Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1041: Organ division

"Hee, it's so good to be able to play against you. Let's try the new toy I got first!" The man in front of me said with a smile.

"Come here! Cute organ beasts!" A little excited, the young man named Grey Sun threw two black eggs out.

That's right, it's an egg. It's not a metal ball called by the mechanical family. From the appearance, these two black eggs are not different from ordinary eggs except for their color. But the moment they fell to the ground.


Strange sounds came from each of the two eggs. At this moment, everyone started to notice the abnormality of the two black eggs. Smoke eggs sprayed out of the eggs, and two strange things came out of the smoke one second later.

The one on the left, about one meter tall, has numerous spikes on his back, making it look like a hedgehog standing on two legs. In addition, this guy has a dark red blade on the left and right sides of about one meter two, which seems to be carved with quirky text,

The one on the right is about two meters high, like a huge crab, covered in blue.

Both monsters have a common feature in that their shapes are very mechanical, but from a material point of view, they are basically made of wood, and the metal parts are located at important joints, which should be used for reinforcement. These things are not weapons, they look more like toys in my opinion. On the whole, it's the mechanical closer blocks.

"Introduce them first. They are my favorite organ beasts. Although they are very hard to make, they are all very good in combat effectiveness. Not to mention nonsense, Sword Teeth and Crab-Kui attack!" Standing on the ground, two strange building blocks moved without moving.

Sure enough, looking at people based on their appearance, to be precise, looking at toys based on their appearance, these two things don't look good, but their strength is really unusual. The first choice is the crab that looks very bulky. Other crabs walk sideways, and it can walk upright at an incredible speed. Just a flash, its figure appeared in front of it. There was even a light blue light band behind because of high speed movement.

"Wow!" Although I was startled, my summoned beast still very dedicated Tian Zhao came forward in front of her. His legs resisted the first round of attack by this crab machine.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Along with the cruel metal clashes, the organ beast named Crab queen used its pair of crab claws to attack Tianzhao more than dozens of times. This pair of crab claws is extremely hard and carries a huge amount of electricity. Just like two sharp long needles, they stabbed the twin blades that Tian Zhao used for defense.

Tianzhao's treasures are not spreading goods, but just a few moves to defend their own front. However, the battle situation is not very optimistic, the direct physical attack was prevented, but the amount of lightning power attached to it was not fun, and the attacking skylight flew a few dozen small injuries on the body.

And the other side. The organ beast named Sword Tooth is obviously not as fast as that crab king, but its strength has reached a terrifying level. The blade of his arms waved the black **** back.

"Master! To deal with the other person, this guy gave me!" The black **** known for his defensive power was easily shaken away by others, which made her a little unhappy but because of this, her warfare began to rise unprecedentedly.

"Drink!" I yelled at the black treasure sickle as if to smash the air, and chopped the knife teeth unwaveringly. The blade did not hesitate to wave out its own blade and the Black God slammed against each other.

Interesting occupations, things that are similar to machinery but different from machinery, this so-called organ beast is really interesting.

"I'll leave it to you." Throwing down a sentence, he rushed towards the gray sun himself, throwing the red-eyed dragon gun one step further, the dragon gun turned into a red dragon in the air, and his teeth danced toward the gray sun Fought fiercely.

"Don't think that there are only two of them with the organ beast!" I didn't lift the bow, just raised my right hand, and I didn't know where to come up with an umbrella, which flew into the air. Hold it open, and bounce the mighty red dragon back easily.

at the same time. The gray sun pulled out two black eggs.

"Wusou ghost, King of the wolf! Give me!" This time, the two that came up were a bit decent, exactly one had a complete human form, and the other was a half-robot creature.

The guy known as Wushuang Ghost on the left is a giant with a height of one foot, with a fierce and cruel expression, and a horrible shape. The skin on his body is said to be like skin to a hard armor, and his left hand is a huge mechanical arm. Half of his face was covered with thick iron skin, and his left foot was also a mechanical prosthetic limb.

The wolf king on the right is a complete human figure, wearing a black suit, wearing a half green eye mask, and a pair of sharp claws.

"Let me see how powerful your beasts are!" Seeing the re-emerged beasts, it would be better to make them better, take a deep breath, and then rush over .

"I'll give you the battle." The gray sun waved his hand, ran directly hundreds of meters away, and began watching the battle.

