Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1028: Family members present

4: 1, Ome booze wins the Skyfire team!

The result is completely one-sided, the Skyfire team completely lost the edge of the green plum cooking.

At this time, everyone really noticed that the strength of the green plum cooking team can be said to be a temporary team. The strength of this team can not be underestimated. If they intend to develop vigorously, it will be a very terrorist force.

In addition to Hualian's expressionless face, the other MM looks very dignified, because what we said next is them, and comforted: "It doesn't matter, try your best to fight, just believe in your strength!"

"Hmm ..." The MMs responded, but obviously didn't have much confidence.

I proceeded: "The most difficult of these five is to deal with that Lily and her mercenaries. They haven't moved from beginning to end. There are too many hidden skills, and the chance of getting points from her is too low."

Xueyue said: "That means that anyone who meets her will lose, even you?"

I said, "How can it be a chance, anyway, anyway, there is also a winning rate of about twenty or thirty, and my many beasts are not looking at it."

"So too." Xueyue smiled.

At this time, the host took the stage and smiled and announced with a smile: "Two are over. Three minutes later, Dragon's Tooth, Green Plum Cooking, and Scarlet Blood, the three teams will proceed to ignite your passion! The finals have finally come to the final step. The three teams have been successfully promoted to this level. In any case, one of them will wear a bright five-star red flag to represent the country and go to the world. The captains of the three teams will be drawn by lot. It was decided to pick out two pairs of players to play against each other, and then the winning one was put on hold, and the losing one and the unfighting one were dueled. Among the two players, the one who won won the victory. One of them competes for the championship! "

"To put it plainly, as long as one of the players loses to the other two players at the same time, then he is destined to be the third runner-up. If the three teams keep winning each other, the game will continue to play. Until one loses two other players at the same time! "

"Since this is the final game, of course, players and spectators must rest before the game. Now, take a 30-minute break. The first game will officially open after 30 minutes!"


I stood up and said, "I'll go to WC first, and then buy something. Who do you want, I'll take it along?"

"I want iced black tea." Yun Lan.

"Green tea." Mo Yan.

"Mineral water." Hua Lian.

"Beer!" Xueyue just said whether I would drop these two immediately. Drinking is not allowed in the venue, so I can only buy milk tea for her, followed by the fire dance, but we also coax, we can only buy one for her. .

With everyone's shopping list, I want to go to the door. At this time, I saw that since Long Xin was interviewed by a group of reporters, although the official ban on interviewing contestants during the competition, he did not say that he could not interview the family members. As my only family member, there was no Doubts have become the object of countless media exchanges. I used to want to go to TV, but now I finally have a chance.

Bypass a large circle and avoid the nearest store where reporters left the venue from another secure channel. Outside the venue, there are more than a dozen security guards. In addition, there are at least nearly one hundred armed policemen in the corner. The magnitude of influence can be imagined.

When I returned to the venue, I suddenly saw two cars coming from the left and right intersections, and they were both good cars. The one passing by on the left was a Porsche. It was very attractive. I do n’t know what model, I ’m right This is not interesting. The slightly slower one on the right is more attractive. It is a Lamborghini. Two luxury cars drive into the parking spot at the competition site. The security of the parking point instructs the two cars to drive into the parking space with 120 minutes. .

Porsche got on and off three people, first a mature Yujie, and then a middle-aged couple. When the three of them appeared, I immediately resisted. The people who came down were not others, really Yun Lan sister and her parents.

I saw Lamborghini coming down and almost didn't call out. First, a man of more than one meter and sixty looks, followed by a couple. Yes, they were Xueyue's parents. The exact point was Xueyue's father and my aunt. .

The two groups of people walked out of the parking lot at the same time, and also bumped into each other. Yun Lan's father first said hello: "Ah! Isn't this President Tian Xue?"

Father Xueyue looked over and said, "It was Mr. Mo." The two seemed to know each other, and then they held each other.

Yun Lan's father shook his opponent's hand and said, "It's a blessing to be able to meet with Feng Yunyun again in the world."

