Master Qin, Madam is Mad at You

Chapter 427: The tea from the past, finally drunk

When he said this, Qin Cheng was only wearing a black down jacket Fang He gave him, and the inner layer was still the cotton pajamas he had worn before.

This look, compared with the former him, is obviously out of luck.

But he just wore such casual clothes and walked into the lobby of Qin's house casually, which was enough to make everyone in Qin's house look like a big enemy.

Qin Zhongheng snorted, dissatisfied,

"Qin Cheng, you brought so many people home for the New Year, are you trying to scare me?"

"Of course not." His tone was cold, as if he had completely lost any nostalgia for family affection.

Ah Cheng, who was willing to go to Africa at all costs in order to save his father, is dead.

Died on Shen Xinshan.

What made him chill was never Ye Sili’s escape, nor was it the strategy of Fang He, Qin Hao and Mo Xiyuan, but when he lost his mind, his biological father and family members all regarded this incident as a superior. chance.

He looked at the familiar faces in front of him.

When he was strong, they would respectfully put on a smiley face, calling him "Master Qin", and willingly work under him to make money.

But after he lost power, a group of people figured out a way to quickly throw him away, and then, when he didn't exist, lived their New Year happily.

How shameless.

"I'm here to settle accounts today." Qin Cheng said.

He raised his hand, and someone sent him a stack of books.

He flipped through the ledger and the pages rustled.

Then, his low voice sounded,

"When I took over the group, the group was hollowed out by Qin Zhongquan, Qin Pei, and Qin Jun’s elders. I pledged my mother’s relics to develop the Qin family step by step. Now this account, I want you to be present. Everyone, put together a billion dollars to pay off the debt."


It has to be US dollars!

"Qin Cheng, you are crazy!"

Qin Zhongquan exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, Qin Cheng admitted frankly.

"Yeah, I'm crazy."

Everyone present froze.

Now Qin Cheng's state, although he looks sober a lot, but any normal person can see how much he hates his clan members now.

After all, after his accident, everyone in the room just needs to remain silent to get into trouble.

Now that he is sober, what do they do?

Could it be true that he would pay him a billion dollars as he said?

Qin Zhongheng on the side could not sit still, and scolded him.

"You are just wishful thinking!"

"Is it wishful thinking to wait for a while to find out, Qin Zhongquan, the amount of embezzlement in the group over the years alone is as much as 894.56 million. If you don't hand it over, you don't want to leave here a step; Qin Pei, you do a little less, more than 300 million; Qin Jun, 98 million, why do you get so little?"

Hearing Qin Cheng's words, the faces of the people named almost turned pale at the same time.

They really didn't expect that before Qin Cheng didn't know that they secretly took money from the group, but had already waited for such a ledger!

Even the unnamed person, looking at Qin Cheng's ledger, was trembling silently.

"It's up to you! You said that we have tainted so much money, so we really took it?" Qin Zhongquan said, and took out his mobile phone to call the police.

Qin Cheng coldly watched him do all this, and didn't stop it.

However, after a while, Qin Zhongquan still put away the phone in a slumped manner.

Qin’s house originally had a signal jammer installed, and ordinary mobile phones couldn’t make outgoing calls at all.

Qin Zhongheng on the side saw this scene, but remained silent.

He looked at the group of people outside the house and knew that it would be difficult for him to be kind today.

He said something more, angering Qin Cheng, but he was irrational.

After all, Qin Cheng came back so suddenly this time that they really didn't have any preparations.

"Otherwise?" Qin Cheng asked back, his narrow eyes swept across Qin Zhongquan's face, and then he snorted, "I really want to prove my innocence and give me permission. I can find you and your family members around the world. All accounts of ."

"You are too much! Who do you think you are!" Qin Zhongquan trembled with anger, stepped forward, reaching out and was about to push Qin Cheng away, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was gripped hard, and then he was cut behind him. .

The fear of dislocating his arm forced Qin Zhongquan to kneel in front of Qin Cheng.

"I am not someone, just your creditor, nothing more."

As Qin Cheng said, he glanced at the relatives around him with indifferent eyes.

With just such a glance, everyone knew that the living king Qin Cheng, who killed Guojue, was back.

Then, Qin Cheng looked at the people around him and spoke coldly.

"I don't want to waste time with you anymore, you think about it slowly."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

The people he brought also followed him, and then the door was chained from the outside.

There was a click.

The switch of Qin's house was turned off, and the whole house was plunged into darkness.

The lights stopped, and then the central air-conditioning stopped.

Some people wondered, "A Cheng, what is going on with him now?"

Someone scolded the street, "What do we do if we are not greedy for money?"

Some people can't help but remind,

"It's minus 10 degrees outside now! People who are greedy for money quickly spit out the food, otherwise everyone will be frozen to death by that lunatic!"

Someone panicked, "Then give money quickly! Survival matters!"

Qin Cheng listened silently outside, sneered, and then picked up the cigarette to light it.

Snow fell and fell on the part where his cigarette was lit, and the blue-white smoke floated in the air, covering his face vaguely, making Fang He indistinguishable.

At this moment, the fragrance of tea wafted, and the smoke filled him, reminding him of that time again.

He sighed softly and continued to tell Ye Sili:

"A Cheng only detained them for 3 hours that day, but the room was too dark that day. Second Uncle Qin quietly had a heart attack. He was among the people in that room, but no one knew when he died. of."

Thinking of Qin Hao's hatred towards Qin Cheng, Ye Sili finally understood why they would kill each other with brothers.

"After that incident, the Qin family shuffled the cards. All the people who wanted to eat and take the cards went down. A lot of people who did practical things came up. Later, A Cheng took back his ownership of the group property through a lawsuit. Dad hated him for that, and even suffered a stroke in court, which caused him to be paralyzed; and the reason why I wanted to go abroad was because I told the truth to wake A Cheng and involved too many people...Sili, this is what I know Everything."

With a click, the lid gently closed the tea cup in front of Fang He.

They finally drank this pot of tea.

And Ye Sili, who knew that Fang He had finished speaking, also closed the lid and teacup as they did, and then got up.

"Doctor Fang, thank you very much. If you are willing to say this to me, I will remember today."

It was also today that she knew how her man had returned to his seat of power step by step.

I also know how he loved her in the first place.

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