Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1056: Goblin

The whirlpool hurried past the other map until the sole of the map suddenly stepped on the ground. When I opened my eyes, I found that it had landed in a verdant green jungle. This should be the underground world. It looks like nothing on the ground. The difference, but the sky is grey.

Opening the map without any markers, I immediately my task, and soon my task reminder gave me the place to go.


Stone debris was flying, a dark shadow stomped on the ground, and when I hadn't responded, the sharp edge brought out the sharp edge of the chest. The three injury numbers were stacked—15278—15320—15773. What a monster! I was wearing a Zhenlong armor and was killed so much blood all of a sudden. Wouldn't it be a direct GameOver for someone else, hateful! I did not expect that luck would be so attacked!

That guy was planning to attack again, but this time it was not so smooth. Hei Shen and Tian Zhao also shot at the same time to drive this guy who had been attacked.

Only then did I see that the guy who was attacking me was a standing adult standing tall and covered with metal-like ghosts. This guy held a trident almost as long as his own, and also carried a cricket iron. The mask, murmured under the mask.

"Yeah!" The monster suddenly screamed and waved its trident.

"Dragon's charge!" One rushed out and immediately knocked out this evil monster monster. After the collision and flying out, the guy stood up and turned around with a trident and said nothing. I rely! This guy's AI is really high! If you know that you can't run, you can run, but run after you finish. You think it's too beautiful.


Lightning flint! Cyclones at your feet! The electric light flint gave me instantaneous shadow-like shadows. This guy who sneaked into my body did not forget to look back when he ran and seemed to be thinking about me protesting, "Why do I have any hate with you! Why do you have to kill it like this?"

I was okay to talk nonsense to a monster. The electric light flint instantly accelerated and hit a guy on the back with a heroic charge. He immediately knocked the guy out and flew out on the ground after several rolls. He stood up and rushed towards me, watching this guy knowing he couldn't escape, he immediately turned around and started a backwater battle!

There was a flash of blood in the position of the mask's eyes, and the trident stabbed in his hand. The air seemed to be torn. The sound of the fried beans around the trident made a sound of fried beans. As the opponent's sharp blade came, I also Lightning announcement!

The two weapons flashed in a flash of collision. The red-eyed dragon gun blocked the opponent's attack. The guy did not give up, and continued to attack me with a trident. The two guys couldn't support it for a few rounds.

"The barriers are broken !!"

I drank in a low voice, a blue flame was emitted from the lance of the dragon gun in my hand, and a huge blood hole burst out in front of this evil ghost's chest, which also took away this guy's last trace of blood!


"Hoo!" He breathed out, this is the dark **** Tianzhao also coming. The beauty bodyguard said very concerned: "Master, are you okay?"

I said, "It's okay." Picking up a pair of boots from the monster that broke from the ground, the platinum equipment has not been identified, but the monsters on this map will have platinum equipment, which is really a little unexpected. Take it back and place it in the Maple Leaf Station. Worry no buyers.

Immediately after killing that monster, I left the place. When I saw the silence around me, I stopped. Killing monsters in this map can easily cause a chain reaction, and the level of that monster just now, if there are four or five such monsters together To attack me, then I will be directly tragedy. In order to avoid this tragedy, it is better to flash first.


Look at an unknown area in front of the map. Do n’t think that there are monsters or even bosses. Then there may be the so-called God of Creation. It is not important now. I immediately put on the communication ring and replaced the holy ring. Open the door and said, "Everyone, everyone is fine."

"Good, I encountered a few players who were in trouble and killed them." Yinyue answered first.

"I'm pretty good here, I haven't met players or monsters," Xueyue said.

"I encountered some monsters, but it's safe now. Brother Long Ling, you have to pay attention to safety." Xiaoguang

Fire Dance Road: "I can still join hands first, complete the Dragon Spirit mission, and then go to Shenshui." Next, Fire Dance gives coordinates.

I said, "Everyone gathers to this goal, try not to provoke monsters or other players on the road. Keep in touch if you have any questions."


Turn off the call, step on and turn on the thermal scan and fire eyes. Those who are afraid to enter here are full of monsters and high-level player threats everywhere. If you accidentally, you may lose your life.

After running for half an hour, the weaker screams were heard in his ears. I immediately stepped forward and saw an open space less than ten meters in front. It was messy and **** everywhere. On the ground, stumps, broken equipment and potions, I didn't know how many people died, and at this moment There are six evil spirits exactly like the guy who attacked me just now, walking around these stubbles leisurely, looking like they are looking for what?

