Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 2971 The vast space of space!

A crazy aura surged from the Queen's body, as cold as ice, and her beautiful eyes instantly became extremely dangerous.

Sensing this, Chen Xuan, who was looking forward to it, froze and said quickly, "Madam, if you have something to say, don't do anything!"

Although his current strength is completely enough to challenge the strong man who dominates the Three Difficulties, facing this lady who has long been famous all over the world, and even a blind man said that he dare not provoke her, how can Chen Xuan now be... Her opponent?

"Boy, I see you are getting more and more presumptuous..." Queen Ling's face was very cold, her jade hands trembled, and a substantial force immediately emerged. .??.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan's heart trembled. Before he could think about it, Chen Xuan hurriedly hugged Ling Hou's body to prevent her from launching her ultimate move.

"Boy, what are you doing? Let go!" Queen Ling's face turned dark as she felt the man hugging her tightly, the feeling of the tight contact between flesh and body, the impact of the strong masculine aura, Empress Ling, who had never felt like this before, suddenly felt like a deer stumbling around.

The charged ultimate move in his hand disappeared in an instant.

"Don't let her go, madam, unless you don't do anything." How dare Chen Xuan let go of this woman? Once he lets her go, he will be the one who suffers. If he goes to resist the spirit queen, Chen Xuan doesn't have the courage now.

"You..." Ling Houqi's face turned livid, and then his body shook, sending Chen Xuan flying out, and he almost fell into the bottomless lake.

Chen Xuan secretly said that it was not good. The two looked at each other, and the queen's eyes looked as if she wanted to kill someone.

Seeing Chen Xuan here, he didn't dare to stay, so he turned around and ran away.

"Boy, if you leave now, don't come back again..." Queen Ling was extremely angry.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan, who had already gone away, stopped suddenly. He stood above the lake a thousand meters away and looked at the Queen carefully: "Madam, don't do anything and I will come back, okay?"

"Come back." Ling Hou glanced at him angrily.

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and came to the bamboo house again, but he still did not dare to get close to the Queen Ling, for fear that this powerful woman would suddenly attack him.

But Queen Ling didn't really want to beat him, she was just angry at what this kid said.

"Let me ask you, what happened to the dark power you cultivated? Are you really able to practice both in one body and in one body?" Queen Ling looked at Chen Xuan. In fact, she had wanted to ask this question for a long time. Can a human race cultivate darkness at the same time? Power, this was the first time she had seen such a weird thing.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan nodded, with a smile on his face, and said, "Madam, my dark power belongs to a half-way monk, but it should be regarded as what you call an integrated double/cultivation."

The Queen looked him up and down and said, "What's weird, this is the first time I've seen you in this situation. The two completely different powers in your body are not mutually exclusive?"

"At present, it seems there is not." Chen Xuan said honestly.

"So you can not only cultivate the power of the human race to the limit of your body, but also the power of darkness." A look of surprise flashed in the Queen's beautiful eyes, and she continued; "If in the end you can really If you do this, I am afraid that even if you look at the entire solar system, you will be unique!"

Hearing Queen Ling's words, Chen Xuan felt something in his heart

Feeling a little proud, he said, "Madam, so marrying someone like me won't be an embarrassment to you, right?"

The Empress of the Spirit rolled her eyes at him and said, "I advise you to keep a low profile. The Eternal Earth is a space that you can't imagine. This Xuanhuang Universe is just one of the solar systems. The low-key Immortality among them is There are too many people. If one day you mess with these people, no matter how strong your talent and potential are, you will not be able to escape the fate of destruction."

Hearing Queen Ling's words, Chen Xuan was a little curious and asked, "Madam, how big is the Solar System? How many worlds are there in it that are similar to the Xuanhuang Universe?"

"Many, quite a few. Once you step out of the Xuanhuang Universe, you will be able to feel the vastness of the Eternal Earth!" The Queen's beautiful eyes looked into the distance, seeming to bring back some memories.

"Madam, have you ever left the Xuanhuang Universe?" Chen Xuan continued to ask.

Empress Ling nodded; "I went out once, but I felt that my strength was still too weak, so I came back."

Chen Xuan frowned and asked again, "So besides the solar system, are there other more mysterious and wider places on this earth?"

The Queen of Spirits sighed and said, "Boy, there are four major systems on this cosmic earth, including the Solar System that includes the Xuanhuang Universe, and the Black River System, Eternal System, and Time System outside the Solar System. Groups, these four major groups occupy the boundless Eternal Earth, and it is completely impossible to calculate how many life star fields there are, how many living beings there are is even more unknown, and how many races there are is also unknown!"

After hearing what the queen said, Chen Xuan was extremely shocked.

The Solar System, the Black River System, the Eternal System, the Time System, what a vast world this is!

You know, the current Xuanhuang Universe and Chen Xuan are not done yet!

And the Xuanhuang Universe is just one of the universes in the solar system!

"It is not very strange for a few aliens to appear in such a vast universe. Maybe you look amazing in the Xuanhuang Universe and you are extremely qualified. However, if you look at the entire solar system, , do you think you can be considered the best?" Queen Ling looked at Chen Xuan and said.

Chen Xuan remained silent. He knew that what the Queen Ling said was true. She was a woman who had truly seen the world and had extraordinary vision!

"You're right." Chen Xuan took a deep breath. He also looked at the sky in the distance and said, "So I have to work harder to climb up. I don't know where I will go in the end, but since I know this universe The world is so huge, so I have to take a look, right? So, the first thing I have to do is to get out of the Xuanhuang Universe..."

"Then what?" Queen Ling looked at him with admiration, thinking that she had thought the same way at the beginning.

"Then face the solar system and go further, until you get out of the solar system and take a look at this wonderful universe!" Chen Xuan's eyes were shining brightly.

The Queen of Spirits said calmly, "Courage is commendable and ambition is great, but there have been many people with your courage and ambition throughout the ages. How many of them succeeded in the end?"

“If everything starts with failure, why take any step at all?”

Ling Hou was stunned.

"That's why I need your help, ma'am, I really need your help!"

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