Master Summoner Online

Chapter 134: Special event after victory

When I woke up and found myself in a strange space, there was a ringing sound in the white brain around me, and a message came out: "The evil and powerful army of monsters from another world has been destroyed. Human warriors, congratulations on your achievement. The final victory of the second round of defense. However, it is not over yet. The shameful and angry conspirator will not be willing to conspiracy to fail. He will personally lead the army in the near future and will launch the final siege. In the end! "

Seeing this system prompt indicates that the monster siege has finally officially ended and the Dragon City has been saved, and the players have won! However, the system still does not tell when the third siege battle is, it must be short, and there are some people around me. These people are not others. They are Phantom Moon, Honglian and Summer. Summer is strange. I said, "Where is Dragon Spirit?"

We can only shake our heads to indicate that we don't know "there is something". Honglian suddenly whispered, then a wave of air in the air before us, and then a figure appeared in front of everyone from light to thick.

It is the NPC who has had a few connections with me and whose voice is exactly the same as me. The man who has not known the name red armor until now,

He slowly walked over to everyone

After looking at us for a while, I said, "We have met again. Weilong, human warriors, congratulations, you won this siege battle, you Tianlong City, escaped a disaster, haha. "

I smiled and said without a smile: "Yes, I have met again. Is this the reward for you again?"

It was the first time he had seen him this summer, and he couldn't help but ask, "Who are you?"

Hagiyuki said: "Sent to the NPC after the last siege."

Seeing him appear, I had long guessed that the reward was coming, but I don't know what the reward will be this time. Curious: "Brother, what would be the reward ?,

The other party said: "The ultimate boss is the one who killed you this time, so you will get 300 gold coins, two each equipped randomly, and a treasure map."

I looked puzzled and said, "Nothing."

"No" The other shook his head.

I said, "Isn't there any other card pack last time?"

The other party said, "You said that, because not all of the boss on that end were you down, so I gave the card to that person."

As soon as I figured it out, the card package fell into the hands of the guardian. She helped us to hold the other half of the BOSS. There was no credit or hard work. Then I looked at my attributes. My level was already level 50. I practiced according to my skills. The effect I will change once I gain experience, but to what extent will it be strengthened again this time, I am looking forward to it.

The red armor man looked at the sky and said, "It's too late and I should go, as well as Weiweilong and Phantom Moon. Congratulations, you have come to the first bottleneck in your life. After that, all you have to do is to break the neck If you can make a breakthrough again, then your power will be strengthened like never before. This breakthrough process requires you to learn self-understanding, self-understanding, nature, and heaven and earth. If you cannot understand, then you will not be able to make breakthroughs in your life. The limit. Well, we will meet again at the end of the next siege war. "Then he faded away, slowly disappeared in front of the crowd, disappeared into the air, and a white scene around him disappeared and replaced. It is outside the raging Tianlong City.

Entering the battle of Tianlong City, only 11 or 12 players survived the survival of Tianlong City, but the Zerg Army was completely killed and also left countless corpses and loot back to the main brain. In World War I, although the death was heavy, the people who survived became more powerful, and players survived to clean up the battlefield happily.

But at this time I watched Tian Zhao running all the way, but I found that since she was carrying a marijuana bag on her back, Xing Chong rushed to me and said, "Brother Long, you're fine."

I said, "I'm fine, but what's that on your back?" I pointed to the marijuana bag.

Tianzhao said happily: "Lot!" As she opened the sack, I found that there were at least a hundred items in it, and Xia said, "Who is Dragon Spirit?"

I said, "My Summoner."

Xia Xia said, "Humanoid beckons are really rare. Listen to the voice because it is a girl."

I nodded. Although Tian Zhao is wearing a cape and a mask, but her voice is easy to judge, Xia Xi smiled badly: "Long Ling did not expect you to have such a good target for practice."

"What's the subject of practice?" I scratched my head.

Xia Xia said, "I think." He said he was about to reach for the turret equipped with the skylight, and drunk on her neck, "Long Brother's things must not be touched!"

Xia was frightened immediately, and I said immediately, "Tianzhao put away the knife, she is my friend and let her take it."

