Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1035: Finals opening

Various techniques are used to the fullest, the maps of flat ground, rivers, and hills are uneven, and various magic skills of various departments are thrown into the sky, and the entire situation is almost destroyed. Finally!

At 4: 1, Omeki won the third place with a regretful defeat.

No one had thought of the result of such a one-sided downturn, and the green plum cooking wine was completely inferior to the **** sharp edge.

There is a rest period as before, and it can be directly interjected to start directly, of course, based on the premise that he must go to the toilet first.

So Assassin's Creed came back after a trip to the toilet. The host who took this opportunity to make up also returned to the stage and announced with a smile: "The final match has already appeared. Next, we will enter the final showdown. Know which team will represent the country at the end of the World Series! Let ’s look forward to it! "

Assassin's Creed took a step forward: "Do I want to say something before the game?"

The host nodded: "Of course." Give the microphone to Assassin's Creed.

Assassin's Creed took the microphone and said, "You know more or less, the beast **** is one of the ten most important people in my blood. Of course, even if I want to say that, I won't show mercy."

I clenched my fists and laughed: "Of course, I will do my best!"

"I want you to answer like this. You must go all out. If you can't beat us, there will be no chance of winning on the world battlefield."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

The Assassin's Creed uttered an unbelievable saying: "Because I had no intention of going out."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "" "), and I didn't plan to qualify, so why did you hit here so hard? All of a sudden the audience talked.

"Well, I've finished my words, and now the game begins, beast **** ... no! Dragon spirit, win us and go to that place."

"That place? Where is it? Hey!" Just when I was going to ask this guy already lying in the game room.


The **** elites also entered the competition room. An inexplicable conversation in front of the station ended like this. Looking at the assassin's creed lying in the game room, he bit his lip and said, "Let's get ready."

Xueyue, Yun Lan, Hua Lian, and Mo Yan looked at each other, and finally looked at me at the same time.

That ’s right, if they ca n’t win, even if they show up for us, then we do n’t have a lot of chances. Besides, where is he talking about? The world arena should not be that simple. Maybe I have a relationship with my daddy who doesn't know which corner is dead or alive. If one day I can find him alive, I must ask him to tell everything he knows, of course, including what happened to me.

Enter the game room, connect the system, enter the preparation zone, and start the sequence of appearances.

Fire Dance (Shadow Demon Rider) LV-161VS Phantom Moon (Phantom Knight) LV-160 Lemon Blossom (Strange Attacker) LV-160VS Mo Yan (Priest) LV-160 Lemon Grass (Illusionist) LV-160VS Red Lotus (Sword ) LV-162 Assassin's Creed (Assassin) LV-161VS Warriors Storm (Valkyrie) LV-160 Gray Sun (Organization Division) LV-160VS Weiweilong (War Beast Division) LV-160 Snow Moon vs. Fire Dance This should be The result she wanted, Hualian was against the illusionist of Lemongrass, and the skills of that illusionist were too weird. I saw Hualian as a master and changed to another person. I was worried about the winning rate. I did n’t trust them. The strength is really that the opponent is too powerful. Illusionist may only be able to cope with Hualian, who seems to be absent-minded. As for Yun Lan's chance of encountering Assassin's Creed, it is not very high. In the end, I dealt with the master. This guy has a strange existence than the illusionist. From the beginning, I didn't see what skills he had used.

In the first game, the phantom knight Xueyue confronted the shadow demon riding a fire dance. Snow Moon played this time without using a shield and photon slashing fencing. Instead, she used the two swords of the national sword, and the fire dance was a **** tight-fitting dress. This magic book seems to be ready for a long-range attack.

"Hehe, I have forgotten when it was time to play with you?" Huowu looked at Xueyue with a smile.

Xueyue said, "It seems like this time, but it was last year!"



At the start of the game, the relatively sparse jungle in the night sky coming from the map "Boom ~!" The dark fireball cut through the night sky in the night. The fire dance was as fast as lightning, but Snow Moon reacted the same, immediately sideways, but another A shadow bomb is imminent!

"Drink!" Xueyue didn't dodge or evade this time, she slashed the shadow bomb with a sword, and then sprinted towards the fire dance.

