Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1038: Terrible illusion

"It is really strong, so there is nothing like this" will be an uncut cut of all the phantoms. Although Hua Lian is very strong and very strong, although there is no expression on the lemongrass face, she should have the solution.

"Now, let you know what the real eternal darkness is. The illusion realm is open!" Said holding the crystal ball in his left hand, the crystal ball exuding a dazzling light, and his right hand reached into his backpack and pulled out a string of beads.

There are a total of 108 beads on this, which seem to correspond to something, shining with cold light.

Lemongrass seized the string of beads.

"Tianwubaolun!" Lemongrass said the skill name gently.

In addition, there are no moves at all, and there is no need to lock anything. You can simply wave this string of beads, and the surrounding world will be transformed in the next moment!

A powerful and chaotic flow of magic rages in the air recklessly. Different types of mysterious forces stir and oscillate together. It directly leads to various types of anomalies.

The earth turned into a sea of ​​blood, Hualian fell into the sea of ​​blood without any resistance, and Hualian's body sank all the way to the end. Now that the sea of ​​blood passed through, it came to a sky, and then the sky suddenly dropped. There was a snowstorm. Hualian's body was frozen instantly, and she fell straight out of the air.

In this situation, even casual movement has become an extremely luxurious thing. The surrounding scene on the battlefield is constantly changing, but these terrible magic phenomena are just a precursor to the beginning of the opponent's attack.

Watching Hua Lian fall into a fantasy, she couldn't help herself, and the lemongrass shook her treasured beads composed of 108 mysterious objects. The splendid light radiates from these beads, representing infinite mystery.

"Illusion instruction! Visual deprivation!"

Suddenly Hualian's body shook! The look of the beautiful red eyes lost, as if in her eyes time became dark, the invisible words must lead to a huge mess. If she hadn't experienced so many battles and had a good psychological quality, she might have collapsed.

Although it is invisible, there are ways to open all the sense organs on the body and rely on the surrounding airflow. The sound and the feeling of taste come to grasp the surrounding environment. As long as this is still capable of fighting, unfortunately, lemon grass does not seem to give any chance.

"Illusion instruction! Deprivation of smell!" Waving the rosary again, Hualian's body is shaking again. If she can't smell anything now according to what she said, only the icy wind around her and going crazy heartbeat.

"Illusion instruction! Tactile deprivation!" Another feeling was deprived, lemongrass completely captured Hualian's ability to sense the surrounding environment, and then paralyzed her body.

Even if killed now, I'm afraid I can't feel any pain. After all, there is no tactile sensation, and the system's pain perception should not be activated.

The stiffened muscles and nerves could no longer support her fighting stance, and soon Hua Lian fell to the ground, like a dead body.

"Illusion instruction! Hearing deprivation!" The four senses have been deprived, and lemongrass has not stopped.

"Illusion instruction! Taste deprivation!" The last taste is not very useful. After all, it is impossible to eat on the court, and the potion is inherently tasteless, even if there is no antidote, because the current situation is not poisoning, but instead Unable to resist the illusion, now see how to break through the illusion. If you ca n’t break it, it ’s over.

After all five senses were captured, the last thinking ability was left. And this is definitely not luck, but the cruelest punishment.

Can't see anything, can't say a word, can't hear a sound, can't smell any smell. Even the down-to-earth feeling has disappeared. As if being thrown into eternal darkness. There is only one lingering soul floating in the boundless void. There is no future, no end. Even the concept of time disappeared.

"It seems to be far worse." Lemongrass looked at Hualian with five senses of deprivation and had lost her combat power with satisfaction.

Recording the opponent's five senses, the world is equivalent to reducing the opponent's combat power to a negative number, and now any random novice can find Hualian easily.

Those who have been deprived of the five senses can't see anything; they can't hear, can't feel, the smell can't be smelled, and they fall into the eternal world of nothingness, which can be said to be no different from the walking dead.

Although the opponent lost his combat ability, he still had to give the opponent a final blow. Lemongrass took out a small knife and gently cut a mouth on his wrist, and saw a blood flow to the ground: "Phantom Field · Blood Pool hell!"

The earth became red again, a little bit and then the blood color began to spread. As time goes by. The realm of blood color is becoming more and more in this world. It's different from the sudden changes in the two worlds just now. This time the world changed. Obviously much slower.