"Yes." Said to take back the knife. "Ding, due to the severe damage to Tianlong City, you need to perform maintenance immediately, please the player to go offline immediately!"

I have n’t had time to put the equipment picked up in the backpack into the backpack. "Ding, the system is under maintenance, you have been forced offline!"

I just feel dark, your uncle's, Lao Tzu's equipment!

I rely, this is a big loss. Although the summoning beast will pick up the equipment for the summoner, but it seems that it will not keep the equipment. I am unhappy. This **** GM, your mother will die after half an hour of maintenance! I hope my equipment hasn't been refreshed or it would be a big loss.

After I went offline, I saw the helmet that Magic Moon had already given at this time, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She also wanted to take a bath every day. The girl just loved to clean, but this was Ye Shuang called and asked me to go to dinner together.

After a happy dinner in the restaurant, I was suddenly pulled away by Ye Shuang, and it was not only me that even Xiaoxi was brought in, but at this time two more people came in. I know it is Zhao Tianxiang and Lin Qiang and Ye Shuang said, "Okay, everyone is here, let's go."

I said, "Where are you going?"

Zhao Tianxiang said: "To do something very extraordinary."

"What is it?" Before I translated it, I was taken by Ye Shuang to the back of a building. The windows on the top of the building were still emitting white smoke, saying that the white smoke should be hot, I said "Just now, come to take a shower."

"NO, come with me" Zhao Tianxiang took us to a door that looked like a firewood room, opened the door, and we went in, then five people walked through a dark road to a wall and said: "We Just go back. "

Lin Qiang said, "Since it's here, how can we go back without a bit of harvest, is it?"

Ye Shuang said, "Yes, in order to get that true face, what we men have always wanted is true face, how can we go back in front of our eyes now.’

I said, "What are you doing?"

Xiaoxi said helplessly: "Peeping at the women's bathhouse."

"Ah!" I was surprised and then continued, "Why peep?"

Xiaoxi said: "Yeh Yeh said that in order to celebrate the victory of the siege, all have a special event to celebrate."

I patted Ye Shuang on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for thinking."

Then he kept touching the wall and Zhao Tianxiang suddenly called out, "I found it, and it seems to have just started!"

"It's great." Lin Qiang shouted but was quickly gagged by Zhao Tianxiang. "Speak a little, you will be found." Lin Qiang nodded fiercely.

Ye Shuang said, "Brother, come first."

"I ..." I pointed to myself and was pushed over by Ye Shuang, and then I cast a small hole against the wall to see the murky water inside, from time to time I could see only a bath towel or even something The girl, who did not wear it, jumped out of the pool in a panic. The white and tender skin exudes a youthful and charming atmosphere with transparent drops of water, and the ambiguous posture fills the entire room with a flavor that can make your heart beat faster.

It seems that this is a group bathhouse, and it still looks very gorgeous. Then I saw a red-haired girl coming over, "Hua Lian!" Indeed, that person was Hua Lian. She took the bath towel she wrapped easily. Drop, the proud twin peaks and the charming body are completely violently in the air.

"Get out of here, Dragon Spirit." Lin Qiang

"If you want to let me see your brother," Ye Shuang.

"Let me see too!" Zhao Tianxiang.

Zhao Tianxiang quickly squeezed me away to see, "I ... I'm staring at death!" Then this guy sprayed a row of nosebleeds and fell to the ground.

Then Ye Shuang went up and the guy looked at his face with red ears and red ears, "Awesome!" Shouted, but the shout started quietly, "Someone!"

"Ah ...", screaming

"Look, there is a small hole in the wall!" (Eyes are really good) Hearing this, it was obvious that he was found. "Oops, I was found to retreat!" Ye Shuang shouted.

"I said earlier, don't do this." Xiaoxi cried, but Ye Shuang, Zhao Tianxiang, and Lin Qiangfei ran out at this time. Xiaoxi and I were left behind but did not take two steps before I listened. A voice came out outside, "I found it, since your group of stinky boys got rid of this kind of thing, then it is better to be enlightened!"

Then I heard a scream, and then I heard a girl say, "Peeping inside, get out!"

Xiaoxi said: "Long Brother, are you going to surrender?"

I smiled bitterly: "Maybe, hehehe."

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