Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1022: Miserable war spirit wolf

At the end of the game both sides returned to their respective camps.

"Sister Hualian, you are so good. I just looked nervous when that person made a move. I didn't expect that all the big moves were easily cracked by you." Mo Yan looked at Hualian with a calm face and said very admirably.

"Nothing, thank you for your concern." Faintly said, sitting aside to the pair of beautiful red eyes, although it was easy to see that she won, the actual consumption must be a lot, "It's my turn," Yun Lan said excitedly.

"Come and have a beautiful victory." I said excitedly.

"Be careful not to be killed by a kite." Xueyue said bitterly aside.

"Cut! That speed seems to count me flying the kite. When that time comes, you just don't get called for that defense." Yun Lan said with her hands on her hips.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Ding, Player: Warriors Storm and Player: Battle Spirit Wolf, Ready, Race Map: Grassland! Thirty seconds countdown begins!"

The surrounding environment has become a huge steppe that can't be seen at a glance, with scattered lakes dotted in the middle of the steppe, and even a few cows and sheep walking randomly on the steppe.

When the two came on, Yun Lan was wearing the ice-tooth dragon suit at the time. The lurker on the other side was a young man in his twenties with a bright smile on his face, carrying a long bow. The game had not yet begun. The guy looked up and down at the somewhat fragile MM in front of him, Yun Lan said angrily, "Did you see your eyes when you look at me!"

The other man's eyes twitched, and a seemingly weak man actually said the sturdy words and asked, "Can you tell me what is your relationship with the beast god?"

Regarding this question, Yun Lan said without any confusion, without hesitation and hesitation: "Lovers" Xueyue on my side was gone.

The opponent seemed very lost at the moment, but there was no time to show weakness. The last second countdown ended and the game still started.

"Very tiger!"

A magical array suddenly appeared in front of the fighting spirit wolf. Suddenly, a very strong tiger dressed in armor emerged from the inside. At the same time, he started his camouflage skills and pulled the bow and arrow.

"Two consecutive shots!"

At the same time as the fierce tiger fighting pet was saved, the attacker directly launched a fierce attack. It is not a beautiful girl or a pick-up girl who came here to win the game! So without hesitation, the two arrows passed, and in the face of the arrows and the tiger that flew over, Yun Lan showed a little careless expression, this person was very annoyed.

"Drink!" Yun Lan's mouth burst into a shout and slammed a punch into the void in front of him. A scream of thunder suddenly sounded in the air, and the arrows that flew in were blown out by the air pressure of the empty punch. .


At the same time, the war tiger wolf's wild tiger rushed towards Yun Lan crazyly. The war soul wolf started to swim by himself, trying to entangle his opponent with his pet, and looking for a gap to launch an attack. The idea was It's not easy to execute.

The fierce and fierce tiger jumped up suddenly from the ground. The sharp claws emitted a terrifying light, the saliva-bearing huge mouth opened wide, and the sharp teeth shone with coldness, which made people feel a dreadful heart.

Yun Lan flickered quickly, avoiding the killing of the wild tiger, followed closely, tightened his fist, punched his right fist, and blasted towards the wild tiger. The wild tiger just fluttered the old force, and the new force was not born, facing Yun Lan's The fierce fist, but also could not avoid it, can only watch the fist fall. There was a loud bang, and this wild tiger made a terrible slam. It was hit by its fierce force and flew far away. He tumbled and fell tens of meters away. The tiger's face was sagged, and You can see that there is blood leaking out and the eyeballs are almost squeezed out.

The fighting spirit wolf is now dumbfounded, his pet is actually unable to carry the punch of the opponent. At this moment, the opponent has rushed towards himself, and the disguise is not 100% invisible. It is okay to deceive the novice, but it is impossible to cheat. The face of the master was too bitter for an instant, but he tried to win!

"Juneng shooting!"

Facing Yun Lan who rushed towards himself, the fighting spirit wolf charged with an arrow and shot. Yun Lan responded quickly and flashed the arrow directly, but then the opponent's next attack had arrived.

—834 Avoidance was inevitable. After being hit, the fighting spirit wolf flew back immediately, and the already disfigured wild tiger rushed up again, entangled the opponent for its own master.

But this time, Yun Lan was not relentless, and was so angry with Dan Tian that he punched out when the opponent rushed into his attack range! The wild tiger that just rushed up was hitting Yun Lan's fist on his face. This guy obviously didn't have much brain. His big head was broken instantly, and his master's attack came.

Yun Lan ignored the attack of the opponent directly, and rushed towards him, but dared to take a few steps but found that a large amount of spider mines had been buried on the ground by the fighting spirit wolf. The damage of the spider mines was not high, but the number of them was very high. Considerable.

In front of her was a large minefield, hiding in the middle of the minefield, the war spirit wolf pulled a bow and took arrows to attack Lanyun outside the minefield. The opponent's attack was not fatal, but the minefield in front of him was very tricky. The spider mine can be placed indefinitely as long as it has no blue as long as it has no cooling.

