Master Summoner Online

Chapter 137: The picture of the beginning of the class battle is DOTA

In the afternoon we connected to the game. Our class Huanyue and Hualian didn't want to come. Everyone else was here.

Before I started, I asked the other classes privately about each other ’s details. Our opponent, class 7, was very good. There were a pair of brothers. The two brothers named ID Shenglong and Inverse Dragon were all in green and purple, and the levels were all 45. Very high and powerful and the most important thing is that since the other party has a very powerful skill, it almost hits everyone, which has aroused my interest, I really want to see it, and I heard that the class came in a very powerful Master, I want to see this even more.

The map of this game is called Chaos City-States.

We came here instead of walking but making something called an airship. This thing is set up for this kind of large team competition. I did n’t know it before (because I did n’t pay attention to it at all), we sat in this airship through The porthole overlooks the entire city, trying to remember every road in my mind, but this picture is weird. There are three roads in the city. Each road has a thing called a defense tower and there is a lot of open space on both sides of the map. This is where the player starts. There are five defensive towers in front of this clearing. How does the most important picture look like DOTA? !!

However, the spacecraft did not stop over the city, whistling past the roof of a broken house, and landed in the open space on the left.

Each of these ships can only carry up to 10 passengers, a standard base player squad. In this biplane, in addition to Ye Shuang, five of my classmates, four men and one woman, are 39-level mad warriors on the tree and 38-level wind element masters. It is 38 knights going east and west, 40 level assaulters going north and south, and purple night 41 level swordsmen.

In terms of team composition, it is basically an attacking team. Most people ’s equipment is loaded in purple. This time the map is completely DOTA without soldiers. The map has three paths to go, and each path has its own defense tower. The ultimate goal is to destroy the energy nodes on the opponent ’s empty ground. That thing will start at the beginning of the game. Brush it out.

On this kind of map, players will lose their ranks if they do not explode. I am afraid that most people will lose their precious experience here.

The time is now at 2 pm and ends at 9 pm. This battle is likely to form a state of tug-of-war. Night battles at night are inevitable.

At this time, although the city state was full of broken houses and overgrown houses, there were overgrown weeds. Before the start of the game, everyone was flexing their muscles. When the time came, everyone flew out, and the fake DOTA officially started the war.

Long Xin immediately summoned the Red Eagle, and immediately attracted the attention of many players!

"It's so beautiful, it's a handsome mount, can I touch it?" Xiao Ai said

Long Xin laughed: "Of course, now it is my mount, my brother sent me."

Feng Xiaoyue: "The mount is so handsome, will Dragon Spirit give me one?"

I smiled bitterly: "You think this thing is easy to handle, just send it when you say it."

East and west said, "Bimonthly beauty, can you ride together?"

Long Xin said without hesitation: "I want to be beautiful."


Long Xin said: "Brother I take it around!"

I said, "No, I have a dragon battle."

"Then Xiao Ai and I went to air combat, Xiao Ai let's go." Xiao Ai nodded and summoned the angel beast, and then Druid transformed and took off with Long Xin, Ye Shuang said, "Brother, I will take a party Kill from the road. "He said with a group of people.

"Dragon spirit I will take down the road, do you want to come together." Feng Xiaoyue said.

I said, "No, don't go down the middle. Let's see who goes through them first."

Feng Xiaoyue said: "You have that dragon, I can't compare to you." He rushed down the road with a group of people.

I still have four people around at this time, and set off from the middle with me. Soon we came to the middle tower. There are already a dozen people waiting in front of us waiting for us. They have a mage with a magic pin and a staff, a heavy armor, a warrior with a battle blade, and an archer with a light bow.

Everyone's equipment is not weak, and there are two beast trainer professions also summoning their summoned beasts. All kinds of summoned beasts, wolves, pangolins are shot in front of them.

Animals and plants summoned beasts appeared one after another. There were several superior and superordinate summoned beasts in the eyes of fire and the evolutionary end of the road. The most noticeable was an angel summoned beast. The currently appearing **** step summons the beast.

After the summoners summoned their summoned beasts, they immediately commanded them to break into the channel first. A dozen summoned beasts took the lead, and the soldiers and other players from the back rushed over.

The road was only a hundred meters long, and the team advanced rapidly. It quickly broke out of our defense tower, and then fired at our defense tower. Blue energy cannonballs were sent out. Mishap came from the front. The ten fastest beasts all shrank back all of a sudden, and the three most urgent summons rushed, and instantly died in the air.

"This defensive tower is too abnormal." Players in the back hurried to see the horrible damage of the defensive tower.

"Everyone retreat first, reorganize the formation!" A soldier player screamed and ordered. The seven summoned beasts were led back by their masters, and the crowd dispersed and stopped.

I said, "They will take care of you.

The fisherman on the tree smiled a little, and said, "Relax," he raised a huge green axe in his right hand, and there was a heartbreaking breath in the air.

Fire eyes and golden eyes saw that this was a green-edged axe, and rushed over with everyone. I summoned the other members of the sky photo melee to kill the other people who were killed in the past. Those who were killed by the opponent turned upside down, summoning the beasts and players ’mourning. White light, but the opponent ’s defense tower also fired. A cannonball hit a tree and fished him. Then he was slumped down again, and then another cannonball ended him. But he jumped on his body in the sky. The defense tower was chopped into several pieces in a row.

However, in this battle, there were only two people left, Ziye and Donglaixi. The entire army was wiped out. Most of them were due to the sunshine. They went to the gravel pile and said, "Haha, Class 7 That's just the guy, brothers go forward. "

Zi Ye said, "Then you go up first."

East to west turned and was about to step over the gravel pile, and suddenly a roar came "Demasia!" Then behind the gravel pile, a person among three people jumped out and chopped east and west, "Oh! "The east and west screamed, and then the three of them came forward and fell to the ground, punched, kicked, and stabbed the sword, and they kept struggling. As the saying goes, two punches are difficult to defeat four hands, But now it is six hands to go east and west without hanging for a few minutes.

Ziye and I both stared. What did these three guys do when they called Demacia and regarded themselves as something, but when I was thinking about it, Ziye was also dealt with. I was left in class 11 in the middle of the road. people.

I waved and said, "Hey, eldest brothers, can you report your name and let my younger brother understand?"

In the middle of "OK", the player wearing the armored swordsman held up his long sword and said, "Listen, boy, my name is Cao Conglun, and my famous saying is that the person is in the tower (now gone. Cao Conglun: ...), the reason I called This name is because it has a deterrent effect! Deterrence! Understand? It ’s me, all soldiers! Long live Demasia! Seven classes must win! "

Then the player watching him with the sword said: "My name is Si Ge, although my dad is not the king and mayor, but I am not a daddy. By the way, as an official second generation, I express great pressure. I do n’t know if there will be a pit in this game today. I am so stressed. "

Next is a knight wearing a khaki armor. He inserted his gun into the ground and said, "My name is Daisy Letter. Whatever I like is chrysanthemum. No matter what kind of chrysanthemum, my famous saying is that the gun is attached! Chrysanthemum is here!"

"I rely!" I patted my face with one hand and said, there are such guys in our college, Demacia Sanji, since I met them together, I really want to know who else is opposite.

"Everyone, chrysanthemum explodes him!" Chrysanthemum shouted while Si Ge raised his big sword and shouted, "Come on, get up!" Si Ge said that San Jiyou rushed to me, I really want to know this guy Will it fall apart, but even if it does, I don't want him to release "Tian Zhao!"

"Understand!" Don't worry about the next thing.

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