"Gathering energy outside!" While running, he did not forget to use a burst of energy to suppress the opponent, but the fire dance was a fuel-saving lamp, and the light beam emitted by this straight line was flashed away.

But at this moment Xueyue had been forced up with the most basic charge skills. At this moment, Fire Dance had no time to sing the next skills.

"Hoo ~!" With Xueyue sword falling in the sky!

"Oh ~!" Fire Dance flashed again in time to move away.

I have to be amazed, I have a good grasp, and use the attack of the opponent instantly. This can save the opponent's skill cooling, and I can fight for a little more time for the opponent's recruiting, but the skills are too high. Of course, Xueyue didn't use the skills, because she had already calculated that the other party would use flash.

After kicking off the attack, Fire Dance began to sing skills, Xueyue continued to attack, the figure lingered on the other side like a grudge!

"Haunted ghosts ~!" Fire dancing was holding the magic book in one hand, and the other hand was raised, a black gas came out from under Xueyue's feet, entangled her in the same place, while the black fireball and shadow bombs Burst out!

"Hoo ~ boom ~!" Xueyue turned over quickly, took two total 10000+ damage, and was blown to the ground!

Sure enough, attacks like magic still need chanting, and it's too difficult to hit a place!

"Shadow Fountain!" Just as Snow Moon fell, Fire Dance quickly cast the next skill. An energy fountain full of dark power sprayed the Snow Moon and sprayed it out, covering her whole body, but the next magic A scene happened!

—1340, +1268, —1346, +1268, —1500, + 1268…

In the fountain, not only the damage value, but also the green healing number, the damage caused by the shadow fountain was miraculously flat.

In the field, the fountain exploded, and Xueyue was soaked, just like being taken a bath. It was not important to serve. After breaking through the shadow fountain, Xueyue continued to deal with the fire dance, and forced the fire dance to leave her position. Enough time to chant the mantra.

But even if he ca n’t chant large mantras, there are still instant abilities, continuous shadow bombs and other instant abilities raging, Fire Dance has almost exhausted all its powers, Xueyue ’s blood volume has dropped, but Fire Dance couldn't give Xueyue a fatal blow.


As soon as the CD arrived, Xueyue suddenly deceived, Guozhang slammed, and hit the ground with a shockwave!

"Concussion waves!" Fire Dance was caught in a dizzy state.

"嚓 ~!" The first sword fell, but Fire Dance had a shield, and Fire Dance had the soldier's defense, and the damage was not great, but when Snow Moon's double swords were cut off one after another, the shield was Unbearable, broken, the defense power of a cloth armour under the shield could not last long, and the blood was quickly reduced to half its position.

"嚓 ~ 嚓 ~ 嚓 ~ 嚓 ~ 嚓 ~!" The sword dropped frequently. Until the end, the fire dance's blood had dropped to about 10%, and Xueyue's swords had already been raised high.

"Wrath of Shadows!" For a moment, the audience held their breath silently, just at the moment of the moment!

suddenly! I saw a sneer on the corner of Fire Dance's mouth! The next moment she burst into purple energy! I couldn't help but be shocked. I didn't expect that the dizziness was relieved at this time, and the skill was activated at the moment of being dismissed, but Xueyue was dizzy.

"Next ..." There was a smirk in the corner of Fire Dance's mouth: "Sleep!" A green light ball fell on Xueyue. At this moment, she changed from dizzy to deep sleep. I immediately realized that something happened, and then It turned out that as I expected, the two skills of dream eating and nightmares were used alternately, and the sleepy state that would have been woke up after being hit, could become illusory in the face of these two tricks.

Before Xueyue dizzy to spoil her, now Fire Dance returns to Xueyue with a deep sleep. It really comes out and always pays back.

Xueyue, who was ruined by two skills for a long time, finally passed the sleep maintenance time. The next moment, "Sleep!", A dance of fire and a repeat of the old trick, the same trick can not be used twice in front of the Saint. Yue has already practiced this realm. When Fire Dance started her hands, there was a vacuum period. Snow Moon seized this vacuum period, and Phantom Step spread the ball of light of sleep.

The two came to the bureau to start pouring medicine, and the fighting situation returned to the stalemate pattern.

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