Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 192: Heartburn

"Yes, I lost. I'm sorry, but I failed your expectations."

Mo Xiyuan's tone was low, but he still admitted his defeat.

When Ye Sili disappeared again, his father Mo Weiqian had stopped him before he rushed to Mingcheng.

"Xi Yuan, your past now, I am afraid it will backfire."

"Impossible, I am going to save her! Dad, her situation is very dangerous now, if I don't go, who else can help her?"

"I could have tolerated the darkness. If I had never seen the sun before, but the sun has made my desolation, a new desolation...As long as there is no sunshine, people can adapt to life in the dark, and your past now may even be counterproductive. ."

Mo Weiqian spoke earnestly and read out a small English poem to illustrate.

At that time, Mo Xiyuan still clearly remembered his obsession.

"Dad, this is impossible. I can't bear it anymore. Zhou Mengqing has returned to Mingcheng now. I originally thought she could give me some useful information to make me feel at ease, but she didn't understand anything, or she was Lie to me, how could Sili be doing well now?"

"Then what if Zhou Mengqing didn't lie?"

"She was never an honest person!"

"Well, people may always have to pay some price to grow when they are young, but your price may be her, you can go to Mingcheng, I will not stop your actions, of course, I will not help. You, so you have to deal with it yourself on your mother's side,

When you walk in front of me again, if you take her with you, even if I miss you this time, I will not interfere with you in the future; but if you fail to do it and you lose, then you will be honest In fact, start from the junior management. "

"It's settled, Dad, I will definitely be able to bring her back this time and bring her to you."

Mo Xiyuan's eyes were firm.

The rhetoric that I said during the last meeting is still vivid, but now...

He bowed his head, looked at his professional attire, thinking about Zhou Mengqing, who had just rushed to the human resources department to report, and finally only waited silently for his father's criticism.

However, Mo Weiqian is just sensible.

"I didn't expect you to win. After all, you will only get out of the ivory tower where you are in a painful experience, and only then will you find that no matter whether you are in love or in a shopping mall, where there are people is the battlefield, peace only exists in war. When the victory and defeat are divided... Zhou Mengqing is a woman who can help you grow better. Whether she is good or bad, you now have to suffer as the punishment for your failure."

"I understand, but... why can Zhou Mengqing help me better?" Mo Xiyuan was puzzled.

"Because love makes people blind, hate helps people to wake up. The rest, you can gradually experience it in practice. This class has taught you too much, so let's dismiss it."

Mo Weiqian said, even slightly joking.

In fact, he was not a strict father, and he rarely intervened during Mo Xiyuan's growth. He practiced "stocking-style" education, which was in sharp contrast with Chang Yunfen.

Looking at his father's smiling face, Mo Xiyuan felt a little comfort in his heart for some reason.

"Thank you, Dad."

Mo Xiyuan said gratefully, then turned and left the president's office to welcome his sober life.

As soon as he entered the office, Mo Xiyuan saw Zhou Mengqing.

She stared straight at the door, as if she was waiting for him to come in. When she saw him, she quickly raised the pile of bad debts, showing a flattering smile, as if she was saying:

Look, look, I'm doing what you asked me to do.

Mo Xiyuan gave her a cold look, and then sat back in his seat.

Since he is only a junior management now, he does not have his own independent office. He can only sit as far as possible from Zhou Mengqing, and then start to do his job.

There are many things he wants to learn.

One morning passed quickly.

At noon, Zhou Mengqing posted it again,

"Xin Yuan..."

"You are not allowed to call me Xi Yuan and Manager Mo in the company." He interrupted her coldly, showing a ruthless appearance.

"Oh, Manager Mo, it's lunch break, should we go for dinner? Where is the company cafeteria, I don't know..."

She made a look of ignorance of the newcomer.

"On the fifth floor, go by yourself, I have something else."

"Then don't you eat?"

"I don't want to eat with you." He said bluntly.

"I understand, do you need to bring food?" She was extremely humble.

"No." He refused decisively.

