Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 3012 The secret of the remaining pictures!

Chen Xuan's mind suddenly remembered that he had seen the words "Fire Star Territory" somewhere, it was on the residual picture.

"Little brother, what's going on?" Seeing Chen Xuan's expression changed, the blind man and Chu Nuer both stared at him.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan said, "Leave here first, I'll show you something later."

Then a few people took the emperor-class battleship and rushed towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars. There were map blind people and Chu Nuer who went to the dark hinterland. With this map, they set the coordinates on the emperor-class battleship. As long as there is source With the constant supply of star energy stones, the emperor-class battleship will take Chen Xuan and the others to their destination.

"Blind man, slave, take a look at this map..."

In the ship's cabin, Chen Xuan took out the fragmentary picture he had obtained.

This fragment of the map was obtained by Chen Xuan from the Qiankun Ring of the leader of the star pirates when he fought against the group of star pirates for the Tianyao Clan in the Uranus Star Domain. However, Chen Xuan has never been able to understand what is recorded on this fragment of the map.

The unknown lord has fallen in the west!

What do these eight characters mean?

The blind man couldn't see him, but his mind had scanned everything on the map.

I saw a look of surprise on the blind man's face. He touched the map and said, "Brother, this map looks very simple. This is not an ordinary animal skin, but the animal skin of the Beast King!"

Chu Nuer nodded in agreement and said, "It is indeed the Beast King's skin. Using the Beast King's skin to make a map is simply a luxury. However, this is enough to show that this map is not simple. It’s a pity that it’s just a broken picture.”

Chen Xuan pointed at the map and said, "This residual map has three star fields marked on it, two life star fields, namely the celestial star field and the infinite star field, and a desolate star field. This desolate star field is It’s called the Flame Star Field, and it should be the same place we’re going to this time.”

He just suddenly heard the blind man talking about the Flame Star Territory and then thought of this residual map.

Chu Nuer looked at it carefully and said, "It is indeed the Flame Star Territory. It seems that this map seems to be related to that place. Moreover, this is only a fragment of the map and covers three star territories. If we piece this map together Complete, it’s definitely a big map.”

"The unknown lord fell in the west..." The blind man muttered these eight words, and then he fell silent.

"Could it be..."

After a moment, the blind man and Chu Nuer seemed to have thought of something at the same time, and a look of shock flashed across their faces.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan looked at them curiously.

There was some excitement on the blind man's face and he said, "Little brother, I guess the fragment of the picture in your hand should be related to several important figures who suppressed the dark unrest."

Chu Nuer also thought of this and said, "Back then, the dark turmoil spread to the entire Xuanhuang Universe and caused a world war. If it weren't for the powerful men from other universes coming to help, the Xuanhuang Universe would have been wiped out from the solar system. Went, and finally, in order to completely suppress the dark chaos/chaos, several big figures used their own torsos as cauldrons, flesh and blood as their feet, and transformed themselves into the world, and finally suppressed the dark chaos/chaos in the hinterland of darkness."

Hearing Chu Nuer's words, Chen Xuan also thought of this information in his mind. There were records of dark turmoil in the records of the Panzhi Temple.

"This seems to have happened a long time ago, right?" Chen Xuan said with a frown.

Chu Nuer nodded and said; "Darkness

The turmoil broke out in the distant Fourth Age. It is indeed very far away from now, but those big figures who suppressed the dark turmoil back then were the real top people in the universe! "

"As for why this map is related to these important figures, it is because they are the Lords of the Xuanhuang Universe, that is, the unknown Lords recorded on this map."

"Lord of the Universe? Lord of the unknown?"

Chen Xuan frowned. He had not seen any information about this in the records of Panzhi Temple.

Chu Nuer said; "In the universe, there are star lords, war lords, and domain lords. Above them there are world lords and the supreme universe lord. These big figures who suppress the dark chaos are the universe. The Lord of the Universe is also called the Lord of the Unknown."

The blind man continued; "It is rumored that although these Universe Lords have used their bodies to suppress the darkness forever, their inheritance has also been passed down. It should be in the hinterland of darkness, but where is this inheritance in the hinterland of darkness? Where is the entrance? It has always been An unsolved mystery. Of course, this rumor may be false, but it is not necessarily true, because no one has ever discovered it, so it has been forgotten over time.”

