Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 373: Destroy everything, including myself

"This is Zhou Mengqing's physical examination report. Several items of data are abnormal. Her CT even showed a shadow on her stomach, like a tumor. I think she may need surgery."

The doctor said to Captain Wang in front of him.

Captain Wang felt very embarrassed,

"Why do you have to have an operation? Doctor, wait a minute, I will ask Madam."

So, after calling Ye Sili to report the basic situation, Captain Wang told her Zhou Mengqing needed surgery.

On the phone side, Ye Sili frowned when he heard Captain Wang talk about it.

Zhou Mengqing still has a tumor?

She thought about it, or said:

"In this way, I will notify her family, you first let the doctor arrange the operation for her."

Back at Qin's house, she called Wang Fu and got Yu Shuxian's contact information.

After a while, the call was connected.

"You are?"

"I'm Ye Sili, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Yu Shuxian was extremely puzzled, but she also knew that Ye Sili would not joke with her.

Ye Sili replied: "Zhou Mengqing attacked me in a shopping mall today. I saw her mental state was very bad, so I asked someone to take her to the hospital for an examination. Now the doctor said she was mentally abnormal, aggressive, and there were suspected tumors in her stomach. shadow."

"What?" Yu Shuxian only felt that she was blown up by the news.

Zhou Mengqing is now not only suspected of being crazy, but also having tumors and cancer!

what happened!

Yu Shuxian asked quickly: "Miss Ye...what's the matter?"

"Go to the hospital. The hospital has her detailed data report. As the Qin family’s mistress, I am obligated to guarantee that a healthy woman will marry into Qin’s family. Therefore, I will prepare for her operation. You should also be prepared to sign. It will harm her, but it won’t let me harm me again.”

"I... I'm sorry, Miss Ye, thank you." Yu Shuxian said guilty.

"It doesn't make sense to say it now. Go to the hospital." Ye Sili hung up the phone.


Yu Shuxian rushed to the hospital and heard Zhou Mengqing's hoarse cry as soon as he arrived at the door of the ward:

"Let go of me! You bastards! Believe it or not I killed you! What qualifications do you have to treat me like this? Ye Sili, I will kill you next time I meet!"

Yu Shuxian only shuddered when she heard Zhou Mengqing's words.

How could her daughter become such a crazy look?

When she was at Zhou's house before, she was still very good, how could it be like this now?

She didn't know that the reason why Zhou Mengqing put on an honest and docile appearance in Zhou's family was because Qin Hao told her not to do anything with Zhou's family, otherwise he would not marry her again.

Because of this, Zhou Mengqing was so obedient as a doll in Zhou's family, but in fact, the flame of anger in her heart almost burned all her sanity.

Therefore, she could only escape from Zhou's house before she was completely crazy.

She wanted to drink a cup of her favorite cappuccino, but she found the drink she liked before. She was holding it in her hand at the moment, but she didn't even want to drink it at all.

Not only that, she smelled the coffee and even felt like vomiting!

In fact, it's not just coffee. To be precise, any normal person's food and drink are almost equal to torture when she tastes and smells it.

However, she couldn't help it anymore when faced with the food she once loved the most.

At that moment, she wanted to destroy everything, including herself.

So she leaned against the edge of the terrace on the third floor—preparing to take a leap.

It just so happened that Ye Sili's figure was swept across her eyes.

That woman, exactly the same as herself, almost secretly replaced the woman in her whole life, she was still alive so well!

All the maternity and baby stores in the mall moved out the products she wanted for her and put them on the shelves for her to choose freely, while she was holding her child and there were two people around to accompany her shopping.

That ordinary woman from a residential building has become a tall Mrs. Qin, and what about her?

Can't even drink a cup of coffee!

In an instant, anger and jealousy swept through her brain, leaving her behind even death.

She grabbed the coffee cup in her hand, turned it over, and poured it down against Ye Sili's head!

However... she still failed.

And the result of the failure is that he is tied to the hospital bed in a big way. Except for a mouth, he can't get any freedom of his limbs.

"Zhou Mengqing!" The moment Yu Shuxian opened the ward, she never dreamed that her daughter would look so terrible!

The moment she heard Yu Shuxian's voice, she was lying on the hospital bed frantically, and Zhou Mengqing, with red eyes, was suddenly stiff as if she had been acupointed.

She slowly turned her head, the strange color in her eyes disappeared like a low tide, and then her expression became blank.

In the next second, her face turned aggrieved, and she opened her mouth crying:

"Mom...Save me."

Yu Shuxian looked at her daughter's face changing instantly, but shook her head:

"Zhou Mengqing, I can't save you."

She knows that if she continues to indulge her daughter like this, it will only make her more and more terrifying, and she will walk farther and farther on the road of destruction.

Therefore, she can no longer save her own daughter.

After saying this, she turned around and went straight to the doctor's ward, shaking hands, and dropping the name of the surgical consent form.

If she has bad water in her stomach, then cut her stomach open and let out her bad water.

Instead of continuing to indulge, let the evil in her body and heart flow wildly.

Since it was the patient sent by Mrs. Qin, the hospital took it seriously, so after getting Yu Shuxian's signature, the doctor checked that Zhou Mengqing had not eaten that day, and scheduled the operation one hour later.

Zhou Mengqing was still screaming when she was pushed into the operating room by the mobile bed,

"Yu Shuxian, you are a dogged dog! Don't even care about your own daughter! What good is you being a mother? You raised me like this yourself! Now you still have the face to abandon me! You want them to do it for me Surgery, if I die on the operating table, it will all be caused by you! Even if I do a ghost, I will not let you go!"

When Yu Shuxian heard her words, her heart was cut.

Her daughter, one day would actually say something that pierced her heart like this!

Where are they still mothers and daughters, they have clearly become enemies!

The nurse on the side couldn't listen anymore, turned her head in embarrassment, and glanced at Yu Shuxian sympathetically.

Yu Shuxian smiled sadly, because she knew that she was not worthy of sympathy.

She stayed outside the operating room, watching the night outside the window gradually darken and then gradually faded.

At four o'clock in the morning, when the night was the coldest, Zhou Mengqing was pushed out of the operating room unconsciously.

"The operation went well, but...inside the patient's body, we took out a very strange thing..."

As the doctor said, he took out a yellow thing that looked like an insect cocoon but had a hard shell like a stone.

"We haven't seen this kind of thing before, madam, if you don't want to take it away, can you let us study it?"

At this time, Yu Shuxian only looked at her daughter's face in her sleep intently, only feeling that she looked much calmer than before and was no longer so crazy.

She didn't pay much attention to what the doctor said, and only subconsciously answered,

"all good."

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