Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 180: She's still trying

At 6 o'clock in the morning the next day, Ye Sili finally finished translating the manuscript and delivered the document to the teacher's mailbox. He turned off the light, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

But before she slept for long, she was awakened by raw crying, and quickly turned over, subconsciously closed her eyes and touched the baby bottle into the child's mouth, then closed her eyes and patted his little head to comfort him, and Touched his diaper to confirm his condition...

This soothed it, and it had a little effect. The little **** stopped crying. Instead, she lay in the cradle and smiled innocently. She found her mother dozing off, and even shook her little hands and feet to remind her to play with her. A while.

Ye Sili was gone, so she could only support her spirit and lift Shengsheng from the cradle, but as soon as she picked up the child, she felt dizzy in her mind——

She has low blood sugar.

After discovering this, she stood on the spot to stabilize her situation a little bit, and when the dizziness passed, she went to the kitchen to get breakfast in her arms.

As soon as the fire was lit, her cell phone rang again.

Ye Sili hurried back to the bedroom to answer the phone.

"Hey... hello, who?"

"I'm Teacher Liu, Sili, is it convenient for you to speak now?"

The teacher's tone is not very good.

He is Ye Sili's university teacher. After knowing her situation, he is now helping her to connect with the publishing house and do translation work for her.

He is calling now, I am afraid there is something bad.

"Convenience, teacher, what's the matter?"

Ye Sili asked in a deep voice, walked to the mirror while asking, looked at the two **** eye bags on his face, and sighed quietly.

At this time, Teacher Liu said on the phone:

"I just looked at the translation manuscript you sent me. There are too many mistakes! Did you translate it by machine? Don't mention the manuscript to the publishing house, it won't pass me. Si Li, I know it is not easy for you now, but your current situation is indeed not suitable for continuing to do such a rigorous translation work..."

Listening to Teacher Liu's words, Ye Sili watched her face in the mirror, gradually turning pale.

She shouldn't be like this.

The translations she made before are almost guaranteed to be 100% correct.

However, this time, the teacher said that she was not only wrong, but also a lot wrong.

They all said that she was pregnant for three years, she didn't believe it before, but now looking at her dazed face in the mirror, she also has to believe it.

What can she say now? She can only apologize,

"I... Teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I also know that you definitely want to do good things, but you are still just giving birth. It is when you need to rest. It is indeed difficult for you to work now. When you rest, I will help you match up. The publisher can too."

"But teacher, I really need a job now. I will correct the wrong place and it will be good in the future. Would you give me another chance?"

She begged humblely.

Teacher Liu sighed as he listened.

He also knew that it was not easy for her now.

So he said: "Well, let's not take this as an example. You can correct it as soon as possible before noon. The publisher is anxious for the manuscript."

After the phone was hung up, Ye Sili quickly turned on the computer and checked the manuscript he had translated last night.

At a glance, she saw a lot of obvious mistakes.

When she was awake, these mistakes were all eye-catching like ink dots on white paper, but last night she was so sleepy and confused, she couldn't see everything clearly, and she tried to do things, and in the end it was very bad. Confidently sent out the document made in the drowsiness...

She patted her head in annoyance, then went to the bathroom to wash her face, sobered herself up, and started to change the manuscript.

"Why is she sitting in front of the computer again?"

In the other building, Qin Cheng frowned and looked at her working figure.

What kind of work do you have to do so day and night? Is she short of money?

But at this time, his business also came.

"Master Qin, there was a call from Europe just now. They can't ship a batch of chips we ordered before." Yin Yin came out with his mobile phone.

"What? What's going on?" Qin Cheng frowned.

That batch of chips is worth hundreds of millions. How does the other party say that they will not ship if they don't ship?

"Economic sanctions, country M has adjusted its economic strategy against China, and prohibited trade between relevant countries and China in the high-end chip field..."

"Stop, I know what's going on, I'll go in secret if I can't make it through. Country M is really its own world policeman. He can't control our economic and trade relations with Europe, but I have to contact some European countries. The executives deal with this matter, you buy me an office computer, and I will have a video conference to confirm the details in a while."

"Okay." Yin Xi said, and hurriedly went out to buy a computer for Qin Cheng.

And Qin Cheng also took out his mobile phone, walked to the table, picked up paper and pen, and made international calls while recording important points.

No one noticed that at this time, a wisp of black smoke quietly floated out of Ye's kitchen...

"What smell?" Ye Sili faintly smelled a burnt smell.

In an instant, she remembered that she had opened a fire for breakfast before, but she answered the phone before the fire was turned off, and then changed the document!

She quickly got up and rushed to the door to open it.

However, as soon as the door opened, she felt a burst of scorched black smoke blowing towards her face, making her a violent cough.

At this time, Shengsheng who was lying on the bed also coughed!

Ye Sili was in a mess, turned around and hugged Shengsheng, wanting to escape first.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she stepped out of the bedroom, she saw that the living room had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire spread almost instantly, and there was even a growing trend!

Moreover, the air was full of the smell of burning toxic gas, and the smell of it made her choke and cough!

She walked around the living room and wanted to open the door, but as soon as she put her hand on the door, she was so hot that she withdrew her hand!

How to do?

She lowered her head to look, but found that the life in her arms had already turned purple from coughing!

She thought of escaping from the fire scene, and quickly went to the bathroom to find a few wet towels, one to wrap her nose and mouth, and the other to wrap her own nose and mouth. Then, she went to the living room again to escape.

She walked to the door, holding Shengsheng in one hand, and opening the door with a wet kerchief in the other. However, as soon as her hand fell on the doorknob, the power distribution box at the door exploded!

Sparks rushed to her face instantly, she couldn't dodge, so she could only raise her hand to protect her life subconsciously.

In the next second, sparks went straight into her eyes!

"Ah!" she cried out in pain.

On the phone, European executives are still chattering,

\"Weneedtodevelopacoordinatedapproachtotheproblem...\" (we need to come up with a coordinated solution to this problem)

\"Stop.\" (Stop)

Qin Cheng stopped the executive's chatter, turned his head, and glanced out the window uneasy.

But I saw thick smoke out of the window!


He screamed, threw away the phone, and ran towards the fire.

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