Unexpected companion 157.

“Our children…! Our children!!”

As soon as I entered the front door of the mansion, I saw Rorona coming from afar.

Gareth as well. Was it because I wasn't going to the meeting today and was working at home?

Phoenix users, led by Joan, follow along with Lorona.

“Ah, the momentum to jump.”


Lorona's footsteps, which had been fast paced, were getting faster and faster.

At the acceleration of the madam, who was excellent at physical abilities, Gareth, Alberto, and the users immediately flinched.

At this moment, the three brothers and sisters all flinched at the momentum that seemed to be rushing forward with great momentum like Gareth.


“- Ah.”

She seems to have remembered late that the guests of her three siblings had come.

She sees Anat and Lenny Anne, and then quickly stops spurring her speed.

“...awesome!” (Upright!)



Lorona R. Light for Enix, ran to her three siblings and tried to hold her tight with all her might.

All of the Four Enix members are impressed by her mother's will for a moment.

“Welcome to the Phoenix Mansion, Lenianne Sim Metri. Anat Thorran. Please think of it as your own home and make yourself comfortable.”

Loro I suddenly changed her expression as a Four Enix hostess, and she greeted the two girls.

Anat and Lenian also receive it in an archaic way.

Of course, this time, Anat was a little shaken by the love of the children of the Phoenix couple.

Still, thanks to seeing Gareth at the gate, she hid the nursery rhyme as best as she could.

“Anat-sama, bring your luggage this way. We will immediately guide you to the annex where you will live for a few days.”

“-Yes, please.”

At Joan's words, Anat also handed over the luggage to the users.

Torrang is a family that has the minimum number of employees since the Mother Mage incident.

Also, Anat is a girl who lives almost alone, not like a nobleman.

So, was she hesitant about the sudden help of users?

No, it won't be just that.

Both Eud and those who are here now know this.

The five maids who just came to carry Anat's luggage at Joan's order are all from Torrang, just like Suga.

“I was waiting. Anat.”

““I was waiting for you, Anat.””

The green maid, a woman in her 20s who is from Torrang, greeted by ‘Hurin’, and the other four maids also conveyed their greetings.


Anat smiled as he handed over his luggage.

“I was waiting too.”

The youngest lady of Torrand and her maids met again after 3 years.

Anat first moved to the annex with Thor and the maids.

Gareth, who was considerate of Thor, must have made it possible for everyone to be together. The other Thor and maids will also go to meet Anat one after another.

And Lennie-

“Ah, Lenian will meet you tomorrow. So Lenny Anne too, use her mansion's room today."



At Gareth's words, the three siblings and Lenian both tilted their heads.

Obviously yesterday, I was able to send the Truth to meet him right away, so I thought he would be there before the evening.

Lenny Anne, as she did not expect, she clutched the straps of her bag containing the fairy tales.

Soon, Gareth, who was handed a letter from Alberto, showed it to the children.

The seal engraved on the book is Metri. And it was Deut.

The Truth side arrived at Metrius a few hours ago.

And at the same time as Truth reports Lenian's situation to Deut. It seems that Deut sent Jeon Seo-gu to Gareth.

“Two days ago, on the road from Metrius to Phoenician, a ‘sudden horde of monsters’ appeared.”

“Is it a bunch of monsters……?”

“The reason is not yet known, but it does happen often.”

Alberto explained that a considerable number of beast monsters are appearing on the road used by carriage or on foot.

Therefore, it is said that the Metri family and the Hunter Guild moved to subdue monsters.

As this is an unusual event that occurred before the holidays, we are trying to clear up the situation as soon as possible.

Especially since it is a time when many distinguished guests or tourists come to Eugracea from abroad.

Because of that - the monster threat on the Metrius Road is quite large, so I'm asking you to take care of Lenian for a moment. In other words, an accident can occur while moving, so we send her to meet her after securing her safety.

Fortunately, the situation is expected to be over tomorrow, as the response is progressing at a tremendous speed.

The Phoenix Hunter Team was also led by Team Dian and Team Elli.

It is said that they are on an emergency expedition yesterday and today in order to subdue the monsters that move towards the Poenixian.

He is expected to return in the evening.

Everyone seems to have moved with all their might so as not to be disturbed during the holidays.

“Well, since it’s a deut, it’s an act that has a ‘very intention’... but that’s it and this is it. Anyway, Lenianne, too, rest in peace at our mansion. Complaints to Deut and the monsters!”

“Ah… yes, yes.”

At Gareth's words, Lenny Anne nodded her head again.

