Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1005: SaberVSLance

The wind is cold, the water is cold, and the heroes are gone forever. After two ordinary point games, the Dragon's Tooth and Wushuang War Spirit encounter again. Several people know that the opponent's strength is not under their own, basically everyone's fierce. Jidu is almost the same. There is no stable scoring point on both sides. As long as you go up, you wo n’t go down without the sun and the moon. Needless to say, the strength of both sides is very strong, super strong!

The list of teams from both sides will be released soon-Wushuang War Soul Off-Hand Team: Xu Yu (priest) LV: 158 early cold (blocker) LV: 160 rubber stickman (knight of dragon) LV: 159 butterfly dance cloud tears ( Beast Spirit Master) LV: 160 Demon God (Trapped Ranger) LV: 159 Dragon Fang Special Operations Team: Dark Night (Shadow Assassin) LV: 160 Bloody Flying (God of War) LV: 159 Smoke and Rain (Soul Soul) LV: 160 Ziyue (Beastmaster) LV: 158 Nirvana (Druid) LV: 158 ...

This time, I am very much looking forward to the collision of these two teams. This should be regarded as a real confrontation between our allies. Rarely, it is often the most cherished for the first time. This is the eternal truth. Although there was once before, but that was not counted.

The first game, Xu Yu VS Ziyue!


Appearing in the field on the left, a very cute little Lori Xuyu appeared with a smile on her face, standing next to the superb bodyguard Saber. At this moment, Saber looked calm, the blade was low, looked forward, and the teleportation flickered. A beautiful girl who appeared there was Ziyue, standing next to Kuqiulin, but Ziyue was very arrogant. If Ziyue releases all the summoned beasts, then Xu Yu will undoubtedly lose.

The two MMs did not have any dialogue, but the bodyguards around them said, "Saber, I didn't expect to fight you so early."

"There is nothing to fight anyway sooner or later, of course, it is too early to meet before entering the top 50." Saber nodded, the look in the glazed pupil was as calm as usual.

"It's a pity that I thought you were a little surprised."

"Surprised? What's so surprising is that sooner or later, it may not be possible not to touch the top 50 today."

"Flight is probably not a surprise to Ying Ling at all. Well, let's not say that the countdown is almost over."

Waiting for the countdown, the two took a step forward with arms!

The site emerges as a warehouse street, and this area is also equipped with harbor facilities to separate Xindu from the more eastern industrial area. The sky is not day but night, and the dim light shines on the street instead to show an empty scene. The unmanned cranes are neatly arranged on the seashore, looking like giant dinosaur fossils, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

But what kind of forests and plains are more suitable for this station than absolute maps.

Saber and Kuchulin walked squarely in the wide four-lane lane. The battle was about to begin. Saber pulled out the sword, and his fighting spirit was surging. The burst of magic stirred up a whirlwind-like airflow in the air. Her whole body was wrapped in black armor, and the magic turned into armor and hand guards. At the same time, the beautiful glass-colored pupils became golden yellow, not only was not lost. Beauty also adds a bit of domineering.

Kuqiulin, a good-looking man, appeared in his hands with a weapon in his hands. The first to appear was a long gun about two meters taller than anyone. But Kuchurin is in seven ranks, there are three in the seat of the "Knight", Saber, Archer and Lancer among the heroes of the "Gun", of course, it is not an exaggeration to use a gun.

The red spear is held on his shoulder with his right hand, and the golden short pistol, which is about another one-third of the length, in his left hand. He lifts the spear carried on his shoulder, and turns back into a combat posture. The left hand also raised the short gun slowly. The two guns were spread out and waved like wings, which is a fighting posture that has never been seen before.

Both sides posed in a fighting posture, Ziyue looked at Kuqiulin's back and opened his mouth--

"My summon beast, Kuchurin! I issued a command in the name of the summoner, and you must win the final victory."

"Lancer, one of the three knights, I won't allow you to flinch. Your responsibility is to bring me victory!"

"Finally, you have to remember! Failure is not allowed!"

"Understand! My Master!" Kuqiulin responded to Ziyue's three sentences.

"Sister Ziyue can start?" Xu Yu asked first.

Ziyue said: "Of course, you will not be looking forward to it, I am merciless because you are young, right, Lancer!"

"Yeah, if that's the case, it would be boring. My opponent is only Saber. If I were to kill a weak pastor, I would lose face."

"Oh? It seems you want to play well. It's my pleasure to meet a guy like you. At least it's better than that dumbass."

