Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 111: Pain and alive

Not long after, the three of them arrived in the depths of Chunluo Mountain. There was a group of people waiting for their arrival. Behind the group, there was a large altar. Before and after the altar, There is a big pothole.

That's where Qin Cheng sent people to look for the longevity hole.

As soon as the three of them arrived, the group shouted in unison, "Master Qin."

Qin Cheng carried Ye Sili on his back, but he was not messy at all, and only replied, "Yes."

At this moment, a blind old man said,

"Master Qin, the ceremony has been prepared, only you and your wife can sit on the altar."

"I'm not yet..." she said, but her voice became smaller and smaller.

Before, she said that she was not Zhou Mengqing, but he didn't believe it, so she was Zhou Mengqing.

Now, she said that she was not his wife, but he just said that it was.

"I said you are, you can." Sure enough, Qin Cheng replied.

After that, he carried Ye Sili to the center of the altar and sat down together.

The old blind man appeared, walked in front of them, brought a bowl of chicken blood, and smeared them on their faces.

After smearing the chicken blood, the old blind man said,

"Master Qin, sincerity is spirit. When you go to the tomb, you must mute your parents' names in your heart so that the gods can hear your sincerity. This time we are also doing our best to obey our destiny."

"Good." Qin Cheng replied.

Therefore, the old blind man chanted a long and long spell around him again, wrote a piece of talisman paper, listened to the wind, walked around them several times with seven-star steps, and finally, he sang aloud,


The sound dragged on for an extremely long time. At the moment when he stopped speaking, there was a violent wind around him, as if a mountain **** heard his spell in response.

Seeing this situation, Ye Sili was also surprised by bursts of heart.

This thing won't be really effective, will it?

She looked around, trying to find the whereabouts of Qin Hao's party, but she didn't see any traces of others.

Didn’t the news of your own go out? Or is it because time is too tight to be able to come over?

She was secretly suspicious, and she didn't know what to do, so she could only calm down and watch the changes.

After the violent wind blew, the world suddenly fell silent, and the surrounding area was silent for a while.

A moment later, in this dead silence, there was the sound of earth and rock rustling, it was the longevity hole of Zhongshengji, and it was about to start to fall into the soil.

Ye Sili vaguely saw that there was also a coffin buried in the tomb of the living person, but it was very small, only half the size of the coffin used by ordinary people. I thought that it contained some Qin Cheng's parents' supplies.

Qin Cheng's subordinates moved very quickly. In less than a few minutes, they filled a tomb and piled up a small bag of soil.

Then, Qin Cheng got up from Ye Sili's side, reached out and took a handful of soil, and put it on the tomb.

After doing this, he washed his hands with clean water, then picked up Ye Sili and carried it to the front of the grave.

Ye Sili was stunned for a moment when he looked at the tomb of the living with the tombstone in front of him.

"Do it like I did just now," he reminded.

But, is she worthy?

In what capacity is she here, laying a living tomb for Qin Cheng's parents?

She didn't want to delve into this issue, so she could only do it.

She went down enough, took a squeeze of dirt, and closed it on the tomb.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

What followed was a sudden rainstorm!

Fortunately, the group of people seemed to be ready for a long time, and when they saw it rained, they immediately set up their umbrellas.

"Li Cheng, visit!" the old blind man yelled from the side again.

So Qin Cheng put Ye Sili on the wheelchair, and they were handed three sticks of incense in their hands.

Although Ye Sili had reluctance in her heart, she still did it honestly and worshipped Qin Cheng for three times.

Although she didn't want to believe in these gods and Taoisms at all in her heart, what she saw and heard tonight was indeed magical, and the astronomical phenomena were also really weird in response to the situation, so she inevitably felt a little jealous.

After the worship is over, they have to keep the incense and light it up.

So in the torrential rain, they quietly stood in front of the incense stick.

At this moment, Qin Cheng said,

"Dad and Mom, I am A Cheng, I hope you can all come back in peace. She is Ye Sili, a woman I recognize. I really want to introduce you to each other. I think you will love her."

In the rainy night, he spoke with a serious tone.

Ye Sili listened to the side, but felt that the whole heart fell into the thick black coffee, sticky, obviously bitter, but it seemed that he could taste a little bit of sweetness from it.

But being treated like this by a difficult person, holding it with heart, trusting it with all my heart, and giving vows and promises, isn't this something worthy of a woman's joy?

She didn't know, but she was in a daze and thought of Mo Xiyuan again.

What about him? What should he do?

Therefore, she can't be soft-hearted anyway.

The incense burned out quickly.

After that, Qin Cheng took her on the plane back to Mingcheng.

This trip to Jade City came and went in such a hurry, but Ye Sili looked at the night of Jade City that was gradually pulling away from the plane, and felt that there seemed to be something in his heart that secretly changed.

Early in the morning, Ye Sili woke up from the pain.

The dosage of her painkillers has been changed so that her current drug effect cannot last as long as 12 hours. She needs to fight more frequently, otherwise...

It will be like it is now, full of pain and sweat, and may even faint at any time.

Jin Ruiying fell asleep on the small bed next to her, Ye Sili knew that as long as she opened her mouth to wake her, she would be able to easily get a burst of painkiller.

But she stretched out her hand and covered her mouth, unwilling to make a painful sound.


That is the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow and soul, and the self-injured leg is transmitted to the brain, so that the whole body cannot be relaxed.

All her consciousness seemed to be sucked into the painful wound.

She thought of the day Qin Cheng hurt her like a self-abuse.

He has never relented.

He acted so quickly, and acted so viciously.

He pretended to let her go when she sensed that she had decided, and then, when she was not paying attention, he gave her that arrow.

She couldn't have any feelings or feelings for such a vicious man.

Ye Sili, are these pains enough to make you sober?

She was in pain, but she actually showed a smile.

Because she is sober.

At this time, the alarm clock on the bedside of Jin Ruiying went off. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Ye Sili's body sweating from the pain, and immediately exclaimed.

"Miss Ye, what's wrong with you!"

With that said, she quickly took out the painkiller and hurriedly injected a needle into her vein.

After a while, Ye Sili's pain gradually subsided.

"Miss Ye, just say it when the painkiller expires... Why bother to find it for yourself?" Jin Ruiying looked distressed.

If Qin Cheng knew about this, she would be afraid that her skin would be peeled off.

Ye Sili's mind had gradually eased at this time, and then she murmured,

"But when it hurts, I can feel that I'm still alive."

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