Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2905 Get the God Realm Pill!

"Who is this guy? He actually dares to compete with the princess of the Gao family for the Divine Realm Pill!"

"Destiny Level 11, hehe, what a courageous guy, doesn't he know that Gao Qiang is the princess of the Gao family?"

"The courage is commendable. I hope this guy can persist until the end, so that he can vent his anger on the rest of us."

"I'm just afraid that this guy will give up halfway, which would be too disappointing!"

The practitioners in the auction house all looked at Chen Xuan who dared to compete with Gao Qiang, and they all had bright smiles on their faces. They had long been extremely unhappy with Gao Qiang, and now someone stepped forward to vent their anger for them. Naturally, they Would love to see.

In the center of the auction house, Xian Yuhuang was also surprised when he looked at Chen Xuan who had the courage to confront Gao Qiang. However, he was also happy to see this situation, because with the price of 2.8 billion, Xian Yu's family suffered a big loss. .

At the moment, no one dares to compete with Gao Qiang. It is exactly when someone needs to break this deadlock.

At this moment, Gao Qiang's cold and arrogant eyes seemed to have murderous intent bursting out. When she opened her mouth, she shocked the entire audience. No one dared to confront her head-on, and the collective silence fell.

But when she was standing high and enjoying the light of one person dominating the whole place, a very indifferent little person jumped out to oppose her.

What's this?

Didn't you take her, the princess of the Gao family, into consideration?

"I advise you to think carefully and don't ask for death!" Gao Qiang looked at Chen Xuan with a cold face. This pawn who suddenly appeared made her who was in a good mood very unhappy. .

Hearing this, Chen Xuan glanced at her, and then said calmly to Xian Yuhuang, "Isn't it the one who pays the highest price for your business?"

Hearing this, Xian Yuhuang's eyes narrowed, and he immediately smiled and said, "Of course, whoever bids the highest price will get the auction items. Brother, you can bid with confidence and boldly. If anyone dares to plot against you, I will The Xianyu family will definitely stand up and seek justice for you."

After saying that, Xian Yuhuang looked at Gao Qiang again and said, "Miss Gao Qiang, this brother bids 2.85 billion, do you want to increase the price?"

Gao Qiang's cold eyes stared at Chen Xuan with murderous intent; "This is the first time I have seen such a courageous little pawn like you. Okay, I will play with you, because in the end I will I will definitely kill you, three billion!"

Gao Qiang immediately quoted a new sky-high price, surpassing Chen Xuan in one fell swoop.

"Three billion and fifty million!" Chen Xuan quoted unhurriedly.

"You are looking for death, I will kill you." Gao Qiang's face was gloomy and he continued to bid; "Thirty-two billion!"

"Thirty-two hundred and fifty million!" Chen Xuan's heart was calm. Comparing financial resources with him? Chen Xuan will not be afraid of anyone present at this point. After all, he still has more than 200 billion in his hands. Who is willing to spend such a large amount of blood to fight for two pills?

"Hehe, it looks like there's something good to be done. This strong man with an eleventh level of destiny is really talented!"

"It's so perfect, the princess of the Gao family may be so angry that her lungs will explode!"

"Haha, such a sky-high price can be regarded as a fight between the dragon and the tiger. In the end, even if this young man with the eleventh level of destiny loses, the princess of the Gao family will probably feel very uncomfortable in her heart!"

"That's natural. After all, she lost a lot of Star Essence Stones because of this guy, but in the end, what happened to this God Realm Pill?

It is not yet known who will be the winner, because this young man who suddenly appeared seems to be bound to get this divine pill! "

Xian Yuhuang stood in the middle of the auction house, the smile on his face getting brighter and brighter.

"Thirty-four billion!" Gao Qiang looked at Chen Xuan with murderous intent and raised the price again.

"Thirty-four hundred and fifty million." Chen Xuan still looked so calm, only increasing by fifty million each time.

"Thirty-six billion!" Gao Qiang sneered and said to Chen Xuan; "Idiot, do you have the strength to compare with me? In a price war, I can crush you to the point where you can't breathe."

"Really?" Chen Xuan glanced at her calmly and said, "Okay, four billion, do you still want to increase the price? If you want to increase the price, then I will give this divine realm pill to you."

"You..." Gao Qiang's eyes were as if she wanted to cut Chen Xuan into pieces with a thousand knives. She really didn't expect that Chen Xuan would raise the price to four billion at once. This price has exceeded the price of the Divine Realm Pill. If he continues to increase the price, then It's like being taken advantage of.

"Hehe, he is indeed quite capable. With a sky-high price of four billion, the princess of the Gao family is probably eager to kill this guy!"

"It's so refreshing. We should treat this woman's overbearing and domineering personality."

"With the sky-high price of four billion, the Princess of the Gao Family will not continue to increase the price. It seems that the Divine Realm Pill will fall into the hands of this young man. However, for this Divine Realm Pill, the Princess of the Gao Family Royal Family is also bound to get it. I’m afraid I won’t give up easily.”

"That's for sure. With the domineering character of this Gao family princess, once the auction is over, she will definitely find trouble with this guy."

Xian Yuhuang's face was full of smiles, and his heart was already blooming with joy.

Feeling Gao Qiang's murderous intention towards him, Chen Xuan remained as calm as ever and said, "Do you want to continue to increase the price? If you really want to get this pill, then please let your strength speak for itself."

"Damn thing, you really made me unhappy!" Gao Qiang's face was full of murderous intent, but just when she was about to continue to increase the price, a strong man sitting next to her said immediately; "Princess, be careful, More than 4 billion is not worth the loss, so what if he gets it? He is just an ant, can he resist the Gao family?"

After hearing this, Gao Qiang endured the pent-up anger in her heart and remained silent.

Seeing this, Xian Yuhuang said with a smile on his face: "Miss Gao Qiang, this brother bids 4 billion, do you want to increase the price?"

Gao Qiang's face was gloomy and he said, "If someone is not afraid of death, just take it."

Hearing this, Xian Yuhuang sneered in his heart, and then said, "Since Miss Gao Qiang will not increase the price, this divine realm pill will belong to this brother."

"Brother, congratulations. The auction is over. I will personally hand over the Divine Realm Pill to you."

"Okay." Chen Xuan nodded.

Seeing this, Gao Qiang said to Chen Xuan with a gloomy face: "I will remember you. You'd better pray for good luck, otherwise this endless lake may be your burial place."


The practitioners present narrowed their eyes. It seemed that the princess of the Gao family was really going to be cruel to this person after the auction.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, this young man with only the eleventh level of destiny may be in a very bad situation!

"My luck has always been good." Chen Xuan responded indifferently.

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