Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2631 Do you want to add another one?

Yuan Xiang's face was stiff. Of course she could understand the meaning of Chen Xuan's words. These words were not only spoken to Yuen Long and others, but also to her.

Before this, I have tolerated it many times for your sake. If these idiots dare to provoke me next time, then I'm sorry, but your face will not be saved either!

However, when Yuen Long and others heard Chen Xuan's words, they suddenly had sharp expressions on their faces. This so-called arrogant man was just lucky enough to escape. Did he really think of himself as the mysterious powerful man who killed Tian Xingke?

"Arrogant guy, if Yuan Xiang hadn't protected you, if Tian Xingke hadn't happened to be killed by a mysterious strong man this time, you would have died long ago. Why are you so arrogant?" Yuen Lang looked at Chen Xuan with a gloomy face and said .

Yuan Xiong's face also looked very ugly. What on earth is this man so crazy about? Such a tough mouth!

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had become tense again, the Yuanhuang County Chief said calmly, "Since Tian Xingke is dead, this matter is over. My dear friend, would you like to talk to me?"

As he said that, the Yuanhuang County Chief looked at Chen Xuan, who was still so calm.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang's eyes flashed with confusion. What did this old guy want to talk to Chen Xuan?

Hearing this, Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes, nodded and said, "That's fine, I haven't visited Yuanshen's house yet."

"Please." After saying one word, the wheelchair that Yuanhuang County Chief sat on slowly left.

"Chen Xuan, come with me." Yuan Xiang immediately followed Chen Xuan.

Seeing Chen Xuan's leaving figure, a fierce light flashed in Yuen Lang's eyes: "Arrogant guy, if Yuan Xiang wasn't protecting you, what qualifications do you have to jump around?"

Yuan Xiong said with a cold face, "This person will be a disaster sooner or later if he stays in my Yuanshen family. Watch him, and we must not let him cause trouble to my Yuanshen family again. If there is a chance, drive him away."

Yuen Lang nodded and smiled coldly, "Isn't it easy to get rid of him in my Yuanshen's house? I don't believe that sister Yuanxiang will guard you all the time. There will always be times when you are away."

On the other side, Yuan Xiang was leading Chen Xuan to the residence of Yuanhuang County Chief.

However, because of what happened just now, Yuan Xiang felt a little guilty in her heart. She looked at Chen Xuan from time to time, but hesitated every time.

"Yuanxiang, what do you want to say?" Chen Xuan had already seen the woman's hesitation.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Xuan, my Yuanshen family..."

Before Yuan Xiang could finish speaking, Chen Xuan interrupted her with a wave of his hand and said, "Yuan Xiang, if it's because of them, there's no need to say more, because they are really not worth mentioning in my eyes. The entire Yuanshen family except you , that is, the county chief who seems to be a useless person still has some eyesight, but what I just said was not a joke, if they dare to attack me next time, I will kill them!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiang gave a bitter laugh, then she took a deep breath and said, "Maybe in their eyes, you have been hiding behind me, relying on me to protect you every time to escape disaster, but they don't think so at all. I don’t know if I hadn’t ‘protected you’, they would have died countless times. Since I can’t protect these guys, I won’t care about them next time.”

While talking, the two of them had arrived in front of a quiet courtyard gate. After walking in, Chen Xuan saw the Yuanhuang County Chief in front of the fish pond at a glance.

Regarding the arrival of the two people, the Yuanhuang County Chief naturally knew about it. Before Yuan Xiang could speak, the Yuanhuang County Chief waved his hand and said, "A guest is coming. Go and make a pot of tea."

Yuan Xiang muttered, turned around and walked into the house.

Chen Xuan sat down at the stone table not far away. At this time, the head of Yuanhuang County also turned around with his wheelchair. He looked at Chen Xuan sitting opposite him with a calm face and said, "You know that I, Yuan Huang, The origin of God’s family?”

Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head and said, "I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing. I came to Yuanshen's house just for the resources for cultivation. You provide me with the resources for cultivation, and I will provide you with resources for cultivation." I’ll get what you want, and the rest has nothing to do with me.”

The Yuanhuang County Chief narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you so confident that you can break into the top ten in the Battle of Kyushu, enter the galaxy ruins, and get that thing for my Yuanshen family?"

Chen Xuan said calmly, "It all depends on people. In short, as long as the Yuanshen family treats people with sincerity, I will do my best."

Hearing this, the Yuanhuang County Chief looked at Chen Xuan without saying a word.

Yuan Xiang also made a pot of tea and came to the two of them. Before she could sit down, Yuanhuang County Chief glanced at her and said, "You go out first, I want to have a good chat with Chen Xiaoyou." Let’s talk.”

Yuan Xiang frowned, then curled her lips and said, "What do two grown men have to talk about? It's not something shameful."

But after all, Yuan Xiang left wisely.

"My Yuanshen family still seems to be the overlord of Tianlang County, but in fact it has almost ceased to exist in name only. Moreover, they are in a state of insecurity. They are all a group of short-sighted fools. Sooner or later, they will be replaced by other forces in Tianlang County!" After Yuan Xiang left, The head of Yuanhuang County sighed.

Chen Xuan didn't answer, and he couldn't figure out the purpose of the Yuanhuang County Chief looking for him.

"Did you kill Tian Xingke?" As soon as his voice changed, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Yuanhuang County Chief, and he looked at Chen Xuan and asked.

Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes, and the two of them looked at each other calmly.

After half a minute, Chen Xuan said, "He is indeed a man who can support the Yuanshen family."

"Haha, actually it's not hard to guess, it's just hard for people to believe it!" The Yuanhuang County Chief chuckled and said; "Others in the Yuanshen family don't believe that girl, but I believe it, and I believe it from the beginning to the end. What she said is why I am willing to agree to your conditions and keep you here."

Chen Xuan asked; "So does the county chief now think that I have the strength to break into the top ten in the Battle of Kyushu?"

"Indeed, there is, but the galaxy ruins are not simple!" The Yuanhuang County Chief smiled and did not talk more about this topic; "To be honest, even if I know the result, I still find it hard to believe that a person at the top of the first level of destiny can actually He killed a peak seventeenth-level destiny man with one sword, and it would be difficult to find such a monster in the holy realm."

"The county chief has failed to reward me." Chen Xuan looked indifferent.

The Yuanhuang County Chief smiled and continued, "That girl has indeed found a rare treasure for my Yuanshen family this time. From now on, our Yuanshen family will do our best to satisfy any of your requests."

"Thank you so much, Chief." Chen Xuan also had a smile on his face.

"Haha, it should be. You and I will benefit from each other and we will achieve each other's achievements." The Yuanhuang County Chief smiled like an old fox, and then said, "Chen Xiaoyou is young and promising. He is a rare genius. I wonder if he is married?"

Chen Xuan was stunned. What was this old guy asking him for?

"There are many wives and many children." Chen Xuan answered truthfully.

"That's it!" Prince Yuanhuang touched his chin and thought for a moment, then stared at Chen Xuan and asked, "Do you want to add another one?"

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