Master Summoner Online

Chapter 159: Eventually BOSS arrives

At this time, the surrounding players are more accelerated, and the attack frequency is accelerated. However, the tyrannosaurus has a good intelligence. The tail swipes away the surrounding people, and it is not so easy to loose the mouth. As long as the black flame touches the fire, it will immediately die. Now it is estimated that the black fire in the mouth of the BOSS is full, and it is a continuous flow. I am afraid that Honglian will fall here!

I saw that there was a purple flame of gas in the mouth of BOSS, and then the two flames seemed to be fighting. At this moment, I let the dragon battle pick up the Gatling blast and fly over, facing the wound on the neck of the BOSS, Gatlin The machine gun spit out the tongue of fire again. This time was undoubtedly the application of salt to the wound of BOSS. BOSS could not help but opened the mouth of the blood basin and Honglian was spit out. An invincible skill, so that she can't see her hurt at all.

At this time, the tyrannosaurus fell to the ground, and kept moaning. It was the end of the suffocating crossbow. At this time, the surrounding people all besieged up and tried to shoot the water dog. general.

Then a flaming ball fell and hit the Tyrannosaurus then "Boom!"

A huge mushroom cloud floated, and the huge impact caused by the explosion was almost overturned even in the dragon battle of more than 50 meters in height. When the smoke dispersed, an extra 5 meters deep on the ground appeared. Big pit, and the surrounding players have all disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, the clouds in the sky suddenly gathered and turned into dark clouds again in an instant. Between heaven and earth, it suddenly became dark.

The remaining army of monsters suddenly retired silently, leaving madly to leave Tianlong City, without a monster daring to stay in the city. Is all this because the true king of terror is coming? With the advent of the king was death and destruction, so no one dared to stay more than half a second.

In the sky, the red clouds tossed more and more fiercely, and the heavens and earth opened in an instant, and the more and more terrifying atmosphere began to frantically confused the entire Tianlong City.

"What's going on? This is how big the boss is out of town!" Ye Shuang exclaimed.

What kind of powerful force does this require to change?

"Boom ... Boom ... Boom ..." Suddenly, a strange, thunderous sound sounded in the sky. At the same time, from the tumbling clouds, a blood-red meteorite was highlighted. Looking at the entire Tianlong City, it fell wildly.

Everyone who saw this scene was horrified.

At this moment, no one pays any attention to any formations and cooperations. The first reaction of each person is to find a place to avoid the falling meteorite and to save their lives.

As soon as I entered, the summoned beasts were taken back. If they were hung up, I would not be able to fight them. Then Zhao Bo seemed to have no choice but to shout on the college channel to let the students try their best to escape.

At this moment, no one cares who else.

"Boom!" "Boom!" ... Instantly, the mad boom rang through the whole world. The tall city walls were immediately covered by the madness of the meteorite, and its tens of millions of long-lasting numbers continued to plummet. , The city's main mansion, restaurants, premises ... all of which have been hit by near destruction.

No one had expected that such a "natural disaster" and such a move would happen suddenly. There was no defense at all. Not only did all the inner city walls collapse, the players above almost disappeared, everyone was frightened by this shocking event. In the past, This kind of scene can only appear on TV, and then appears in front of you today, and it is still so close that even a lot of players around them are killed!

I called Dragon Fighter to fly in the air again, and I looked down with an expression of disbelief. At this time, the remaining players were scarce, and they almost lost all the losses in the previous move!

The surviving players looked at the huge craters on the ground with fear, this is the trace left by the move, I believe that this trace will be memorable for life!

A warrior climbed up from the rubble with a grey face and a cursed mouth, scolding: "Fuck, this system is too jerk, my people are dead!"

I looked intently, this person is not the Tiandou boss Tiandou overlord, why not just smash him directly! This person said that the level is not very high, it is only 48, but as the boss of the party, the equipment is not covered, it is normal to not be crushed by the meteorite!

Then a huge body stood up in the ruins, and I saw that it was the guarded battleship Dragon Beast. This guy had more defense power and there were several girls such as Magic Moon and Summer under it.

Soon, the surviving players concentrated one by one in the ruins. These people either operated quickly or had powerful attributes. At this time in summer, they asked, "Yes, isn't this BOSS dead? Why is there no experience?"

I hesitated for a moment, indeed, it seems that BOSS is not killed by us and we will not give experience, this setting is really shameless!

First go and see if any equipment has burst out. If there is no equipment, it will be a tragedy!

The pit that was left after the commander Dragon Fighter Dread Tyrannosaurus hung up and found a lot of shiny items at the bottom. I was very surprised, but it seems that anyone can pick up these things without the right to pick them up. Many people came over at this time, and I hurriedly gathered all my brains. I had n’t had time to look at it. I flashed and said that it was impossible to fight flying. At this time, I was worried that even the city walls were gone. In the end, I ’m afraid that the boss will not keep Living.

In the air, I took out what I found and took a look

Dragon armor

Grade: Green

Defense +770

Armor Specialization +19

Strength Specialization +19

Qi +2000

Dark Resistance + 21%

Restores 0.5% of maximum blood value per second after 3 seconds from combat

Required Level: Level 52

An ordinary green outfit with good attributes and returned to Ye Shuang when I went back. I remember his blood was very high, and I remember that he was still wearing the Heavenly Refined Armor I gave, and then grabbed a hand guard one look,

Blackscale Gauntlets

Grade: Purple Gold

Defense +138

Armor Specialization +15

Magic Specialization +17

Increase user's magic cap by 3%.

Requirement level 45

This thing is for Long Xin, she will definitely be able to use it after the battle. Then came a black two-handed great sword.

Blazing Dragon Tongue

Grade: Silver

Attack +1560

Strength Specialization +10

Dark Resistance + 12%

Darkness Enhancement + 10%

Dark Attribute Attack

3% chance to put the enemy into a curse state when attacking.

Additional Skills: Wind of Darkness, consumes 430 magic points, and emits a dark attribute energy from the point of the sword. After the first enemy hits, the energy rays will bounce between the surrounding enemies (up to five times). At the same time, the target will be silenced for 0.45 seconds. Cool for one minute.

Sharpness: BA.

Required Level: Level 54

The attribute is very powerful and she will give it back. Xiaoyue will laugh back and she won't shut up. There are still some needs to be identified.

Then a huge pillar fell from the sky and fell outside the city wall, and then the drooping dark clouds turned red, suddenly torn away from it, a finger full of fire scales and claws came out first, followed closely With a loud deafening bang, a fiery imaginary image fell from the sky and hit the huge towering pillar that fell into the sky.

At this moment, the earth began to shake, making a terrible clamor, as if to break away from it.

Such prestige is really appalling.

At this moment, the fiery red clouds had gradually dispersed, and the real horror finally appeared.

When everyone returned to God, they were surprised that a dragon that was more than twenty years old and only appeared in the legend was circling around the huge pillar. Four dragon claw bows were placed on the pillar and lifted. The dragon head, a pair of icy dragon heads, was leaning forward, and in a posture of a king, Leng Lengzi was born underneath.

The whole body is red, and each scale seems to rise with a slight flame. At the dragon's tail, it is a real dragon flame. It has two forks on the head, and it has a long body and no wings. The Oriental Dragon, which truly stands at the pinnacle of thousands of monsters, a real dragon, my basket. This is the ultimate BOSS. This ... This is too scary.

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