Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 189: Kiss her hurt

After half an hour, the elevator was still dark.

Listening to the noise outside, Ye Sili felt a little tired, and said:

"Let’s all sit on the ground, and it’s a big deal to go back and change our clothes. According to my previous life experience, it usually takes more than 4 hours to fix it. It doesn’t make sense to continue to stand. It’s meaningless to keep your strength, in case of too much damage. After that, I might be hungry for a while. Fortunately, Xiao Pei, you insisted on letting me eat more, but speaking of it, if you told me to eat so much, we don’t really need to go for a walk and eat..."


"Ahem, I didn't mean to blame you, just say it casually, you don't have to blame yourself."

Ye Sili laughed at herself, and was about to sit on the elevator floor, and suddenly whispered "Ah".

Then, she hugged her leg, expecting the pain to pass as soon as possible.

In the darkness, the man turned on the phone and saw her painful face with the faint light.

"What's wrong?" He almost typed these three words at his fastest speed?

She took a breath, then squeezed a few words through her teeth,

"Cramps, it's a problem that has been there for a long time."

In fact, before her leg was injured, there was no cramp at all.

After the injury, she often cramps, but most of the time, she can bear it by herself.

But the pain tonight was so intense that she even wanted to lie down on the ground and beg Jin Ruiying to give her a shot.

Fortunately, there is no Jin Ruiying here.

So she just needs to lie down on the ground and wait for the pain of cramping to pass.

There was a rustling sound in the darkness.

She clenched her teeth and insisted:

"You don't need to care about me, it's useless to care about me, I can bear it."

But he couldn't bear it.

In the darkness, he reached out and grabbed her injured leg again.

The wound on the leg had already been treated, but because she had not had time to remove the scar, she still left a hideous and ugly scar on her leg.

He should be grateful that the darkness at this moment made her scars not so clear and dazzling.

At this moment, she was so painful that she didn't have much energy to kick him. Besides, they were too close at the moment, and there was no room for her to kick someone.

She could only clearly feel her legs fall into a pair of warm palms.

It was warm, but it felt so familiar that she almost screamed.

She resisted the urge to scream in her heart and reached out to push him away.

However, he was indifferent. It seemed that only her injured leg was in his eyes. No matter how she pushed him, his strength was amazing and irritating.

However, his actions were really not offensive. His hands only stayed on her cramped calves, and at most they touched her wounds. Obviously, he just wanted to help her.

Ye Sili was so painful that he didn't have the energy to wrestle with him, so he could only close his eyes and get through this first before talking.

But the surrounding environment is too cold at this time. They are in the middle of a closed elevator. Although the surrounding air is circulating, the environment in the elevator shaft is very cold. They are on the fifth and sixth floors, and they feel the wind only. It will be colder.

She was cold all over, so the blood circulation in her legs was always poor, which caused the old wound to be messed up again.

The pain of the old wounds occupied my mind, and there was a man who looked like Qin Cheng by her side. In the darkness, feeling the breath of the people around her, she was confused for a while.

"Stay away from me, I can bear it myself, don't force me... Qin Cheng."

Finally, she couldn't help calling out his name again.

Suddenly, his hand withdrew from her leg.

Ye Sili breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the pain in her leg was so painful that she was sweating all over her body, she didn't want to be helped by him anymore.

But the next second, the mechanical sound plays,

"Your body temperature is too low."

He had already noticed that the cramps at first could be said to be the recurrence of her old injury, but the cramps continued after that, it was because of her body temperature.


She was still gritting her teeth and struggling to support it.

The air was quiet for a moment, and mechanical sounds broke the silence again.

"Sorry, I offended you."

Before Ye Sili could think about the meaning behind this sentence, he felt a pair of powerful arms lift her up, and then she fell into an embrace, her upper body leaned into a broad chest, and his legs were still being held back by him. , The calf felt the endless heat coming from the palm of his hand.

But she felt both warmth and shame.

"You let me go!" She tried to struggle, but the pain had exhausted her strength, making her tremble all over, even the attempt to escape seemed to be greeted.

She could feel the breathing of the man behind her gradually getting heavier, and the heat he exhaled on the back of her neck, making her want to shudder unconsciously.

But he surrounded her with a pair of powerful arms, and then he even picked up the phone and said again in a mechanical voice,

"When your cramps are over, I'll let go."

She was so painful that she couldn't talk to this stubborn man anymore, so she could only lower her head, leave his arms as much as possible, and pray for the pain in her legs to pass as soon as possible.

However, her leg seemed to be like that man, who had made up his mind to torture her, so the pain never ceased.

For a moment, she even thought that her leg was interrupted by Qin Cheng again.

Or maybe, what she needs now is not warmth, but another painkiller.

Her consciousness gradually dimmed with pain.

The weakness that had been hidden in his heart for a long time was finally exposed at this moment.

The painful memories once wrapped her tightly like silkworm cocoons.

She couldn't help crying for mercy,

"Nurse Jin, Lord Qin, give me a shot, please, give me another shot."

She didn't know that the man behind at this moment felt that the heart in her chest also gave out a pain similar to a crack in the bone.

Those pains and injuries were finally imprinted on unknown corners of her body, and they only appeared suddenly in the dark and cold, invading her, torturing her until she begged for mercy.

And the initiator of all this is...

He stretched out his hand and was able to touch her always cold body and calf.

That is the degree that ordinary body temperature can no longer be warm.

How can he make her warm enough?

"Qin Cheng, don't torture me..."

She seemed to have lost consciousness and was tortured by him in the memory again in the dark.

She couldn't see it anymore, and the eyes of the man behind her were instantly red.

What should he do?

He took off his coat and wrapped her cold legs, but no matter how cold the legs were, they couldn't make a warm fire.

Knowing that the distant water cannot save the nearby fire, there may be no signal in the elevator, but he can only pick up the phone again, wanting to ask the outside world for help.

Suddenly, seeing the heat spitting out of the air when the phone's light was on, his inspiration flashed.

In the next second, he lowered his head, kissed the wound on her leg, licked her pain with his warm mouth and soft tongue...

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