Master Summoner Online

Chapter 131: Fierce battle

Summoning beasts roar, players yell, the scream of the zerg, and countless monsters and players in the sky have fallen to death.

The dragon battle took us in the air, and the flame dragon's breath did not stop for a moment. Occasionally, the alien dragon approaching us approached us. However, the magic moon came out with a sword, and the alien dragon screamed and flew away. In two sections.

Fighting in the air, the dodge was greatly discounted. In the face of the alien dragon spewing a torrential blade worm, the dragon battle is only stiff, even if it has a strong defense force, but this is the case, the life of the dragon battle is still 200 per second. The speed of points is falling. In the summer, the pharmacist kept shooting blood medicine and state medicine for the dragon war, or the dragon war would fall down long ago.

Half an hour has passed, one hour has passed, two hours have passed ... The player army reluctantly withstood the Zerg offensive, the sky was raging in the sky, and the land forces below saw all the air threats, and killed them all in a rage. In the city, the players actually started to fight back. The countless players in the life profession in the city are watching nervously, waiting anxiously, and silently praying that the warriors in front must stand up.

Time has elapsed in minutes and seconds. I have never been so slow. A full 5 hours have passed. Now the casualties have been very large. Most of the players on the ground have been eliminated. We have less than the north gate left. Tens of thousands of other doors must not be left, more or less together, which is about 300,000 to 400,000 people. Fortunately, at this time, the monster's offensive finally weakened, and the appearance of the zerg seems to be weakening.

"Come on, victory is here!"

"Classmates, rush! After the victory, we left the class with the most class in the basic test scores plus 30 points for all members!" Zhao Bo shouted in our team channel, and when he heard the extra points in the exam, the students at Jinlong College immediately became morale. Increased greatly, other players did not show weakness and launched a crazy counterattack. The Zerg army slowly decreased, and the players also hanged almost. They counterattacked more than 1,000 meters outside the city wall. At this time, the main forces that were still alive were basically first-class. The masters of the level, although everyone is already immature.

Long Xin looked back over the main battlefield, and his face sank again: "Look at the brother!"

Everyone saw that the ground and sky monsters were basically cleared, but then there were black spots in the sky, and these black spots flew to Tianlong City assuredly "Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..."

Suddenly, a strange, thunderous sound sounded in the sky, and in the same tumbling clouds at the same time, a black thing that looked like a meteorite was highlighted, and it fell madly according to the entire Tianlong City.

Everyone who has witnessed this scene is dismayed.

At this moment, no one pays any attention to what formation, what cooperation, the first reaction of each person is to find a place to avoid this falling "meteorite", to keep their own level of experience is the most important.

My face changed at this time. I was n’t worried about hitting myself, but because the sky ’s “Meteorites” were bombing too fast. The most important thing was that these “Meteorites” were completely outside players and they were smashed into the city. If this continues, the City Hall will be smashed.

"Boom!" "Boom!" ... Instantly, the mad boom rang through the entire city of Tianlong. Even the heavy walls were covered by the meteorite's frenzy, its tens of millions of long-lasting, also declining continuously, all around The city's towers, the city's main mansion, the restaurant, the premises ... all of them were hit by near destruction.

At this moment, the only thing that everyone can do is to flee around and try their best to avoid the meteorite that was dropped. It can't be avoided. There are only hard fights and some weak ones. They are instantly smashed into flesh.

What kind of trebuchets, siege arrows, and so on that players hard-built on the ground soon suffered devastating damage. The size of the Dragon Warfare is too large. In the face of dense crowds of "meteorites", It ’s impossible to open. It ’s better to use your own black sword to cut it. I have to say that this trick is very useful. Although the “Meteorite” is horrible, it is also cut into two, but it can be seen as the first one. When I was surprised, I saw that these are not meteorites at all, because the cut out "meteorites" are not broken stones but flesh and blood, and there are monsters in the head. I can't help looking back when I see this situation. Looked at Tianlong City.

I saw those craters in Tianlong City, and I saw a zombie crawling out of the crater, jumping worms, poisonous blasts, thorn snakes, cockroaches, and some guys called infected people. These guys are level 60, strengthening monsters. And when they appeared, they sprayed out a large piece of green liquid. Players set the damage number to 400 in the middle and then swiped it out flatly. This ruled that the soldiers had little effect. The mage archers were very powerful. The soldiers were hit by poisonous explosives, and they were killed again.

Not only that, since the corrupted people started to devour the liquid that they spit out and could not move the player, they spit out a green egg within a few seconds after swallowing. This green egg broke about 5 seconds after appearing, and there was a person coming out of it, and these People happen to be devoured by them, but at this time these players can no longer be called players but things called alienated combat bodies. Since there is still experience to kill!

However, this is not the most extreme. The most extreme is that if the corrupt people can stick out a tube from the body, after the tube is inserted into the player, the player ’s status will be enemies from the ally, and after killing that player, he will Red name! This makes people kill or not kill, the egg hurts to death.

However, this does not mean that there are a large number of corrupters in the sky. The number is at least three digits. At this time, these corrupters stopped flying after flying over Tianlong City, and some of them have become a puppet. I knew everything was bad and stopped immediately, but there were still a lot of corrupters who were blocking players around those puppets.

There were dragon battles, and the big corrupted people circled around. They seemed to believe that the dragon battle was the biggest threat. After being entangled with the vast and corrupted people for about half a minute, the protection of the corrupted people began to break open. , Head to head showing the emergence of huge monsters.

Nest Worm Lord, Level 65, Mutant Beast, Introduction: This large flying creature shaped like a catfish is an aerial siege unit of the swarm. The Nest Lord only appeared in large battles, using the spewing symbiont to attack the target. These spitting creatures will besiege the target until they shred or die. This type of attack makes the Nest Worm a huge threat to construction facilities. However, although the Nest Lord has amazing attack capabilities, it is relatively fragile and is helpless against most air combat units.

Under the protection of the Corruptors, these nestworm lords output crazy troops on the ground. They throw small bugs to the ground and bite the players frantically. They also attack the city walls constantly, and the city walls continue to brush down. It seems that these nest lords are not attacking fast, but they can cause a lot of damage in one go but it is a headache.

But at this time, there was a loud roar on the ground. The ground was covered by the purple fungus blanket. The worms spit out a giant monster, and my heart was cool when I saw these monsters.

I've seen that thing, it's the Thunder Beast! Moreover, the thunder beasts that are still appearing are not one or two, but a dozen. This group of horrible monsters is attacking wildly. The players on the ground are struggling to launch a counterattack. The players ca n’t completely break the thunder beasts ’defenses, whether it is a knife or axe. It's still bow and arrow magic, and it's like tickling the thunder beast, and thunder beast's huge fangs are a white light rising.

Thunder Beast, Level 60 BOSS, Introduction: Thunder Beast evolved from a docile beast, but has almost no similarities to it. It is the most powerful combat unit of the Zerg ground army. They are the mainstay of the Swarm Army and are as threatening as any armor. This large monster is like a living siege vehicle to the enemy. Its bone-like giant sickle can easily pierce most known substances, and few people can survive the thunder beast attack.

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