Xueyue's dad said: "Mr. Mo said what he said, I'm just a little bit famous, and what a mess it is, it's all made up." The two released their hands after speaking.

"Humble! Humble!" Dad Yun Lan laughed, "I don't know what Tian always comes here for?"

"My daughter is playing in it, and of course I'm here to cheer."

"Coincidentally, my daughter is also inside."

"Oh! What a coincidence! Let's go in together."

"Okay, God please."

"Mr. Mo, please."

After watching the two people walk towards the venue, I rushed back to the venue, and then flew to the seat in the player area. Xueyue saw me ran back and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Lan also asked, "What's so urgent? It's too early to start the game."

"Woohoo." I said, "Not this ... that ... that your dad is old."

"Daddy !?" The two looked at each other and shouted in surprise at the same second: "What are you talking about!"

Xueyue shouted, "Why did he come back? Didn't he also fly to America?"

Yun Lan also said, "Isn't my sister saying that I'm going to sign a total list today?"

I said, ‘I do n’t know, I ’m already on the field anyway. "I haven't finished speaking.

"Brother! Aunt is here!" Long Xin saw the outside of the player area, jumping and jumping over there. Behind her was no one else but Xueyue and Yunlan's family members. I suddenly felt like I was close to the enemy.

Spectators in the player area are not allowed to enter, but in Long Xin's good talk, they got acquainted, so they entered the player area and promised to leave before the start of the game and not be able to do things that affect the emotions of the players Naturally, we already know the result of our game from Long Xin, but when we saw the three of us sitting together, the two uncles obviously started to twitch. Long Xin gave a hearty laugh: "Brother, should you be frank? ! "

"It is indeed my nephew." The aunt also laughed.

Wushuang Jianji didn't say anything but smiled aside.

Father Xueyue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is really fate ..."

Yun Lan's father also said, "Yeah ..."

Then the two said in unison: "The daughter comes and the father has something to tell you."

Xueyue and Yun Lan looked at each other at the same time, and then they sighed in tandem with their dad and went to a corner where no one asked for it. As my director, their family members also brought in the interrogation. Of course, the tone was euphemistic.

Ten minutes later, the two MMs came back with their father. The expressions on both MMs were not as lost as I expected, but they were a little happy. At this moment, Xueyue's father also named Mo's bodyguard and secretary, and ran up in a panic. "General Manager Wang is here in Beijing."

Xueyue's father was furious. "Hang me up. Except for the fire at home, no matter who made the call, I'll hang up."

"Yes, dad!"

After chatting for a while, the two said again and again: "Play well."

"Well." We nodded. "Walk!" I asked the two when watching them leave: "What did they say to you?"

Xueyue said: "It's nothing to play well."

Yun Lan said: "He will not come back to interfere with us in the future."

"I don't understand anything."

"I don't understand."


Soon, 30 minutes passed, and the hostess trot all the way back to the stage.

At this time, on the stage, stepping on high-heeled small wild boots, he said, "The game has begun. Now the captains of the three teams, please come and draw!"

Put your hand into the box to draw lots and hand them over to the host.

"Let's wait for a long time. After the lottery, we finally decided that the first game will be brewed by Dragon's Tooth and Ome respectively, and then we will invite two teams to play!" The host announced.

"Come on, I'll wait for you in the final." Assassin's Creed patted me on the shoulder and said.

"Wait and wait." After that, the MMs came to the stage and entered the competition room. From the stage, I saw that the family members of the MMs were standing there in the last row of the auditorium. There was no place to sit in in the morning, let alone now.

Connect the system and mirror the composition!

Appearing in our backcourt, I said, "This first game made me come, but it's not impossible to meet Jin Bing. If the morale of the other party is high, we may be in danger."

Xueyue nodded: "Well, Power played in the first game, Hualian in the second game, the third and the fourth game with Yun Lan, Mo Yan is still fine at the end!"

"No problem!" Mo Yan nodded.

I said, "Strive for three to zero to resolve the opponent."


Soon after, the big screen appeared on the list of the two sides-

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