"You turtle-headed turtle, don't think that a few thunderbolts will stump the old woman!" Yun Lan said with his hands folded.

"Ground smash!" Yun Lan raised her fist high, and then slammed the ground fiercely.

Centered on the ground she hit, a huge shock wave spread quickly.


As if the meteorites with the blaze of flames fell into the calm lake water, waves of ripples were stirred up, and the waves continued to rise above the waves, all the weeds growing around them were uprooted and linked The black mud also broke away from the shackles of gravity and rushed towards the sky.

Yun Lan's move has the same skill as the Iron God of War, just like the range killing skills, but Yun Lan's smashing is not as large as the Iron God of War, but the power is definitely better.

In one hit, the minefields crashed directly in more than two-thirds, and less than one-third of the minefields did not need to be at all.

Seeing Yun Lan slamming back to his hard-worked minefield, the soul of the battle wolf looked pale, "Yeah" shouted, Yun Lan suddenly rushed, the whole person rushed out, rushed into Thunder When the zone is injured, the number of injuries on the head keeps on -600, -510, -480, -490 ...

Seeing Yun Lan still rushing in front of him, the fighting spirit wolf hurried back, at this time he had a round metal under his feet.

Widow Ray! ?

That ’s right, this is the widow mine, one of the two overcast gods of the lurker. The widow mine cannot be buried like a spider mine while walking, and there is a delay of two seconds when the mine is buried, but the widow is delayed. Lightning can cause very horrible damage, and has a long range and can be airborne. It is invisible before launch, and also has a certain chance of stun. It is not a one-time attack like a spider mine, but emits a shock. Reload new ammunition for a certain period of time after the bomb. It will not disappear unless it is destroyed or the entire skill is maintained.

"Shock bomb!"

A small widow, Lei, hiding in the soil, came out, and under the command of the fighting spirit wolf, an impact bomb was sent out, but a two-second delay Yun Lan could easily escape, but something unexpected happened. , The other side actually buried two, widow Ray! Avoided the impact but was hit by the second!

—5347 points of injury floated out, Yunlan was hit and stood there, motionless. My eyes almost burst out. Damn, dizzy! No way? Widow Lei ’s pitfall dad Yun Lan encounters, even more so he actually has time to bury a second widow mine. You must know that the widow mine skill cooldown time has nearly 40 seconds to cool down, killing from Yun Lan It was only about 20 seconds before the tiger was able to destroy the minefield. He could actually have two mines under his face!

"Hahaha, God help me too!" The fighting spirit wolf looked at Yun Lan's state and couldn't help laughing.

"Strong bow, explosive arrows, two consecutive shots ..."

The battle spirit wolf is crazy and usually pulls a bow and shoots an arrow. Hitting Lan Lan who had no resistance, Yun Lan's blood value continued to decrease, and soon fell to one third.

Although the Lurker's attack power is not high, she can't be beaten all the time. Soon, Yun Lan's health has dropped by half, and at the same time, she finally survives the stunned time.

"Martial arts step!"

Yun Lan rushed out, and the war spirit wolf kept setting mines and shooting arrows but couldn't stop it.

"Furious wind and rain!"

The fighting spirit wolf stood back sharply, pulled a bow suddenly, and numerous arrows shot at Yun Lan.

"The roar of the white knight!" A shadow of the Icefang dragon emerged behind the merger of the two fists. The two fists slammed and the phantom burst into the sky's arrows. The two attacks collided fiercely in the air. Obviously Yun Lan's skills are even better, and the fighting spirit wolf reacts quickly, avoiding the impact of the ice tooth dragon phantom, but at this moment, Yun Lan has come behind the opponent, grabbing the fighting spirit wolf with his hands. Waist's waist, and then suddenly lifted, the fighting spirit wolf has left the ground involuntarily.

The body made a lower back movement later, and the head of the fighting spirit wolf immediately pulled a close contact with the ground. The whole person's eyes had become a starlight.

At the time, when he fell flat on the road of the king, he smashed Qin Yue, and the technique of the continuous fall of the paralyzed Shudao was reproduced. The war spirit wolf is like a toy, and Yun Lan fiddles with it. This trick can not cause much damage, because this is not a skill. Technique, a difficult technique.

I bet there are already a series of exclaims outside the field. The battle spirit wolf that has been dropped eight times is lying flat, his face is covered with blood, and white foam is spitting in his mouth. Fortunately, this is a game. Not realistic otherwise he would have been killed.

"In the second game, the matchless storm player won." The hostess said: "It was so exciting just now, so this time we will delay the rest to five minutes before playing in the third game."

The iron-faced war **** condescended and lost the first game, the fighting spirit wolf lost tragically in the second game, and the third bloodthirsty battle emperor would be handled by Xueyue.

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