled brightly, and when he was about to kill the demon spirit with the world-destroying sword, the Demon Lord suddenly pressed down with one hand.

Immediately afterwards, the demon spirit suddenly burst out with destructive power that destroyed the world, and then its body skyrocketed, like a ball reaching its limit, and exploded instantly.


The demon spirit self-destructed, and the shocking and complete explosion directly shook away the night, allowing the world to welcome light again. The horrifying sounds continued to be transmitted, and the void exploded one after another, as if tens of thousands of time bombs were planted.

The void is constantly cracking, and the cracks like spider webs are spreading crazily, and the ground is collapsing crazily, spreading thousands of miles in less than the blink of an eye.

At this moment, just the sound of self-destruction caused some low-level practitioners to be killed on the spot. Even powerful ancient gods could not withstand the aftermath of this destruction and retreated in a hurry!

But at this moment, when everyone was retreating, there was a world-destroying sword that moved forward, cutting through all resistance, going against the sky, and slashing crazily towards the Demon Lord's position!

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