Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1003: Battle with allies

The first game is over, and the second game is also in full swing. The dragon tooth pure man team VS Warriors War soul main team.

It was another showdown between the strong. On the big screen, a list of people on both sides appeared. The dragon tooth pure man team: Shenyue (Red Lotus Knight) LV: 158 dance residual flower (swordsman) LV: 158 old Adult (Knight) LV: 157 bath (Mage Thunder Master) LV: 160 Slight Mark Flying Sword (Blast Fighter) LV: 159 Warriors Souls Main Team: Lonely Singing (Elemental Destroyer) LV: 163 Night and Love Cavalry) LV: 156 legendary life (blocker) LV: 160 feather dust dance (elemental division) LV: 160 I can only pit father (alchemist) LV: 161 Seeing the ranking I pinch sweat for Ye Shuang, fighting spirit The strength is really too strong. Although Ye Shuang and others are strong, there is still a big gap compared with this group of guys. Let's take a look at this game. Who is the winner in the second war? In fact, there are not many suspense at all.

In the field, everyone on both sides fought. Ye Shuang, the first player on both sides, sent a magic thunder mage, "Blood Blood", who hadn't mentioned him for a long time, while lonely singing sent a powerful battle against the father! I will only pit father this guy is very good operation, people are also very bloody, the most important thing is that this guy's skills are all kinds of weird and weird.

The venue for this competition is a forest, which is good and bad for both sides. Now it depends on the skills of both sides.


Yuxue appeared in the venue with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the pit father, and said, "I haven't shown my face for a long time. The last time I mentioned it seemed to be hundreds of chapters ago. I must show my performance today!"

The pit father took out a weapon like the P5 submachine gun and fiddled with it, saying, "What the **** did the guy of the magic thunder beast **** attract such a person, huh, it looks pretty good, but I don't know, you will be pitted by me!"

Yuxue snorted with a smile: "Don't you know if you try?"

After the two people greeted each other friendly, they must enter the countdown stage. A circle of black thunder appeared on the blood-bathed staff, first opened a shield for themselves and began to prepare magic, and the father yanked the submachine gun's bolt.

At the end of the countdown, the cheating man suddenly pulled the trigger!

"call out!"

A green light beam is moving towards the bath at high speed. It must be on the opposite side of the two sides. The venue is not large. It is absolutely right to shoot a shot forward. After the shot, the cat rushed to a big tree immediately. Hidden behind.

But when he hid, he drank suddenly: "Magic Thunder Spear!"

The pit father responded very quickly and flew away to the side. Three light spears entangled with black thunder and lightning were dropped at the original station, and this room where the pit father avoided.

"Prisoner's Lock!"

Numerous black thunderbolts continued to smash through the grass on the ground, like a vine that caught the pit father and tied it into a mule. A prisoner's lock bound the pit father in place and made it impossible to move for a short time and even attacked. Do not move, the blood bath dances the staff, the black magic thunder is at the tip of the staff, and the next magic attack is already being saved!

"Universal rucksack! Open!"

The cheating father immediately sacrifice his skills. Seeing the travelling bag on the back of this guy, he suddenly unfolded two cylinders. The two cylinders aligned with the blood in front of him. The blue rays gathered in the mouth of the cylinder. Before launching, low Drinking: "Eat me!"

"Brush" two basketball-sized energy **** splattered, it is an energy attack!

The blood was very calm, the wand was raised, and he drank lowly, "Magic Thunder Wall!"


A row of black thunder and lightning converge in front of Yuxue to form a copper wall and iron wall of thunder and lightning. The pit father hit a thunderbolt of energy and hit the thunder wall. Immediately, a thunderous "bang" bang, and countless fires exploded everywhere. The above is the explosion of thousands of fireworks, dazzling.

This magic thunder wall can obviously resist the attack. An attack by the pit father directly hit the thunder wall without causing any damage to the blood.

Cheating is not like launching a second round of attacks, but borrowing this moment to get away. At this time, the blood bath "slams down" continuously, the wand dances, guides the time for one second, and a thunderbolt energy bursts out!


"Armored wall!"

Just as the **** thunderbolt was about to devour the pit father who had just gotten rid of the bondage, the pit father stepped on the ground, and a huge iron wall stood up and stood in front of the pit father.

"The counterattack from the dead end!" Just after the armored wall was smashed, a red laser beam was emitted, the speed was extremely fast, the blood did not respond at all, the body shot directly through, and a transparent hole in the body !!

—74444 The **** defeat, the defeat was too sudden, even he did not expect such a thing to happen.