Hearing these words, Chen Xuan looked at the broken picture on the table, and then he turned his palm, and then a completely black object about one meter long, with a very regular shape and many concave/convex gaps appeared on it. In Chen Xuan's hands.

"Blind man, slave, take a look at this again." Chen Xuan put the object on the table and said, "I got this thing when I entered the galaxy ruins in the Neptune Star Territory. There seems to be a connection between this object and this map. A deep connection.”

The blind man immediately touched it with his hand, with a look of surprise on his face; "Sun Star Spirit, this is an excellent material for refining weapons, but the shape of this thing looks a bit like..."

"It's a bit like a key." Chu Nuer continued.

The blind man nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, it does look a bit like a key, and the two lines of words on it are indeed related to the residual picture."

"Buried in the north, sleeping in the south..." Chu Nu'er muttered; "Add the two lines of words on the map together, it means that the unknown lord fell in the west, buried in the north, slept in the south, if you just rely on To understand it literally, it seems to be talking about a fallen Lord of the Universe, but the specific location can only be found by piecing together this fragment of the map."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's eyes were a little fiery and he said, "If this residual picture is really related to a Lord of the Universe who suppresses the darkness, and if its location can be found, wouldn't it be a miracle?" Big treasure!"

Chu Nuer smiled slightly and said, "It seems that your luck is really incredible. A fragment of the map and a key. If you can really unlock the secrets on it, it will really make people look forward to it."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan sighed and said, "It's a pity. This is just a broken map. The key information cannot be deciphered from it. If we can get the complete map, everything will be solved easily."

Chu Nuer shook her head and said, "I'm afraid the complete map is a bit fanciful. Maybe it doesn't exist at all, and maybe it was destroyed long ago. Otherwise, why hasn't anyone looked for it in these epochs?"

Chen Xuan certainly knew this.

"Not necessarily." Suddenly, the blind man's face was tense and he said with a somewhat solemn expression; "The complete map should exist, but you have to go to a place first to know it."

"Where?" Chen Xuan and Chu Nuer's eyes lit up.

"Taiyin goes to the palace!" A complicated look flashed across the blind man's face! Chen Xuan's mind suddenly remembered that he had seen the words "Fire Star Territory" somewhere, it was on the residual picture.

"Little brother, what's going on?" Seeing Chen Xuan's expression changed, the blind man and Chu Nuer both stared at him.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan said, "Leave here first, I'll show you something later."

Then a few people took the emperor-class battleship and rushed towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars. There were map blind people and Chu Nuer who went to the dark hinterland. With this map, they set the coordinates on the emperor-class battleship. As long as there is source With the constant supply of star energy stones, the emperor-class battleship will take Chen Xuan and the others to their destination.

"Blind man, slave, take a look at this map..."

In the ship's cabin, Chen Xuan took out the fragmentary picture he had obtained.

This fragment of the map was obtained by Chen Xuan from the Qiankun Ring of the leader of the star pirates when he fought against the group of star pirates for the Tianyao Clan in the Uranus Star Domain. However, Chen Xuan has never been able to understand what is recorded on this fragment of the map. .??.

The unknown lord has fallen in the west!

What do these eight characters mean?

The blind man couldn't see him, but his mind had scanned everything on the map.

I saw a look of surprise on the blind man's face. He touched the map and said, "Brother, this map looks very simple. This is not an ordinary animal skin, but the animal skin of the Beast King!"

Chu Nuer nodded in agreement and said, "It is indeed the Beast King's skin. Using the Beast King's skin to make a map is simply a luxury. However, this is enough to show that this map is not simple. It’s a pity that it’s just a broken picture.”

Chen Xuan pointed at the map and said, "This residual map has three star fields marked on it, two life star fields, namely the celestial star field and the infinite star field, and a desolate star field. This desolate star field is It’s called the Flame Star Field, and it should be the same place we’re going to this time.”

He just suddenly heard the blind man talking about the Flame Star Territory and then thought of this residual map.

Chu Nuer looked at it carefully and said, "It is indeed the Flame Star Territory. It seems that this map seems to be related to that place. Moreover, this is only a fragment of the map and covers three star territories. If we piece this map together Complete, it’s definitely a big map.”

"The unknown lord fell in the west..." The blind man muttered these eight words, and then he fell silent.