After hearing this, Zhou Mengqing nodded slightly, looking at his cold profile, and then turned around and left the office alone.

Some people are already close at hand, but they still seem to be far away.

As soon as Zhou Mengqing left, Mo Xiyuan suddenly stopped working, took out his mobile phone, and called Aunt Zhang.

"How was the result of the operation?"

He still remembered that today is the day when Ye Sili should have eye surgery.

Calculating the time, she should have been out of the operating room by now.

However, Mrs. Zhang said: "Ms. Ye hasn't had an operation yet. The hospital had a power outage last night, and the call came early this morning. The doctors and nurses are all busy now, and the operation can only be postponed to the afternoon."

"Well, is that okay?"

"Very good, the doctor said his condition is fairly stable."

"That's good. After the operation comes out, send me a text message to tell me that I am safe. I have something to do. Hang up first."

"Okay, goodbye Mr. Mo." Auntie Zhang replied respectfully.

The phone hangs up.

Mo Xiyuan lowered his head and continued to deal with his work.

But he only felt that he had been alone for a while, and Zhou Mengqing had returned.

While she continued to sit at her desk and read her own accounts, she swept him from the corner of her eye.

Mo Xiyuan was watching her sneaky and hidden ambitions, and gradually felt uncomfortable, so she could only take the initiative to speak and ask,

"Are you optimistic about the information?"

"Look up!" Zhou Mengqing hurried back.

"Well, if you are optimistic, you can go out and ask for the bill."

He just wanted to send her away quickly and leave himself quiet.

"But... the task that my aunt gave me is to look at you. I really can't get away with the bill. After all, I want money. First of all, I need to determine the position of the debtor."

Zhou Mengqing replied honestly, looking at him imploringly, just barely writing the five words "please don't drive me away" on her face.

Mo Xiyuan snorted coldly, but still did not give up the idea of ​​sending her away, and said:

"Then you go to Anna from the Human Resources Department and let her take you around and get familiar with the company's situation."

I never thought, saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, HR Anna not only came by herself, but also brought a few employees, saying that she was a member of Mo Xiyuan's future working group.

There are three men and two women in the group, plus Zhou Mengqing, and there are exactly three men and three women, with a balanced gender ratio.

But before Mo Xiyuan had time to ask Anna to take Zhou Mengqing away, Anna said first:

"Manager Mo, there is a management meeting on the group's side this afternoon. If you prepare, go directly to the top-level meeting room."

"Okay." Mo Xiyuan replied, and urged the new team members on the side, "Everyone can have a meeting to get acquainted with each other in a while, and then read some company information."

After speaking, he took out several Mohs documents and handed them to the team members.

After doing this, when he was about to leave, Zhou Mengqing reminded,

"Xiyuan, you haven't eaten yet..."

"Call me Manager Mo, and my personal affairs, don't interfere." Mo Xiyuan replied coldly, turning around and leaving.

Zhou Mengqing looked at his back, pouting her mouth, aggrieved.

She glanced back at the group members, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she coughed and made a detour.

"I... I'm actually Xi Yuan's fiancée, but we are arguing, that's why he has that attitude towards me, but don't treat me as an ordinary employee. Also, I have a bad debt wiper on hand. You have to share the work for me, you know?"

The new team members suddenly looked confused and couldn't believe it. Someone couldn't help but ask.


"of course it's true!"

As Zhou Mengqing said, she took out her cell phone and found out the collection of her and Mo Xiyuan’s engagement photos, and showed them to the team members.

"Here, look at it."

So, when Mo Xiyuan came back from the meeting, I saw Zhou Mengqing walking around like a supervisor with her hands crossed, arrogantly supervising the other honest team members to work for her. Urged,

"Everyone should act quickly. After reading the information, call the debtors to collect the debts."

But the team members replied obediently,

"Okay, Mrs. Manager."

"Zhou, Meng, Qing!"

He once boasted that he had a good temper and never got angry, but after seeing this woman, he felt anger and heartburn!

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