Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 3156 Debt collection!


The mysterious space door appeared above the divine court, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the divine court.

"It's this kind of space power again!" The eyes of the powerful men in Shenting were bright.

"Haha, it seems that this guy is planning to leave!" Mrs. Xiao Lin raised her head with a smile on her face, then she glanced at Xu Guanqiong and said angrily, "Why are you still waiting? Do you want to miss this? war?"

Xu Guanqiong grinned. It concerned his son-in-law, and he naturally didn't want to miss this battle.

At this time, Chen Xuan and Xu Ruoyu were seen hand in hand above the Shenting, walking towards the door to space.

Looking at the mysterious, dark space door in front of her, Xu Ruoyu felt a little hopeful in her heart. Although she had learned about the magical power of this space from Chen Xuan's mouth, she had not experienced it herself.

Can this mysterious space power really appear in other star fields within a few breaths of time?

Perhaps sensing the expectations in Xu Ruoyu's heart, Chen Xuan chuckled and said, "Senior sister, relax, I will let you see with your own eyes in this battle how your man can stand proudly above all living beings and become the one that everyone can The first place in our dream, we will soon appear on that much-anticipated battlefield.”

Xu Ruoyu looked at him with obsession and nodded gently.

"Haha, boy, bringing the two of us shouldn't be a burden, right?" At this time, Mrs. Xiao Lin and Xu Guanqiong appeared beside Chen Xuan.

Hearing this, Chen Xuan looked at them and said with a smile, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, I would love to have you go with me."

With that said, Chen Xuan waved his hand, and then the Emperor-class battleship suddenly appeared in front of several people, and everyone came to the Emperor-class battleship together.

Chen Xuan then asked, "Mother-in-law, are the ancestors and dean of Shenting interested in this battle?"

Mrs. Xiao Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, how dare they take your boy lightly? Otherwise, there may be uncontrollable accidents in this battle. The two of them have already left the Divine Court and are probably in the Death Zone of the Star."

Chen Xuan nodded. With these strong men going to the Heavenly Star Death Zone together, even if the final result was beyond his control, Chen Xuan had nothing to worry about, because in the end, these strong men would definitely stand up for him.

What's more, with the magical power of space and the endless bounds, even if he encounters a danger that even the Lord Zhou's decree cannot help, Chen Xuan can escape immediately.

Of course, in Chen Xuan's opinion, these unexpected situations are absolutely impossible to occur. Even if they occur, his current combat power is enough to deal with everything!

Immediately, as Chen Xuan controlled the emperor-class battleship and entered the mysterious space door, after they disappeared inside, the mysterious space door closed instantly, like a crack in the void, closing directly without any trace of it. trace!

Star dead zone.

At this moment, this desolate star field has been completely covered by a lively atmosphere.

The creation god body of the Guangming God Clan has arrived, and now they are waiting for Chen Xuan himself to show up.

All kinds of sounds filled every corner of the Tianxing Dead Domain, and they were boiling and never stopped.

"It's already noon, why haven't the ten-star talent holders from the Tiandao Holy Academy come yet? I can't wait any longer!"

"The Creation God of the Light God Clan arrived early. This guy hasn't arrived for so long. Could it be that he is afraid?"

"Impossible. This guy is a ten-star talent holder of Tiandao Holy Court. If he doesn't show up in this battle, wouldn't he become the laughing stock of the world? By then, Tiandao Holy Court and the Divine Court will be embarrassed."

"That's right. To take a step back, even if this guy is not the opponent of the Light God Clan's Creation/World Divine Body, he will still come to fight. Even if he loses in the end, it is better than being laughed at by the world."

"But why hasn't this guy arrived yet? Do you really want us people to wait forever? Nowadays, this Heavenly Star Death Zone has gathered the overlord forces, top powerhouses, and monsters and wizards from multiple universes, making these people wait forever. Isn’t this guy’s airs too big?”

"Haha, don't be impatient. He didn't invite us to this battle. Just wait, he will always come."

"Oh, this is really worrying. Who do you think has a greater chance of winning in the battle between these two people? Is it the Creation/World Divine Body of the Light God Clan? Or the ten-star talent holder of the Tiandao Holy Academy?"

"It's hard to say. Both of them are rare and peerless monsters. No, it should be said that they are both monsters among monsters. It's difficult to determine who is stronger without definite results."

"Not necessarily. Didn't you just feel the aura of the God of Creation of the Light God Clan? I have a hunch that the God of Creation of the Light God Clan may have entered the realm of cause and effect. Once my guess is true, the way of heaven will Is it difficult for the ten-star talent holders of the Holy Academy to win?"

"In the realm of cause and effect, has the creation god of the Light God Clan really reached this realm? If so, isn't this too unnatural?"

"Yes, although I have not been to many universes, as far as I know, among the countless universes in the solar system, no one among the evil geniuses under a million years old has advanced to the realm of causality!"


Incomparably fiery sounds echoed one after another in this desolate star field.

But at this moment, above the desolate land of Tianxing Dead Domain, the space there trembled, and then a space door automatically appeared.

As a battleship burst out of it, the door to space closed, and Chen Xuan and others had arrived on this desolate planet.

"It's so lively here!" Xu Guanqiong squinted his eyes and looked around this desolate land. Although there were no people around, he had already felt the extremely hot atmosphere on this planet, and also felt countless All the breath of life.

Mrs. Xiao Lin chuckled lightly and said, "How can it not be lively when practitioners from multiple universes gather here? But this kind of scene is even more exciting. Once one party wins, it will firmly occupy the position of the first genius in the solar system. , when they leave, the results of this battle will be spread to all directions."

With that said, Mrs. Xiao Lin and Xu Guanqiong both looked at Chen Xuan.

Xu Ruoyu was also looking at Chen Xuan.

Now that we are here, it is time for this man to perform. As one of the protagonists of this battle, countless eyes have now focused on him.

Immediately, Chen Xuan was seen putting away the emperor-class battleship and looking at the desolate land in front of him. A cold, yet extremely depressing, low voice spread from his mouth in all directions, sweeping through the place in almost a few breaths. A deserted star field.

"Chu Yao, I'm here to collect debt. What you owed me twenty years ago, I want to collect it all today. Come out and fight!"

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