"Roar!" The man named Wushuang Ghost and the Wolf King launched an action. The first was the Wolf King. His body disappeared out of nowhere. Wushuang Ghost pulled a pull bolt on the left arm of the huge machine. It is the palm of the front arm of the robotic arm that is retracted, and then all the Gatling machine gun weapons that are similar to the Gatling blaster are discovered. But it's not that big, but the dark weapon mouth still gives a great sense of oppression, as if something would come out of it.

But this is the wolf king in black, but he took the lead in attacking. This guy flashed around and found a dead angle of vision to attack with his claws, but I quickly responded to this sudden attack. But at this time, Wushuang Gui has picked up the weapon in his hand and started continuous shooting.

"Bang! Bang!" A smaller version of the Gatling machine gun began to explode. Although the rate of attack and the number of shots were not as large as those of the Gatling Blast, I just concluded that the speed of this weapon was far higher On top of Gatling's machine gun.

Moreover, unlike the low hit rate of the Gatling machine gun, it is completely different from Hu Shui's approach. The attacking position of Wushuang Ghost is almost from the vital part of my body, which is the most vulnerable position of my body.

But while dodging the attack, the wolf king in black also started his own attack. Unlike Lance's weapon, in addition to the harassing attack of the claws, it can also shoot green light from eye to eye. When each light hits the ground, it will blast out the ground, indicating that it is not ordinary light. It is a laser with extremely high heat and destructive power.

The wolf king harassed, Wushuanggui's remote assistance, and the Wushuang ghost's attack did not forget to move his position and constantly adjust the attack distance. Keep your distance from me. by! When Laozi's divine beasts encountered these two toy people, they could only be beaten.

"Starfall!" Summoned toward the position of Wushuang Ghost, countless meteors falling from the sky. Wushuang Ghost apparently failed to move faster than the meteor, but relied on hard skin to resist the meteor's attack, but this wolf king is different. Every time I attack it, I just adjust the position slightly and hide These attacks, the kind of movement without hesitation, and well-trained running. Nima! It's almost like a player.

"Well, it looks like the actual combat test is not bad. Seeing that the white hair named Wei Zhuang did not lie to me, it is also how the NPC lied." Keeping an eye on the gray sun on the battlefield, pinching his chin, nodding in satisfaction.

"Drink!" It's not my beast god's style to be beaten all the time. Dogs jump over the wall when they are anxious.

Electric light fire!

You Longbu!

Regardless of the wolf king, first settle the unparalleled ghost.


Wushuang ghost screamed, the long-range shooting stopped, the muzzle turned back into a fist, and a real iron fist burst out!

Slightly sinking, the dragon's charge was launched, and the blue light dragon transformed into a body rushed out and the fist banged directly!


—17283—5101 The previous injury is my second one is Wushuang Ghost. This guy has a high defense ability. No wonder the starfall that can be hard to resist. At this moment, Wushuang Ghost ’s left hand fists out!


The shield was opened, and a punch was hit on the shield. All five thousand points disappeared for a long time, followed by a cool back, and the injury figures flew from the top of the head—4202—4283 were suddenly abolished more than 8,000. Blood, the attacking me must be the wolf king, and now I have no time to control him, because the robot arm of Wushuanggui has already hit me.


My elbows rose, but I couldn't compete with the power of Wushuang Ghost's metamorphosis. I was smashed and deformed directly, but this was my real intention. When I fell down and stood still, I already stepped on the ground. The double-fisted purple and black energy entangled, and the death call was opened. The next barriers were broken, smashed, and devastated. The Wushuang ghost was neither the player nor the BOSS. The death summoned 100% ignored the defense and declared the unfortunate organist Wushuang ghost fate.

This is the end of Wushuang Ghost's thermal scan, which turned on immediately. On the ground of the ruins, a sneaky shadow appeared, and the shadow acted the next moment.

"Shuangshuang burst!" Since you can't hide, don't hide! The opponent's goal came straight at him.

Countless snowflakes crisscrossed in the atmosphere, forming a sea of ​​ice and snow that swallowed everything. This snowflake came to gather and solidified, and then, a matrix light floated above the ground, ice blades fluttered, and frost explosions exploded. !!

"Ka! Ka!" Something was frozen, I know what it was, but the feeling from the feeling of hitting the opponent told me that this time, the judgment of the shot ahead was not wrong.

"The savage dragon slams!"

—80284 With just one hit, the ice cube and a black figure in the ice cube were blown up into countless ice particles!

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