Master, Please Maintain Your Dignity

Chapter 3159 Battle with Chuyao!

Full odds of winning?

Hearing Chen Xuan's almost arrogant words, everyone in this desolate land was shocked, and they all looked at Chen Xuan in disbelief.

Although no one denies Chen Xuan's talent and potential, in terms of realm, there is a huge gap between him who only dominates the three difficult realms and the Creation God Body of the Light God Clan.

Such a realm, such bold words!

Is this too frivolous?

"This guy is so crazy! Rumor has it that his combat prowess is astonishing. He once fought his way from the outer courtyard of the Tiandao Holy Court to the inner courtyard in the Selfless Realm without losing a single victory. But even so, facing the Creation who was already in the Cause and Effect Heaven Realm/ I’m afraid the odds of winning with the World God Body are not high, right?”

"It's really crazy. I just don't know if he can say it or do it."

"It's difficult. The Divine Body of Creation/World has been promoted to the Heaven of Cause and Effect. With her talent and potential, her combat power may not even be able to defeat those old peerless figures in the Heaven of Cause and Effect. She may even overwhelm all the peerless figures in the world!"

"Yes, although the ten-star talent holder of the Tiandao Holy Academy has terrifying combat power, his realm is too far away from the Creation/World Divine Body, unless he is also in the causal heaven realm now."

"Perfect chance of winning? This is a bit exaggerated!"

"In the Three Difficulties of Dominating the Realm of Cause and Effect, he boasts a perfect chance of winning, and this Heaven of Cause and Effect is also the creation/god body of the Light God Clan. Where does he have the confidence? Why does he have it?" The emperor's golden eyes were filled with confusion. The light burst out, and after Chu Yao revealed his realm, not even he dared to say that he had an absolute chance of winning.

However, this genius who only dominates the three difficult situations dares to boast that he has a perfect chance of winning. This is not just because he does not take the Creation God Body of the Light God Clan in his eyes, but also the group of monsters standing at the top of the entire solar system. I'm afraid I was ignored by him.

"Haha, you have courage. I just hope he won't get slapped in the face in the end!" Dongfang Yuyi smiled slightly. She was becoming more and more interested in this battle.

Wang Buyi smiled and said, "It's a good thing to have confidence, but I'm afraid it's too much!"

Hearing the sounds coming from the surrounding world, Chu Nuer looked disdainful and said, "The odds of winning are perfect. If he is not absolutely sure now, he will have to be kicked in the head by a donkey."

Hearing this, the old ghost grinned; "That makes sense!"

"Now that we're about to begin, let's see how strong this guy's chance of winning is, shall we?" Mrs. Xiao Lin and Xu Guanqiong looked forward to it.

Xu Ruoyu held her jade hand tightly and looked expectantly at Chen Xuan over the desolate land ahead.

"Compared to twenty years ago, not only have you become more confident, but your tone has also become louder. Okay, then let me see where your perfect chance of winning comes from?"

In the sky over the desolate land ten miles away from Chen Xuan, Chu Yao's body was completely covered by white holy light. Astonishing fighting spirit burst out from her body at this time.

Facing Chen Xuan, she naturally has enough confidence. She doesn't think she will lose to Chen Xuan, even if Chen Xuan today is different from what he used to be!

However, Chen Xuan's confidence is so strong and her tone is so powerful, which has aroused the most primitive fighting spirit in her heart. Looking at the entire solar system, she does not think that anyone among the younger generation is her opponent.

Even the long-famous Emperor, Wang Buyi, and Leng Yuhuang were not taken seriously by Chu Yao.

But now, she really wants to show the gap between him and this man who has hated her for more than 20 years. She doesn't want to hurt him, but she must defeat him today.

It has not been easy for her along the way. Her goal has not been achieved yet, and she will never allow anyone to stand above her.

Even if this person is the only person she owes in this life.


An astonishing holy white light burst out, and in the sky around Chuyao, streaks of white light suddenly appeared, turning the sky and the earth into a pure white world.

At the same time, the pressure that destroyed the world also erupted from that piece of heaven and earth.

Sensing this, the cultivators who had gathered hundreds of miles away to watch the battle moved away. In the blink of an eye, these people had retreated to thousands or even tens of thousands of meters away.

Those who dared to watch the battle at close range, except for those peerless figures in the Karma Realm, did not dare to stop at all. They knew very well that once these two peerless monsters clashed, the entire Heavenly Star Dead Zone would be destroyed, and they had already done so. Be prepared to evacuate this desolate star field at any time.

In an instant, a white divine sword appeared out of thin air in Chu Yao's hand. The sword was radiant and exquisite, without any flaws, and the holy aura on the sword was like a pure soul, without any harm. to any contamination.

"Holy Sword of Light!"

The moment they saw the sword appear, everyone recognized it.

Mrs. Xiao Lin squinted her beautiful eyes and said, "It is rumored that the Holy Sword of Light and the Scepter of Light are the sacred objects of the Guangming God Clan. Once these two holy objects are combined into one, they can rule the entire Guangming God Clan, and these two holy objects also belong to the Guangming Clan. The ranks of forbidden divine weapons are infinitely powerful!"

At this time, when the Holy Sword of Light appeared, Chu Yao took action. She suddenly swung her sword towards Chen Xuan who was ten miles away.

"The secret is true. I have three swords. This is the first sword. If you can block these three swords, it means that you are truly qualified to fight with me!" A calm voice resounded in the sky.

Then the sword light seemed to split the planet apart, and the ten-mile-long sword light reached the void thousands of meters in front of Chen Xuan almost in an instant.

Not only that, as the sword was slashed out, the world in front of Chen Xuan had been completely split open by the sword, and the void was like a piece of paper, splitting towards the left and right sides.

Moreover, under the trajectory of the sword, the sword power that destroyed the world also split the barren land below into a bottomless path, as if it had split the entire planet. Horrible crack!

In an instant, the entire Star Death Territory trembled. The violent movement caused the mountain peaks to gradually collapse, and the ground shook. It had just begun. Everyone felt the terror of Chu Yao's sword!

"What a powerful sword. Even if I think about it, I will be injured next time!" A peerless figure in the Cause and Effect Heaven Realm has serious eyes. Chu Yao, who has advanced to the Cause and Effect Heaven Realm, has terrible fighting power, and this is just It’s just the beginning!

Everyone knows that as Chuyao, who has mastered all mysteries, she has not yet used her most powerful method!

"She's so strong, she's simply stunning!" Tianzi looked admiring. At this time, she had already developed a great interest in Chuyao.

Dongfang Yuyi, Wang Buyi, Leng Yuhuang and others nodded silently.

"Huh, that's it?" However, facing Chu Yao's shockingly powerful sword, Chen Xuan smiled coldly, and then the raised oracle bone sword was like a divine light that split the entire universe, killing Chu Yao !

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