Saber answered with a smile. Who the **** am I in her mouth?

"Be careful. Master, I'll leave it behind you." The golden eyes were speaking silently, without fear.

"Understand. Saber, bring me victory!" Xu Yu also responded to Saber's words.

"Yes. I must." Saber nodded firmly, taking steps.

"So ... let's go!"

Although the game has begun, when there is a silent silence around, it is not just a deadly silence and stagnant air that even our audience is like this. So peaceful at the moment.


"Ding ~! Please note that both players will be disqualified if you do not take action on the match within one minute!"

I go! In the moment the audience was speechless, let alone the viewers in front of the computer were speechless, Nima! This reminds TM that it's too time to brush, which prompts to destroy the solemn tension just now!

The two were on the field. Xu Yu said that Ziyue could already see the wrinkled 'jing' on her forehead. If there weren't tens of thousands of spectators around, she had to endure even if she was angry. The two in front were still playing. In the sword light sword, struggling to kill each other. At the same time, it breaks this very speechless situation.

The two sides are fighting, the magic that bursts out and the rapids of this heat, if it is just the confrontation of cold weapons, then what is the powerful airflow that seems to destroy everything. Of course that is the effect given by the system.

The feet that stepped on the ground broke the ground, waved the air pressure brought by the weapon, and cut off the street lights.

The movements of the two men were flowing in a continuous stream, fast and close, and there was no mess between the retracting and releasing. Even if the two sides were imposing, even if they were on the scene, they seemed to be able to feel the aftermath of the two men fighting.

The iron sheet peeling off the outer wall of the warehouse was twisted away from Ziyue by twisted tin foil. Ziyue was not surprised by this, and still watched calmly. The unlucky piece of iron was not Saber's sword or Lancer's Gun, rub it off and cut it off.

The wind groaned.

The white-bladed battle of two people is a simple white-bladed battle. There is no magic skill that thunders tear the sky and the waves smash the earth. But it has its own unique shock. Saber and Kuqiulin have sketched a world we never imagined. , Can only stare motionlessly.

The people who come here are going through hundreds of battles. For those who come here, the killings on the battlefield are as common as everyday life. As a warrior born and killed on the battlefield, fighting with enemies is as skilled as using a knife and fork.

From Saber's eyes, it can be seen that Kuqiulin's strength is beyond her imagination, although I have seen this subversive common sense use of dancing more than once before, in everyone's impression. The so-called "gun" should be a weapon with two hands, which is common sense.

And Kuqiulin used two guns at the same time, which has subverted common sense, and the two guns are still playing like his own hands and feet, which has to be amazing.

On the scene Saber launched a stormy attack, but each attack was blocked. Faced with repeated attacks, Saber had to temporarily step back and wait for the opportunity.

"What's wrong, Saber, your attack is useless." Kuchulin was actually talking about this kind of ridicule and teasing.


Saber has no room to refute in the face of rumors. After all, hundreds of rounds have been played, but they have not hit the opponent once.

But she didn't panic and faced very calmly. If she was replaced with a player with poor psychological quality, she would be crazy.

This time it was Kuchulin's turn to attack, and the gun in his right hand rushed forward. The dancing blade draws a fairly wide range of attack. Saber is very calm to block such an attack. At this moment, the short gun on the left immediately follows up and continues to contain Saber.

But Saber's attack was just cracked by the short-shot defense.

Using two guns at the same time, but not half a move is a false move. Being able to sit in this position shows how much effort he has put in to seamlessly match the guns in his left and right hands. What kind of research is needed to learn such a powerful trick.

"Very powerful!" Saber also expressed admiration in the face of Kuqiulin's amazing strength.

It is now Kuchulin's offensive situation so apparently. It was Kuchurin's intensive offense that gave him the upper hand in the battle, but this was not the case.

Neither side had piled up any BUFF before coming into play, and they were all fighting with their original attributes, and since the first shot. In order to defend against Saber's attack, it can be said that Kuchulin is exhausted. Although he opened his mouth, he could not turn things around.

Although the gun can be wielded freely with one hand, there are still two short and long guns so that they can attack regardless of distance. From the point of view of equipment quality, he cannot be forced to this point by Saber who only uses a sword.

Taking the upper hand on the surface can actually not have many advantages at all. Although it can block each attack of Saber and still has a tendency to suppress the opponent's attack, so far no opportunity has been found to cause damage to the opponent.

"Saber, you really do ..."

Facing his opponent, Kuqiulin secretly sighed.

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