But compared to before, this is no longer a mere phantom. sky. In the earth. Countless blood colors slowly exuded. In the end a huge one was formed. The boundless sea of ​​blood.

Hua Lian was soaking in this sea of ​​blood, and she started to emit a little smoke like water vapor on her body. You can see that her total blood volume began to decrease, and the decrease was very slow. It took about ten seconds to decrease by 01%. Although the speed of the decline is very slow, for Hua Lian, who has no room to resist now, the time to lose blood is the countdown to her defeat.

The audience were watching with eager anxiety. If Hua Lian lost, the next victory rate of Yun Lan's assassin's creed might not be high at all. When everyone was anxious, the party's Hua Lian suddenly opened her eyes.

There was no look in the beautiful red eyes, but a huge shadow appeared behind her, and then Hualian started to catch fire. This was not ordinary but strange green, and that huge shadow gradually materialized.

Make this quiet world a strong wave. After the shadow materialized, a beautiful emerald green figure, this huge and majestic figure.

This is a head with a chicken head, a bird of prey, a snake neck, a turtle's back, and a fish's tail. That's right, it's nothing else. It's the biological phoenix at the top of the pyramid like a dragon!

Flying high in this blood-colored sky. This phoenix is ​​the pet of the abyss knight and mercenary Dia's Hualian who easily spiked in the previous game.

Hualian raised her hand high, and the Phoenix in the air made a long beep, and the next moment it turned into a ball of cyan flame, followed closely-"Pop!" The Phoenix turned into a turquoise long bow, and the long bow fell to Hualian raised her hand high.

After holding the bow, her expression and eyes did not change at all. The effect of the deprivation of the five senses was still there, but she pulled the long bow full like a okay person. A green energy flashed and an arrow was burning. Arrows of green flames emerged. In her eyes, the eyes that have never changed have a different meaning at this moment.

"Broken Meteor Lan!"

She may not be able to hear herself, but we can hear it very clearly, the ice-cold sound is very pleasant. With the sound of an arrow soaring from the long bow of the phoenix's transfiguration, with a blue light, this moment seemed as if the world had been penetrated.

At this moment, the blood-colored world collapsed and turned into the original Ishihara. At this moment, the petite body of the lemongrass in the distance was penetrated by the arrow, and a transparent hole appeared in the chest.

—257999 A terrible injury flew out. The lemongrass at this moment was full of surprise, her opponent could not be measured by common sense. Being deprived of the five senses, he can summon the pets of war to find his position accurately and kill them in seconds.

This defeat experience will definitely make her memorable, because she was in an excellent state at that time, and took the initiative to deprive Hualian of the five senses. But the end result was her fiasco.

I really don't understand how to fight when the five senses are deprived. I am afraid I can't understand it except Hualian. At least, if her target is me, then I really can't do that.

"It looks like it's over, thank you, Shenwei Phoenix. I got you twice in a day." The long bow in the hand was thrown into the sky and changed back to the look of that huge Phoenix. Hualian thanked the Phoenix in the air, There was a hint of gratitude in those cold red eyes.

"Master, although I have a lot of restrictions on activities in this world, but I still want to summon me as much as possible, because it is too stuffy inside." Phoenix's voice is actually a woman, and the consciousness of speaking seems to complain Hualian, always keep her in pet space.

"Try your best." The magical Phoenix disappeared into the air with only a few strokes, leaving only a few falling feathers to prove that it had appeared.


Teleported back to us, Mo Yan laughed and laughed: "Sister Hualian, winning is beautiful!"

Yun Lan asked: "Tell me, how did you find your opponent without the five senses?"

Xueyue also said: "That is, there is no sense of the five senses and everything is abolished. You can still call the pets to fight back. I want to ask, is this guy still human?"

Hualian said calmly, "There are no five senses and six senses."

I said, "I see."

Xueyue glanced at me: "What do you know?"

"You know it." I was too lazy to answer, they should be more clear than me.


The championship fight is very tight. We have already got the match points, but there is no guarantee that we can win.

In the fourth game, Yun Lan V Assassin's Creed, although I have played against Assassin's Creed before and won it, it is because he underestimated the enemy. Now that the fully-powered Assassin's Creed, Yun Lan will have a lot of chances.

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