I scanned my eyes with fire.

Akzodia's Ghost Soldier, Level 179, Improved Mutant Beast, Introduction: The ghost soldier was originally a soldier of Akzodia's men, very greedy! Fighting! After the soldier died, Akzodia imprisoned his soldier's soul in a metal shell with dark magic so that they could continue to work for themselves, and the abyss demons let the seal loose, so that these sealed evil spirits can see again for millions of years.


It's a little bit troublesome now. I can't stop the six attacks together. It's better not to mess with them, just bypass them. Although it ’s a pity that these equipments, but these six laid-back goblin soldiers have noticed us who happened to come, the laid-back expression immediately became fierce, with a low hoarseness and low humming in the mouth, and then spread out to form Fan around.

Immediately summon the Ice Moon Devil Wolf, Bunny, Garulu, and Bio-Tyrannosaurus, and greet the monster in front of you, and wait until everything is done!

"Fast knife!"

The steel blade blasted out on the forehead of one of the evil spirit soldiers — the damage number of 5892, my attack power was already faster than my own pace, and I had to start again to strengthen the dragon gun again, and I was attacked by the evil spirit soldiers There was a flash of blood in his eyes, and he rushed over even more fiercely but was intercepted and killed by the savage charge of the Biochemical Tyrannosaurus!

— 18937 After various bonuses, the summoning beast attack is higher than mine, but when the biochemical dragon stuns this evil ghost soldier, the other evil ghost soldier dances the trident to bring out the power of the thunder. A damage figure was brought to the forehead of the biochemical tyrannosaurus—14002 angry biochemical tyrannosaurus. The huge claws greeted him fiercely. At once, the evil spirit soldier was photographed and the other summoned beasts also Ghost soldiers turned to fire around.

I also encountered a ghost soldier. The dragon gun and the trident kept colliding. Tengyun raids, the barriers broke, and the smashing blow continued to chop out the combo. It took almost a minute to let this ghost soldier go. As a result, at this moment, 74% of his blood is left. The severity of this single-headedness is purely stunning at the level of fighting with BOSS-level monsters.

The little rabbit froze an air-conditioner with a cold air, followed by numerous ice-cream blows. The evil-knight suddenly made a terrible sound and his body was torn apart.

Three beeps, a trident of the evil spirit soldier hits Garulu three times in a row, and Gallulu's health instantly drops by more than 60,000. He screams with rage, hits with one palm, and directly hits his evil one. Ghost soldier's head.

He could only hear a snorting snoring and smash it with one palm. The hard metal brain of the evil spirit soldier immediately rotted like tofu, and the headless body shook a few times and fell down.

Immediately following the battle with the biochemical tyrannosaurus, the evil ghost soldier was caught by the claws of the biochemical tyrannosaurus and slammed, and then threw the evil ghost soldier out.

It was so powerful that it threw it a dozen meters away, and then severely broke four or five bowl-thick trees. There was a loud bang, and the body of the ghost was dropped.

I and the summoned beast solved a total of four heads, leaving two black gods, one for each of the sky gods. The black **** is faster than the sky god, killing each other. After all, the black god's blood is thick and can be tough, but the sky **** ca n’t. Hanging two times will hang, but relying on his high speed, this evil spirit soldier died, all six evil spirit soldiers died, I was relieved.

Although these monsters are hard to kill, the experience is still very rich. Anyway, I did n’t come in to look for Shenshui. I went to the place of the seal, and earned experience by the way. If these evil spirit soldiers are strong, there are almost no players except some super-class players. Who dares to kill alone and is casually struck by the trident of the evil spirit soldier is estimated to be dead.

Hurry up and clean the things on the ground. The thick smell of blood here may attract other evil spirit soldiers or players passing by. The evil spirit soldiers jump out one after another along the way, and step on the dead soldier's body and continue forward, again. There were more than a dozen goblin soldiers who didn't want to get around.

Now I have to hurry up and meet with everyone. I will go forward and fight to kill the evil spirit soldiers emerging from the road. It took me about an hour to reach a place one kilometer away from the meeting point.

"Hmm ..."

In the screams, a goblin who was looking for death was stepped on by a biochemical tyrannosaurus. Seeing that the experience value has been increased by about 1% of the experience value, this experience is quite rich!

Just then, a rush of footsteps sounded.

Suddenly there were more than a dozen soldiers wearing armors of different colors on the side. I had to hide if a player appeared.

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