The first game was lost stupidly. In the second game, instead of attacking directly, it summoned his elemental summons. The earth broke apart, and the three-headed creatures of Razer, Thunder Dragon, and Thunder Tiger With a roaring appearance, the three-headed elemental creatures rushed to the pit father with one finger of the bathing blood staff, and the three-headed creatures cooperated with each other to greatly reduce the operability of the pit father, and soon the blood turned to the bottom! Bringing blood back to the city!

In the third round, the bath blood was still the first three elemental creatures, but this time the pit father took out a new product. It was three clusters of things like gum. The three clusters of gum were thrown towards the elemental creature, and they were immediately read on the ground. Forced to counter-summon, because this skill has cooled down, the pit father took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.


Cheating with a rocket launcher blasted the blood, Cheating won a point! Warriors souls lead by one to zero.


In the second game, the Bulls played against the legend.


The legendary who entered the competition field swiftly summoned his mount, kicked his feet up, and lifted a cyan long bow behind him, while the old cow was not slow, he summoned his own triceratops mount, carrying the photon to smash the warhammer.

The playing field is still a forest landscape, and both sides have mounts. As long as the warrior is close, the ordinary archer will face an endless lingering entanglement, tortured to death.

But if the archer also mounts, it is difficult to say, the situation of the old cow can be imagined. If you ca n’t solve the legendary life and start a melee, then basically, the old cow is waiting to be killed by the kite.


At the end of the countdown, a violent roar cried out from the mouth of Triceratops. Sure enough, the old cow chose to charge as soon as possible. Warriors, if they are distanced by long-range professions such as archers and mages, have to wait for death. It is basically the same as when the mage and archer are close to melee.

"Let's go! Baby!"

Looking at the old cow rushing like a wild cow, the legend shouted excitedly throughout his life, and the Nightmare Beast started running, while he gently lifted the long bow and gently pulled the bowstring. Under a cyan light, a green mang suddenly rushed to the old cow like a meteor catching the moon.

"Hmm ..."

Five consecutive dull sounds, five injuries appeared on top of the old cow's head.


Upon being attacked, Triceratops once again sent out a wild roar, rushing towards the legendary life and the Nightmare Beast at a rapid speed.

As the map of the forest must constantly avoid the surrounding trees, obviously this nightmare animal AI will quickly avoid the obstacles when he directs himself to see the obstacles, but the triceratops on the reflective cow side obviously have insufficient intelligence and see obstacles. Objects will not evade, but this guy is huge in size and has a strong impact. The surrounding obstacles are not at all, but they are directly rushed over. Even the trees are knocked over directly. Compared with the nightmare that dodges left and right, this triangle The dragon is faster in this place!

"Soaring arrows!"

The legend pulled the bowstring again in his life, charged for a second, and then shot an arrow again. A group of half-meter-thick energy wrapped in arrows quickly hit the old cow!


A dull impact sounded, and the huge bodies of the ox and the triceratops were forced back out!

Skyscraper is one of the smasher's official skills. It fires very quickly and has a knockback effect, but there is a chance of triggering. It is obvious that the legendary life has lucky to trigger him, and this trick can be launched into the air. .

"Stunned arrows!"

Pulling the bow and arrow, while the bull was being repelled, the legend pulled the bow and arrow for a lifetime without stopping, and an arrow flew out. This time it was the bull's forehead. .

The stun arrow is a skill that the archer has at one turn. There is a certain chance of dizziness. You can't see much in the early stage. However, in the later stage, you have a lot of equipment. This effect is bound to be impressive.

"Spiral Arrow Blade!"

"Through arrows!"

With the stunned arrow, two arrows shot into the sternum of the old cow. The second world has a key point. In reality, only by hitting the key point of the opponent can the opponent lose their resistance in a short time. Critical parts of the human body were hit hard. Some can make their physiological functions or mechanisms disappear temporarily or permanently.

The same is true in the game. Knowing and familiarizing with these vital parts, coupled with accurate and powerful hitting techniques, can effectively defeat your opponent. Of course, while attacking the opponent, you must also protect these vital parts of yourself to avoid being attacked by the opponent.

The legendary attack on the position of the sternum of the old cow is one of the key points of the human body. In reality, the sternum is an important part of the human respiratory function. Shattering the sternal bone will cause breathing difficulties and suffocation. Human death is of course not the case in the game, but it will naturally cause more damage than other locations.

In the end, the Lao Niu was powerless and ultimately defeated. In the second game, there was almost no suspense. Wushuang War Spirit led 2: 0!

The third round: light marks flying swoosh VS rain falling dust dance. I don't know if this newcomer friend can turn the tide and win.

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