She didn't seem to hate it, but she looked bewildered as well.

"Then Lenny Anne will change her clothes to her... Shall I use Selena and Tiana's old clothes? Are you okay, girls?”

“Yeah, Mom. I can’t wear it because it doesn’t fit anyway.”

“I don’t care either.”

“Sisters’ clothes……”

Lenny Anne's eyes twinkle when she borrows clothes from her sisters for Four Enix.

So, Lenian also prepared to stay at the Phoenix mansion.

* * *

Afterwards, while Lenian and Anat each headed to their rooms.

The three siblings, Suga, and Jessica all said hello to the maids and the remaining Hunter.

“Aww! Master, ladies!! It's great to see you after a long time!!"

“Marie, be polite!”

“Ahh, look at how you became prettier and more handsome while we didn’t see each other.”

“Aren’t you going to bed late? Do I have to work hard enough not to put any strain on my body?”

The maids, including Marie and Maddy, are anxious to make the three siblings cute.

Seeing the three brothers and sisters seeing each other in a long time, the energy seemed to spring up.

And on the other hand, Joan, as the general manager and teacher, spoke to Suga and Jessica.

“Suga, you worked hard to control Jessica-sensei for a month. In the future, please take care of Jessica-sensei’s inability to paint.”

“Yes, Joan. We are always making adjustments to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“Oh no! Because I can control the amount of alcohol on my own!”

Jessica said she was really embarrassed.

“He, and! To be honest, even Suga can't control it slowly - lower pressure."

“Uh? You say you can't control Suga?"

“It’s Jessica’s move, Joan-sama.”

"i See."


Suga, who immediately shut Jessica's mouth, answered Joan naturally.

Then after saying goodbye to everyone. Lorona, who was holding on behind her back-

“Son, daughter, mom and oh oh-”

“Ah, my mother is too…”

“Koooooook with Mom.”

“My mother won’t listen to us……”

“Son, oh oh oh oh oh.”

“Yes, yes.”

With her three siblings, she does her best to come and go.

Rorona says she's replenishing the depleted ingredients of the three siblings.

She doesn't have the eyes of two guest girls, so she hugs her as fluffy as she really wants.


Was she lonely because she didn't have children for a while?

Her three siblings knew it too, so she quietly received her wife's hug.

And she ended up hugging her tightly.

Eud returned to his room after a month.

“You cleaned like a real new room, Peria……!”

“Hehehe, the three of you are always trying to keep dust out of your room.”

Was it really nice for Eud to come back to the room after a long time?

Still, there was no dust and it was full of good smell, so I could tell how well Peria had taken care of it.

Tiana and Selena must also be looking at the room with admiration by now.

Peria, in a bright green maid outfit, smiled shyly at Eud's praise.

Weiss rested on her Peria's arms.

Weiss also arrived an hour earlier, she says.

Maybe it's because I flew too hard. She continues to doze in her arms in Peria.

Well, it's daytime now. As much as he was tired from being nocturnal, he had no choice but to sleep.

Eud took over such Weiss from Feria.

Eud's room was decorated with long, thick branches where Weiss could rest, where he gently sat Weiss.

“The master and the young lady, how long are you going to stay this time……?”

Feria asked with a hint of ‘I wish the master would stay for a long time…’.

“Um, the actual holiday is three days. Everyone will be leaving on Wednesday afternoon. Suga booked a round-trip ticket on that date.”

“Then you actually have time until Tuesday. It seems like something long, but it’s short…”

“It’s a long way to the Academy, so there’s nothing we can do about it.”

Because of this kind of traffic, the aristocrats who attend the academy hardly participate in social gatherings.

Well, it's gotten better lately. Is it okay to complain?

Just like Kirlumina (blue wolf) or Carltus (black lion), if you are from the ‘Great Forest’ – Pearlis, you can’t even go back to your hometown even for the holidays.

Not to mention the elves from Artnox.

Most of the international students said that it would be difficult to go back unless it was a vacation.

Because of that, according to Truth, there are many international students who go on 'tourism' during these holidays.

After all, I even went to study abroad. Isn't it too precious to be stuck in school on a day off?

Feria quickly concealed her disappointment and took charge of organizing Ewood's luggage.

Then, she finds a book that Ewood has in her luggage.

She looked at the 'bookmark' she had placed in the book, to be exact.

“-It’s really always useful, Peria. When she entered the academy, she needed more work.”


It's a bookmark I gave as a gift three years ago.