"Could it be..."

After a moment, the blind man and Chu Nuer seemed to have thought of something at the same time, and a look of shock flashed across their faces.

"What's going on?" Chen Xuan looked at them curiously.

There was some excitement on the blind man's face and he said, "Little brother, I guess the fragment of the picture in your hand should be related to several important figures who suppressed the dark unrest."

Chu Nuer also thought of this and said, "Back then, the dark turmoil spread to the entire Xuanhuang Universe and caused a world war. If it weren't for the powerful men from other universes coming to help, the Xuanhuang Universe would have been wiped out from the solar system. Went, and finally, in order to completely suppress the dark chaos/chaos, several big figures used their own torsos as cauldrons, flesh and blood as their feet, and transformed themselves into the world, and finally suppressed the dark chaos/chaos in the hinterland of darkness."

Hearing Chu Nuer's words, Chen Xuan also thought of this information in his mind. There were records of dark turmoil in the records of the Panzhi Temple.

"This seems to have happened a long time ago, right?" Chen Xuan said with a frown.

Chu Nuer nodded and said; "Darkness

The turmoil broke out in the distant Fourth Age. It is indeed very far away from now, but those big figures who suppressed the dark turmoil back then were the real top people in the universe! "

"As for why this map is related to these important figures, it is because they are the Lords of the Xuanhuang Universe, that is, the unknown Lords recorded on this map."

"Lord of the Universe? Lord of the unknown?"

Chen Xuan frowned. He had not seen any information about this in the records of Panzhi Temple.

Chu Nuer said; "In the universe, there are star lords, war lords, and domain lords. Above them there are world lords and the supreme universe lord. These big figures who suppress the dark chaos are the universe. The Lord of the Universe is also called the Lord of the Unknown."

The blind man continued; "It is rumored that although these Universe Lords have used their bodies to suppress the darkness forever, their inheritance has also been passed down. It should be in the hinterland of darkness, but where is this inheritance in the hinterland of darkness? Where is the entrance? It has always been An unsolved mystery. Of course, this rumor may be false, but it is not necessarily true, because no one has ever discovered it, so it has been forgotten over time.”

Hearing these words, Chen Xuan looked at the broken picture on the table, and then he turned his palm, and then a completely black object about one meter long, with a very regular shape and many concave/convex gaps appeared on it. In Chen Xuan's hands.

"Blind man, slave, take a look at this again." Chen Xuan put the object on the table and said, "I got this thing when I entered the galaxy ruins in the Neptune Star Territory. There seems to be a connection between this object and this map. A deep connection.”

The blind man immediately touched it with his hand, with a look of surprise on his face; "Sun Star Spirit, this is an excellent material for refining weapons, but the shape of this thing looks a bit like..."

"It's a bit like a key." Chu Nuer continued.

The blind man nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, it does look a bit like a key, and the two lines of words on it are indeed related to the residual picture."

"Buried in the north, sleeping in the south..." Chu Nu'er muttered; "Add the two lines of words on the map together, it means that the unknown lord fell in the west, buried in the north, slept in the south, if you just rely on To understand it literally, it seems to be talking about a fallen Lord of the Universe, but the specific location can only be found by piecing together this fragment of the map."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan's eyes were a little fiery and he said, "If this residual picture is really related to a Lord of the Universe who suppresses the darkness, and if its location can be found, wouldn't it be a miracle?" Big treasure!"

Chu Nuer smiled slightly and said, "It seems that your luck is really incredible. A fragment of the map and a key. If you can really unlock the secrets on it, it will really make people look forward to it."

Hearing this, Chen Xuan sighed and said, "It's a pity. This is just a broken map. The key information cannot be deciphered from it. If we can get the complete map, everything will be solved easily."

Chu Nuer shook her head and said, "I'm afraid the complete map is a bit fanciful. Maybe it doesn't exist at all, and maybe it was destroyed long ago. Otherwise, why hasn't anyone looked for it in these epochs?"

Chen Xuan certainly knew this.

"Not necessarily." Suddenly, the blind man's face was tense and he said with a somewhat solemn expression; "The complete map should exist, but you have to go to a place first to know it."

"Where?" Chen Xuan and Chu Nuer's eyes lit up.

"Taiyin goes to the palace!" A complicated look flashed across the blind man's face!

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