Peria was still very happy that she continued to write it even now. Happy that her bookmarks have worn out little by little over the past three years, she's rather happy to feel that her own gifts are constantly being used.

Perhaps she said, if Feria was a beast, she would have had her tail spinning by now.


“All, just?!”

When her master opened her mouth as if a little embarrassed, Feria wondered if there was something wrong with her bookmark, so she was surprised.

“Also, I wish there were a few more of these recently. Because I use a lot of books. It is also a trial period.”


“She stopped by a few stores at the academy, but couldn’t find a bookmark she liked like this one.”

“-That, then!”

Eud's slightly embarrassed expression.

Feria did not miss the opportunity and quickly opened her eyes.

“Hey, why don’t you go to the store where you bought this bookmark this time……?!”

“Ah, the store where you bought this bookmark?”

“I bought it at a general store far away from the plaza... Well, the last time I went on a holiday with my sister, there are still a lot of good bookmarks...!”

Feria muffled her words without her even realizing it.

In her mind, she scolds herself, as she says, ‘You must be busy during the holidays, so what did you suggest…’.

“Oh, no! Just tell me about the design you want and I'll go and buy it right away-"

“Then let’s go together this time, Peria.”


To Peria, who had been tempted to withdraw her words from her anger, Ewood gladly accepted her offer.

“Still, today, Lennyanne and Anat-senpai are also there. We will go together tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes!”

Feria said she was very worried that she would put her burden on the master.

As it turned out, Eud was excited about being able to buy something he liked.

Peria felt that the appearance of a master like this was so cute.

Although she entered the academy and grew up, she became really prosperous.

Still, she was still innocent, and she was the best for Peria.

‘After all, you are a master even if you live in another place. Ah, please keep growing like this...'

Not just Feria, but Jessica, Suga, Marie, Maddy, etc.

It has always been a wish that all Phoenix members have been hoping for since 3 years ago.

* * *(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

It was about 20 minutes after that.


"the youngest!"


At the same time as the knocking, the door suddenly opened, both of which surprised Feria.

Eud felt popular from the start, so he responded with a bit of leeway.

It was Lorona Maman who entered the room.

And in Lorona's hands-

“Hey there, Lorona-sama…! I brought a change of clothes too, so even if you don’t take care of it too much……!” (Anat)

“……Ugh.” (Lenianne)

Two girls were arrested, dressed completely different from when they arrived at her mansion.

Obviously, until we were introduced to the annex earlier, both of them were in academy uniforms.

“How are you, son!? Anat and Lenianne both look good in their clothes!?”

“Eh, yes? Oh, it suits you!”

It seems that while looking for clothes that fit Lenian, Lorona's instinct to change clothes has awakened.

Lenianne was pulled over in the one-piece dress Tiana wore when she was smaller.

She had her eyes twinkled earlier that she was borrowing clothes from her sisters for Four Enix, but she now-

“Hey hey…”

He looked a little tired.

Even the youngest daughter of the 4th dimension of the Metri family can't stand the polarity of changing clothes by the hostess of Phoenix.

Since when was Anat also caught?

Looking towards the hallway, Thor and the maids, who were heading to the room earlier, were also there with laughter.

And Anat was also wearing the dress Selena had worn before.

A dress that will surely remain in Eud's memory.

But as Selena is also my daughter, Loro, she has grown up in many ways.

Even though the length is correct, it is an outfit that I hardly ever wore after I bought it.

For similar reasons as Selena, Tiana had a lot of clothes she couldn't wear this way.

Anat, on the other hand, has a similar height to Selena, but has a slim body.

Thanks to that, I was able to wear Selena's clothes without too much trouble.

Is that why? Anat just blushed a bit at Eud's words that it suits him...

“Wait, why is ‘there’ a little empty…?

He muttered in a low voice at the shocking fact.

“Now, let’s call Tiana and Selena to change clothes next time! Peria too!”

“Eh, Lorona-sama, is it me too?!”

““Hey hey . . .”” (Anat, Lenianne)

At Rorona Maman's words, all three girls let out a hiccup.

Well, actually...

‘You’re taking care of them.’

It's only a little bit, but the two girls live in the same annex.

As Lorono knows the situation of Torrang and Metri well, she must have been trying to evoke her mood so that everyone wasn't awkward.

Also, since Anat is a little scared, there must have been a purpose to solve it.

Certainly, the mood between the two of them improved slightly compared to when they came to the mansion earlier. To be precise, the borders on Anat's side are slightly reduced.

Of course, it could be that he's just tired because he's changing clothes, so he's not paying attention.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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